Kerry's Cardnal involved in sex scandal...

You are pretending that these little differences you bring up are signifigant. There will never be exactly the same situation but clearly there have been plenty of presidental contenders with much worse associations where a big deal was never made.

This bruhahaha is outragous. Especally coming from people who did not care who GWB's former business partners were!
The differences are significant.

One has the person working on their campaign as an adviser.

The other was rejected by the person they are supposed to be associated to.

One was good friends and spoke personally with the pastor about how to distance himself from him if he stood a chance to gain the nomination.

The other was told he could not have communion or participate in the church by the other and had, as far as I know, never spoken personally to him.

Those are huge glaring differences. It is disingenuous to pretend that they are somehow in parity.
its ok to have a priest that abuses little boys and covers it up, but not ok to have a preacher that speaks out against America.

dont u guys know the rules?
Probably not. But then, Reagan never really did either.

yeah reagan consulted with soothsayers and such, clearly a major sin.

why do republicans seem to be exempt from religious hypocracy ?

I think that is what Jarod is getting at and me too.
yeah reagan consulted with soothsayers and such, clearly a major sin.

why do republicans seem to be exempt from religious hypocracy ?

I think that is what Jarod is getting at and me too.
Because he didn't. His wife did. What your wife does, really doesn't harm you all that much at that level. Unless you have them writing laws for you.
Because he didn't. His wife did. What your wife does, really doesn't harm you all that much at that level. Unless you have them writing laws for you.

LOL Good one Damo. You did not answer my question but proved the validity of it.
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Good Heavens!
An astrologer dictating the President's schedule? So says former White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan in an explosive book.
By Barrett Seaman cover

(TIME, May 16, 1988) -- In his memoir, For the Record, former White House Chief of Staff Donald T. Regan wastes no time before dropping his biggest bombshell. "Because actions that would otherwise bewilder the reader cannot be understood in its absence," writes Regan in a foreword, "I have revealed in this book what was probably the most closely guarded domestic secret of the Reagan White House."

The secret: First Lady Nancy Reagan's reliance on a San Francisco astrologer to determine the timing of the President's every public move. This was more than a charming eccentricity shared with the 50 million or so other Americans who, casually or in dead earnest, look to the alignment of the stars for guidance. As White House chief of staff for two years, before he was forced to resign in February 1987, Regan was in a position to see how the First Lady's faith in the astrologer's pronouncements wreaked havoc with her husband's schedule. At times, he writes, the most powerful man on earth was a virtual prisoner in the White House.
Ronald Reagan insisted last week that at no time did astrology determine policy. Strictly speaking, that appears to be so. But Regan and others make a compelling case that in 1986 and 1987 astrological influence dramatically reduced the presidency's effectiveness, at least partly, by keeping Ronald Reagan under wraps for much of the time. Nancy's intrusions in the scheduling process, Regan said in an interview with TIME last week, "began to interfere with the normal conduct of the presidency."
LOL Good one Damo. You did not answer my question but proved the validity of it.
Whatever. It didn't matter when other Presidents wives did things like that either, regardless of party. The whole "OMGZ!!11!! R's 'r' bad becuz they do wut we can't" crap is total rubbish.

The reality is he didn't cover it up even. He was "non-denominational", and not exactly secretive about the fact that he didn't belong to a church.

Saying he is a "hypocrite" for that is plain silly.

Even Donald Regan's book shows that it was Nancy and not Ronnie who had this quirk.
So your pastor matters more than your wife?

No, if his wife was saying these same things it would also matter. You have got to be, at this moment, at least level with Cypress on the disingenuous meter.

It is silly to say that she can't do something that other Presidents' wives had done before all because she was the wife of a guy who wasn't shy about telling people he was not a member of a church.

The whole thing crumbles when you realize that the guy wasn't all that religious, unapologetically so.
Whatever. It didn't matter when other Presidents wives did things like that either, regardless of party. The whole "OMGZ!!11!! R's 'r' bad becuz they do wut we can't" crap is total rubbish.

The reality is he didn't cover it up even. He was "non-denominational", and not exactly secretive about the fact that he didn't belong to a church.

Saying he is a "hypocrite" for that is plain silly.

Even Donald Regan's book shows that it was Nancy and not Ronnie who had this quirk.

Dons book also showed the astrologers controlled Ronnies schedule for a while.

It is clear by Ronnies own words that astrologers were conrolling our president to an extent.

But Republicans just don't care. But they heat up about what a presidentials candidate's preacher said ? I find this pretty astounding, sad but astounding.
Dons book also showed the astrologers controlled Ronnies schedule for a while.

It is clear by Ronnies own words that astrologers were conrolling our president to an extent.

But Republicans just don't care. But they heat up about what a presidentials candidate's preacher said ? I find this pretty astounding, sad but astounding.
I don't. I find it quirky.

You are upset about this while Clinton lets leaders of other nations wait while he gets BJs.

Neither are upsetting to me, other than the waiting part. At least Ronnie stuck to his schedule while Clinton just made people wait.

It isn't hypocritical to find something quirky on one hand while getting upset about perceived racism on the other.
Umm call me wierd but yes I consider getting a blowjob a lot less of a problem than nutso astrologers controlling our president to any degree.

Astrologers controlling our leader to any extent is just quirky ?
Umm call me wierd but yes I consider getting a blowjob a lot less of a problem than nutso astrologers controlling our president to any degree.

Astrologers controlling our leader to any extent is just quirky ?
Not really. Adjusting a schedule to make your wife happy isn't all that bad, considering no leaders waited and Ronnie showed up on schedule.

Forcing other leaders to wait while you are satisfied?

I believe that is different. Yes. I would have more problem with the guy making other leaders wait than the guy assuaging his wife's odd quirk. It isn't like she was the first to have astrologers in the WH helping with that.