Kentucky lawmaker wants to make anonymous internet posting illegal


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John McCain will LOVE this guy.

"To avoid bullying" is exactly the reason McCain gave for crafting his Campaign Finance "Reform" bill. And that bill was every bit as unconstitutional is Couch's. Just bigger.

Why these people think they can get Democrats of "be nicer" to them, and why they think it would do any good, baffles me.

Couch and McCain - two RINOs cut from the same piece of cloth.


Kentucky Lawmaker Wants to Make Anonymous Internet Posting Illegal

Wednesday, Mar 05, 2008 - 11:11 PM Updated: 12:40 PM

Kentucky Representative Tim Couch (R) filed a bill this week to make anonymous posting online illegal.

The bill would require anyone who contributes to a website to register their real name, address and e-mail address with that site.

Their full name would be used anytime a comment is posted.

If the bill becomes law, the website operator would have to pay if someone was allowed to post anonymously on their site. The fine would be five-hundred dollars for a first offense and one-thousand dollars for each offense after that.

Representative Couch says he filed the bill in hopes of cutting down on online bullying. He says that has especially been a problem in his Eastern Kentucky district.

Action News 36 asked people what they thought about the bill.

Some said they felt it was a violation of First Amendment rights. Others say it is a good tool toward eliminating online harassment.

Represntative Couch says enforcing this bill if it became law would be a challenge.
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Consevatives have always been more active in the censorship realm. Destroying rock and roll records in the 50's, burning Harry Potter books recently. I am not saying that liberals don't do it as well. But conservos are far more active in the area.
growing up i always remembered the liberals as the censorship party.. alla tipper gore.. Things have changed however.
I think I just tasted bile.
Quit eatting gall bladders. Lets see the ACLU is the biggest defender of the first amendment in this country. Is that a conservative organization? Nope. Was it liberals from sea to shining sea that sought the destruction of Rock and Roll records? Nope. Is it liberals that seek to remove Catcher in the Rye from school libraries? Nope. Tipper and her little cadre of liberals and conservatives didn't like Rap music. But to EVER pretend that liberals are the censors in this country is to completely ignore this country's history.
Just as I said about the idiotic "Gays are more dangerous than terrorists" quote .. all one needs is the content to know that it had to be said by a republican.
Quit eatting gall bladders. Lets see the ACLU is the biggest defender of the first amendment in this country. Is that a conservative organization? Nope. Was it liberals from sea to shining sea that sought the destruction of Rock and Roll records? Nope. Is it liberals that seek to remove Catcher in the Rye from school libraries? Nope. Tipper and her little cadre of liberals and conservatives didn't like Rap music. But to EVER pretend that liberals are the censors in this country is to completely ignore this country's history.
Yeah, because Tipper Gore is such a "Conservative"... Geez. What a load of rubbish.

It isn't censorship to instill a specific set of language that you must use and call it politically correct?
Yeah, because Tipper Gore is such a "Conservative"... Geez. What a load of rubbish.
Wow and you are ALWAYS giving people shit about reading posts and comprehending them. I said up top that Tipper was the exception that proved the rule.
Wow and you are ALWAYS giving people shit about reading posts and comprehending them. I said up top that Tipper was the exception that proved the rule.
And I further elaborated in the post when I asked this question:

It isn't censorship to instill a specific set of language that you must use and call it politically correct?
Yeah, because Tipper Gore is such a "Conservative"... Geez. What a load of rubbish.

It isn't censorship to instill a specific set of language that you must use and call it politically correct?
No because no one FORCES you to be politically correct. What "PC" LAWS are on the books now. Are there laws that MAKE you say African American instead of Black? Wanting or even insisting on the use of language is NOT burning books. Nigger is a vile word but it does not stop people from using it. But use it in the wrong way and the law won't come get you, but the Black man or woman that you called Nigger probably will. But that isn't censorship.

No more than I want racists talking to them. But I don't want All anon posts to be against the law. To broad a law to catch such a small sector of the population.