karl rove

No, but I am not sure no matter what he did, that he could get a better result.

I'm no expert but i would have thought that running a professional campaign rather than one often quoted as being "lacklustre" and "aimless" would probably have garnered at least a few more votes.

I suppose we'll never know though.
We will never know, I wish he played as Dirty as Bush, that might have made the difference, but his principals and dignity got in the way.
Some people may suggest that they can't have been that brilliant when you look back at, say, the last couple of presidential elections.


the 2000 election was an appointment

the 2004 election was a scare tactic over terrorism perpetrated by bushco

the 2000 election was an appointment

the 2004 election was a scare tactic over terrorism perpetrated by bushco

I really don't disagree at all, DQ.

Again, i'm no expert in US Presidential elections and i don't want to re-run the 2004 and 2000 elections but the Democrat's electoral strategy was far from brilliant. I know that the dull manner of the candidates involved didn't much help, which is probably a major factor in "going Hollywood" this time round, but the actual campaigns were poorly run.

Kerry must have agreed with me otherwise he wouldn't have sacked his campaign team half way through.

If i'm paying top dollar for brilliant electoral strategists i'd expect them to predict and counter what the other side is doing. Kerry's campaign was always on the back foot and there was no clear message apart from "i'm not Bush" which, when you've got the charisma of say, Obama, is probably good enough but when you're John Kerry it just isn't.

As i say, we'll never know if an effective well run campaign would have garnered Gore and Kerry more votes but i'd wager if Rove were in charge the Democrats may just have done a little better and a little is all they needed.
Chuck (empty) bottles at me if you like but I'm of the opinion that progressive (I really hate that bloody word because it sounds really poncey but I have to use it because of the international barney over the meaning of "liberal") parties are always at a disadvantage because the electorate is inherently conservative. I'm not saying that's a bad thing by the way. In fact it's probably a damn good idea for an electorate to be conservative. But that doesn't mean it's batshit crazy.

From where I am it seems to me to be very easy for the conservative/reactionary parties to scare an electorate with tales about how things will be terrible with the progressives in charge. People like Atwater and Rove and in my country (and we've exported them to the UK Tories) a firm called Textor Crosby (dirty deeds done dirt cheap) are going to find it easy to run scare campaigns because it's easy to appeal to the inherently conservative electorate. And I mean this is across nations. The progressives, the parties for change, have to fight that innate conservatism to even get equal lead in the saddlebags. When they're up against propaganda machines such as Rove ran against Kerry then it's a wonder they can regroup to fight another election.

So no, I don't think progressives have Atwaters, Roves and Textor-Crosby type persons. That tactic just doesn't work for progressives, they're stuck with the vision thing.
Chuck (empty) bottles at me if you like but I'm of the opinion that progressive (I really hate that bloody word because it sounds really poncey but I have to use it because of the international barney over the meaning of "liberal") parties are always at a disadvantage because the electorate is inherently conservative. I'm not saying that's a bad thing by the way. In fact it's probably a damn good idea for an electorate to be conservative. But that doesn't mean it's batshit crazy.

From where I am it seems to me to be very easy for the conservative/reactionary parties to scare an electorate with tales about how things will be terrible with the progressives in charge. People like Atwater and Rove and in my country (and we've exported them to the UK Tories) a firm called Textor Crosby (dirty deeds done dirt cheap) are going to find it easy to run scare campaigns because it's easy to appeal to the inherently conservative electorate. And I mean this is across nations. The progressives, the parties for change, have to fight that innate conservatism to even get equal lead in the saddlebags. When they're up against propaganda machines such as Rove ran against Kerry then it's a wonder they can regroup to fight another election.

So no, I don't think progressives have Atwaters, Roves and Textor-Crosby type persons. That tactic just doesn't work for progressives, they're stuck with the vision thing.

The Tories did pick up Linton Crosby as advisor to David Cameron but i think he's buggered off to America for some reason (i'm sure the firm are still involved though).

Ironically it isn't the Tories running the scare campaigns over here it's Labour, but then again they're hardly what you'd call a "progressive" party anyway.

Maybe the secret to winning over conservative electorates is to do what Labour did over here and become an acceptable conservative party. Out conservative the Conservatives, if you will, scaremongering campaigns and all.