Kiefer Southerland is a socialist


Seriously. He's the grandson of Tommy Davis, who was the NDP premier of Saskatchewan for about a million years, and here's him making a promotional video for them:

[ame=""]YouTube - Mouseland[/ame]

What is especially bizarre about this is that this party opposes the war in Afghanistan and the war on terror. And he plays in 24? WTF? That show has a message completely antithetical to the NDP's. It says we have to sacrifice our freedom and our respect for human dignity and rights to get security - IE conservatism.
Seriously. He's the grandson of Tommy Davis, who was the NDP premier of Saskatchewan for about a million years, and here's him making a promotional video for them:

What is especially bizarre about this is that this party opposes the war in Afghanistan and the war on terror. And he plays in 24? WTF? That show has a message completely antithetical to the NDP's. It says we have to sacrifice our freedom and our respect for human dignity and rights to get security - IE conservatism.

Keifer Sutherland is an ACTOR. That means they pay him to PRETEND to be a character, they film it and it is watched for ENTERTAINMENT.

If you somehow base your views of the world on what you perceive as a "message" from a tv show that is obviously fictional, you might consider getting professional help.
Keifer Sutherland is an ACTOR. That means they pay him to PRETEND to be a character, they film it and it is watched for ENTERTAINMENT.

If you somehow base your views of the world on what you perceive as a "message" from a tv show that is obviously fictional, you might consider getting professional help.

Yes, and Schlinders list is just fun entertainment.
Come on WM, can't you differentiate an actor from real life stuff?

Kiefer Southernland is an asshole for playing that propaganda role for so many years.

I dont care what he believes.
Kiefer Southernland is an asshole for playing that propaganda role for so many years.

I dont care what he believes.


Desh this also applies to you ....

Kieifer Sutherland is an ACTOR. That means they pay him to PRETEND to be a character, they film it and it is watched for ENTERTAINMENT.

If you somehow base your views of the world on what you perceive as a "message" from a tv show that is obviously fictional, you might consider getting professional help.
And he took money from a show that make torture look like it worked at a time when our government tortured people to obtain the "intel" that they wanted.

How do you feel about people who made money from the Nazis?
And he took money from a show that make torture look like it worked at a time when our government tortured people to obtain the "intel" that they wanted.

How do you feel about people who made money from the Nazis?

Come one Desh, the man is an actor. Its fiction. If our government officials took cues from a tv show, isn't THAT what should scare us?
I think the show was designed as propaganda and used as such.

Its a job, decent people refuse to do jobs that harm people every day.
I think the show was designed as propaganda and used as such.

Its a job, decent people refuse to do jobs that harm people every day.


Welcome to the Twilight Zone

[ame=""]YouTube - Twilight Zone intro.[/ame]
I think the show was designed as propaganda and used as such.

Its a job, decent people refuse to do jobs that harm people every day.

Desh, I think equating Sutherland's acting role in a TV series with "harming people" is a stretch at best. What he does is entertainment.
He is an actor and even actors can refuse jobs.

I think he is an asshole for continuing to do this show.

It was propaganda designed to make torture look effective.
He is an actor and even actors can refuse jobs.

I think he is an asshole for continuing to do this show.

It was propaganda designed to make torture look effective.

If our nations leaders get their info or base their decisions on what they saw in a fictional tv show, we have MUCH bigger problems than Keifer Sutherland.

The network created a show that was watched and enjoyed by millions of people. Sutherland got steady work in an unsteady business and is making good money. To hold hm responsible for what the Bush administration does is in the same category as the religious right wanting to ban and burn books.

It treats the population as though we are idiots who need protecting from any image that isn't politically correct.

People wanted to ban Steineck's Of Mice & Men because of profanities. People wanted to ban Twain's The Adventures of Huck Finn because the dreaded 'N' word is used.

Calling Sutherland names is pretty much the same thing. It is putting pressure on an artist to ONLY produce art you approve of.
Do you have any idea how many morons take their every cue from fiction?

"We need to get Jack Bower in here!" - Tom Tancredo

Then blame the idiots!

Do you have any idea how many people would think using the 'N' word is acceptable because of Mark Twain's book?

Do you have any idea how many people would think homosexuality was acceptable because of Brokeback Mountain?

Do you have any idea how many people would get information about Islam from Salman Rushdie's book?

If you are going to deny the fundamentalists and the right wingers their whinings about the media, you can't very well turn around and try to do the same thing.
Then blame the idiots!

I blame the idiots and the rabble rouser's.

Freedom of speech is not freedom from criticism. You are acting like I'm proposing that we ban 24 because of this. I am not. I am criticizing them for rabble rousing and contributing to hysteria, which is perfectly legitimate.
I blame the idiots and the rabble rouser's.

Freedom of speech is not freedom from criticism. You are acting like I'm proposing that we ban 24 because of this. I am not. I am criticizing them for rabble rousing and contributing to hysteria, which is perfectly legitimate.

I am not saying anything of the sort.

But isn't calling someone an asshole, blaming a tv show for real world problems, and blaming the hysteria on a fictional character also putting pressure on the network's to cancel the show or curtail what they show that you dislike?

Criticism is fine. But if you claim the right to criticize, then don't I have the right to critique YOUR free speech?

According to British lawyer and writer Philippe Sands, Jack Bauer—played by Kiefer Sutherland—was an inspiration at early "brainstorming meetings" of military officials at Guantanamo in September of 2002. Diane Beaver, the staff judge advocate general who gave legal approval to 18 controversial new interrogation techniques including water-boarding, sexual humiliation, and terrorizing prisoners with dogs, told Sands that Bauer "gave people lots of ideas." Michael Chertoff, the homeland-security chief, once gushed in a panel discussion on 24 organized by the Heritage Foundation that the show "reflects real life."

John Yoo, the former Justice Department lawyer who produced the so-called torture memos—simultaneously redefining both the laws of torture and logic—cites Bauer in his book War by Other Means. "What if, as the popular Fox television program '24' recently portrayed, a high-level terrorist leader is caught who knows the location of a nuclear weapon?" Even Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, speaking in Canada last summer, shows a gift for this casual toggling between television and the Constitution. "Jack Bauer saved Los Angeles. … He saved hundreds of thousands of lives," Scalia said. "Are you going to convict Jack Bauer?"
Even Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, speaking in Canada last summer, shows a gift for this casual toggling between television and the Constitution. "Jack Bauer saved Los Angeles. … He saved hundreds of thousands of lives," Scalia said. "Are you going to convict Jack Bauer?"

Are you going to use this little blurb as an attempt to assassinate the character of Scalia? Not that I might not join you because he's full of shit with his original intent and constructionist idiocy, but i was just wondering.