Kick This MOFO Out of the Party


And by that I mean strip this MF of all of his committee assignments and chairs. The Dems are such P-words that they let people get away with this shit. You think if LBJ was the Senate Majority Leader this MF would be pulling this shit? You better believe the answer is NO. And for whining repukes who are going to come back with some you think any fucking repuke congressperson pulled this shit when Tom Delay was running the show? Huh?

What is wrong with the Democratic leadership?

In his New York Times column today, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol claimed that Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) now-infamous “bitter” remarks sound like Karl Marx’s “famous statement about religion.” On the Brian and the Judge radio show today, Fox News’ senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano asked Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) if Obama is “a Marxist as Bill Kristol says might be the case?”

“I must say that’s a good question,” replied Lieberman, before stepping back to say that he would “hesitate to say he’s a Marxist”:

NAPOLITANO: Hey Sen. Lieberman, you know Barack Obama, is he a Marxist as Bill Kristol says might be the case in today’s New York Times? Is he an elitist like your colleague Hillary Clinton says he is?

LIEBERMAN: Well, you know, I must say that’s a good question. I know him now for a little more than three years since he came into the Senate and he’s obviously very smart and he’s a good guy. I will tell ya that during this campaign, I’ve learned some things about him, about the kind of environment from which he came ideologically. And I wouldn’t…I’d hesitate to say he’s a Marxist, but he’s got some positions that are far to the left of me and I think mainstream America.
Lieberman is hoping to get the VP slot with Mr. "the greedy did it" McSame.

And all along the Dems allowed him to keep his majority chairs. They make me sick. I've got a 9 year old niece tougher than they are. I mean, she plots shit with her little friends. I wouldn't cross them. The dems? Jokes.
Lieberman tops the list for "politicians that turn my stomach." Not even Bush & Cheney really do that; I just have contempt for them. But Lieberman is someone who really makes me sick.

"That's a good question" - un-friggin'-real. I can't believe a pulled a lever for a ticket he was on.
no doubt boot him from every seniority position quickly,
he's more good to republicans than dems at this point. Way too pro war
Yep the Dems are jokes, and the repubs are jokes. We have no effective good for the country leadership.

Obama is the closest thing to a breath of fresh air in a long time. But even if he is superman, what can one man do ?
We the people let it get / made this way, and it will gets lots worse before it get better.

We does not necessarially include you and I :D
Far to the left of Lieberman, what would that be? Mildly liberal? What a twat. And Marxist? What a frigging joke that is. What is it with this revisionism of Marx? Someone expresses some concerning for their society and suddenly they're Marxists?
Lieberman tops the list for "politicians that turn my stomach." Not even Bush & Cheney really do that; I just have contempt for them. But Lieberman is someone who really makes me sick.

"That's a good question" - un-friggin'-real. I can't believe a pulled a lever for a ticket he was on.

I know, it's sickening. But he is not a democrat, and openly so. When you are campaigning against your party's Presidential nominee, you are no longer in that party. It just is not done. So the dems needed to make this official, so that he was living with minority status. Instead he has benefitted from their majority status, while campaigning for the opposing party. In a presidential election year! This could only happen in the Democratic party. the republicans would take you into a cloak room and behead you.
I know, it's sickening. But he is not a democrat, and openly so. When you are campaigning against your party's Presidential nominee, you are no longer in that party. It just is not done. So the dems needed to make this official, so that he was living with minority status. Instead he has benefitted from their majority status, while campaigning for the opposing party. In a presidential election year! This could only happen in the Democratic party. the republicans would take you into a cloak room and behead you.

I don't know Darla, Mr. the greedy did it still has his head.

That is just fantasitc :cheer:

But a bit scary when the heir apparent to the Republican party starts quoting me uscitizen :D
I know, it's sickening. But he is not a democrat, and openly so. When you are campaigning against your party's Presidential nominee, you are no longer in that party. It just is not done. So the dems needed to make this official, so that he was living with minority status. Instead he has benefitted from their majority status, while campaigning for the opposing party. In a presidential election year! This could only happen in the Democratic party. the republicans would take you into a cloak room and behead you.

I have no idea why they don't tell him to fuck off. They are poised to build a very solid majority in the Senate this year, regardless of what happens with the Presidency. They'll pick up 3-4 seats at minimum, and could get a filibuster-proof majority. Lieberman will become irrelevant.

I would love to see him as part of an ineffective minority, helpless to stop our withdrawal from Iraq.
no doubt boot him from every seniority position quickly,
he's more good to republicans than dems at this point. Way too pro war
It is a marriage of political convienence right now. They need him to caucus with them. This election may widen the margin the dems have in the Senate. If that happens and Lieberman is not VP he will be removed from all positions of power and my bet is he will change parties.

It is a marriage of political convienence right now. They need him to caucus with them. This election may widen the margin the dems have in the Senate. If that happens and Lieberman is not VP he will be removed from all positions of power and my bet is he will change parties.

Joe already did change parties...he is a Independent now...John McCain could also be classified as such!
Far to the left of Lieberman, what would that be? Mildly liberal? What a twat. And Marxist? What a frigging joke that is. What is it with this revisionism of Marx? Someone expresses some concerning for their society and suddenly they're Marxists?

Lieberman's actually quite liberal. He votes regularly for tax increases, increasing government control of everything from environmental concerns to schools to welfare-type programs etc. The only real difference between Lieberman and the rest of the Dems, is that Lieberman has his head on straight about defense. But that's not so much a right-vs-left issue, as a sane-vs.-insane issue. Lots of liberals in the past (FDR, JFK, Truman) encouraged a strong American military and proactive defense.

I wouldn't vote for Lieberman fror President, for the same reason I wouldn't vote for Hillary, Obama, Edwards, and the rest of that crowd. He's way too liberal for the good of the country. The fact that he gets a few things right (like Defense) doesn't allay the fact that he gets most of the rest wrong.
It is a marriage of political convienence right now. They need him to caucus with them. This election may widen the margin the dems have in the Senate. If that happens and Lieberman is not VP he will be removed from all positions of power and my bet is he will change parties.

yeah makes sense Soc. It is not correct/right but is probably what is going on.
I know, it's sickening. But he is not a democrat, and openly so. When you are campaigning against your party's Presidential nominee, you are no longer in that party. It just is not done. So the dems needed to make this official, so that he was living with minority status. Instead he has benefitted from their majority status, while campaigning for the opposing party. In a presidential election year! This could only happen in the Democratic party. the republicans would take you into a cloak room and behead you.

I disagree with Lieberman on literally everything, but in a 2 party system I oppose in principle the kind of litmus tests you suggest for party membership.

Congressional Democrats supporting a Republican for President (or vice versa) is not at all historically unprecedented. In fact it happened in our very last Presidential election.

Like I said, I hate Lieberman. But you enter dangerous waters when you start expelling moderates and decrying bipartisanship.