Know the difference

Before we start patting ourselves on the back,
Economic apartheid, racial discrimination, economic inequality, legal and environmental injustice has been, and continues to be serious issues in the United States.

Yep. I am not one of those American Exceptionalism nationalists. Terrific country with warts.
Subject is Israel is an apartheid state out to slaughter Palestinians.

I'm placing at least half the blame on Hamas for the civilian deaths in Gaza. The armed forces of a legitimate ruling authority does not use it's own citizens as human shields, or embed themselves in citizen enclaves.

The Polish army knew Nazi Germany could beat them, but they deployed outside the cities to try to keep the Wehrmacht away from their citizens.

The word genocide and outdoor concentration camps get tossed around too readily. Genocide is what happened in Armenia, WW2, and Rwanda. I know people who were sent to Gulag labor camps. Gaza is not the equivalent of the Vorkuta forced labor camps.

I believe the Palestinians have legitimate grievances, I support an equitable two state solution. But Hamas is more than half to blame for what is happening in Gaza
I'm placing at least half the blame on Hamas for the civilian deaths in Gaza. The armed forces of a legitimate ruling authority does not use it's own citizens as human shields, or embed themselves in citizen enclaves.

The Polish army knew Nazi Germany could beat them, but they deployed outside the cities to try to keep the Wehrmacht away from their citizens.

The word genocide and outdoor concentration camps get tossed around too readily. Genocide is what happened in Armenia, WW2, and Rwanda. I know people who were sent to Gulag labor camps. Gaza is not the equivalent of the Vorkuta forced labor camps.

I believe the Palestinians have legitimate grievances, I support an equitable two state solution. But Hamas is more than half to blame for what is happening in Gaza

I believe Israel is guilty of genocide.
The United states is propping up Israel for an excellent reason.
Their enemy, jihadist Middle Eastern Muslims, are our enemy as well.

I don't care from what Middle Eastern Muslim Theocracy they come, or which Muslim denomination they represent.
The Twin Towers are still missing,
and we haven't even come close to payback for that.
The United states is propping up Israel for an excellent reason.
Their enemy, jihadist Middle Eastern Muslims, are our enemy as well.

This reminds me of a line from an anime I really like. Something like:
"I should not seek him out [the enemy], lest I find myself surrounded"

Perhaps a line that drives the above quote home, from Frank Herbert:
“The one-eyed view of our universe says you must not look far afield for problems. Such problems may never arrive. Instead, tend to the wolf within your fences. The packs ranging outside may not even exist. —”
― Frank Herbert, Children of Dune



I don't care from what Middle Eastern Muslim Theocracy they come, or which Muslim denomination they represent.
The Twin Towers are still missing,
and we haven't even come close to payback for that.

I'd point out my above lines again, especially since there's plenty of evidence that whatever aircraft struck the twin towers, that wasn't what brought them down. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth to this day informs engineers that it was impossible for these aircraft to have taken down the twin towers, never mind WTC 7 which wasn't even hit by an aircraft. Here's a video they did last year on their efforts:

They still have a website after all these years as well:

As an aside, as to evidence as to some of those who were truly responsible for the collapse of the Twin Towers:
The Dancing Israelis: FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks |
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