Kentucky lawmaker wants to make anonymous internet posting illegal

No because no one FORCES you to be politically correct. What "PC" LAWS are on the books now. Are there laws that MAKE you say African American instead of Black? Wanting or even insisting on the use of language is NOT burning books. Nigger is a vile word but it does not stop people from using it. But use it in the wrong way and the law won't come get you, but the Black man or woman that you called Nigger probably will. But that isn't censorship.
There are many ways other than directly making it illegal to censor. One of the best is indoctrination.
There are many ways other than directly making it illegal to censor. One of the best is indoctrination.
Indoctrination is what makes people christian or muslim, it what makes some people Republicans and others Democrats. It is absolutely what makes a person a soldier. People have been indocrinated not to use the word nigger any more. It has taken with most. We have been indoctrinated to believe that women can be as valuable in the work force as men. Is all this censorship because we have drummed some stupid ideas out of other peoples heads? THat was my whole problem back when everyone decried the "PC Movement". What it meant was "we can't say X any more without being looked at badly. I don't know what part of the PC movement irks you so.
Indoctrination is what makes people christian or muslim, it what makes some people Republicans and others Democrats. It is absolutely what makes a person a soldier. People have been indocrinated not to use the word nigger any more. It has taken with most. We have been indoctrinated to believe that women can be as valuable in the work force as men. Is all this censorship because we have drummed some stupid ideas out of other peoples heads? THat was my whole problem back when everyone decried the "PC Movement". What it meant was "we can't say X any more without being looked at badly. I don't know what part of the PC movement irks you so.
It is also what made new Nazis in a land where it wasn't as popular as you might think. It was also that thing which got children to turn their parents in, including in the US in the "War on Drugs"...

We can go on and on. Indoctrination is far more than "Christian and Muslims"...

The PC movement doesn't irk me, the zero tolerance movement does.
Indoctrination is what makes people christian or muslim, it what makes some people Republicans and others Democrats. It is absolutely what makes a person a soldier. People have been indocrinated not to use the word nigger any more. It has taken with most. We have been indoctrinated to believe that women can be as valuable in the work force as men. Is all this censorship because we have drummed some stupid ideas out of other peoples heads? THat was my whole problem back when everyone decried the "PC Movement". What it meant was "we can't say X any more without being looked at badly. I don't know what part of the PC movement irks you so.

It's an attempt to create a reality based on wishful thinking instead of actual reality. That's what's wrong with the PC movement. And many times the pc movement creates news victims in a wrongheaded attempt to address injustice. Let's examine you. You believe in racial discrimination, but because you only believe in it against white people, you think it's ok.
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It's an attempt to create a reality based on wishful thinking instead of actual reality. That's what's wrong with the PC movement. And many times the pc movement creates news victims in a wrongheaded attempt to address injustice. Let's examine you. You believe in racial discrimination, but because you only believe in it against white peope, you think it's ok.

The PC movement even made saying things like "Happy Holidays" a crime against humanity.
No. PC made saying 'Merry Christmas' a crime against humanity. Pay attention, unintelligent feces.

Funny, I never heard of masses of protesters uprooting you shop because you put "merry christmas" up. The PC'ers do it whenever you say something like Happy Holidays though. Damn PC fascists.
Funny, I never heard of masses of protesters uprooting you shop because you put "merry christmas" up. The PC'ers do it whenever you say something like Happy Holidays though. Damn PC fascists.

They'll just have the ACLU file a lawsuit. You must not get out much.
John McCain will LOVE this guy.

"To avoid bullying" is exactly the reason McCain gave for crafting his Campaign Finance "Reform" bill. And that bill was every bit as unconstitutional is Couch's. Just bigger.

Why these people think they can get Democrats of "be nicer" to them, and why they think it would do any good, baffles me.

Couch and McCain - two RINOs cut from the same piece of cloth.


Kentucky Lawmaker Wants to Make Anonymous Internet Posting Illegal

Wednesday, Mar 05, 2008 - 11:11 PM Updated: 12:40 PM

Kentucky Representative Tim Couch (R) filed a bill this week to make anonymous posting online illegal.

The bill would require anyone who contributes to a website to register their real name, address and e-mail address with that site.

Their full name would be used anytime a comment is posted.

If the bill becomes law, the website operator would have to pay if someone was allowed to post anonymously on their site. The fine would be five-hundred dollars for a first offense and one-thousand dollars for each offense after that.

Representative Couch says he filed the bill in hopes of cutting down on online bullying. He says that has especially been a problem in his Eastern Kentucky district.

Action News 36 asked people what they thought about the bill.

Some said they felt it was a violation of First Amendment rights. Others say it is a good tool toward eliminating online harassment.

Represntative Couch says enforcing this bill if it became law would be a challenge.

See this could be something we both agree on, but you have to lie, and spin this into an attack on McCain. That kind of bullshit, enforces the logic of such a law, that being said, I AM VEHEMENANTLY OPPOSED TO THIS GARBAGE OF A 'LAW'. Republicans need to stand up to this jerk. Voters need to send him a pink slip.

FIRE Kentucky Representative Tim Couch

That being said, this wasn't in response to anything McCain did, this has to do with all those cry baby losers who were so outraged that mentally unbalanced girl killed herself over that boy she'd never meet, I do recall many here blaming the 'bully' in the incident and you all can blame yourselves for such a ridiculous bill, based off such faulty logic.
Ohh this is over that deal where the girl killed herself ? Can anyone say overreacting and knee jerk response ?

Crouch is an idiot.
I agree, this is much bigger news than the NY Gov sleeping around with prostitutes, hypocrite he may be. See it must be easy for these jerks to pass laws knowing they themselves will never have to adhere to them. We as a people are failing ourselves by not making educated votes.