Koch study: medicare for all saves money

Tommy Douglas was gov of Saskatchewan in Canada. He started a universal healthcare system . It was so much better than what they had that the whole country adopted it, He is still the most popular person in Canadian polls. That is why states are dicking with starting it. It can happen if a state creates it. However in America with universal healthcare we can elimimnate the VA, Medicare and Medicaid. That would cut the overall costs a ton. But I doubt states have that option. We also save the ourtrageous costs of healthcare insurance companeies whose function is to deny as much care as they can get away with. More profit. We have an adversarial system with providers. Our system really sucks.
All bullshit


Every single state that has thought about “universal healthcare” for its residents has bailed

Not one has done it. Not even Commiefornia that tries the craziest shit

No, stupid girl. It has to be done on a nationwide basis.

And the countries who've tried it found that it works.

Please stop drinking so much.
Tommy Douglas was gov of Saskatchewan in Canada. He started a universal healthcare system . It was so much better than what they had that the whole country adopted it, He is still the most popular person in Canadian polls. That is why states are dicking with starting it. It can happen if a state creates it. However in America with universal healthcare we can elimimnate the VA, Medicare and Medicaid. That would cut the overall costs a ton. But I doubt states have that option. We also save the ourtrageous costs of healthcare insurance companeies whose function is to deny as much care as they can get away with. More profit. We have an adversarial system with providers. Our system really sucks.

Hhmmm your contention is that insurance companies deny care. Does that mean that Medicaid and Medicare will pay for whatever care you want? No limits?

Private rooms? Specialists? Brand name drugs?
That was the plan with the pages of preventive care at no OOP in ACA...but Republicans chose to destroy it instead.

Are you saying there was no costs at all for the preventative care? Doctors were doing it for free?
why is it other nations can make this work but we cant?

Why is it that if you like what goes on elsewhere you continue to stay here?

MY insurance has worked perfectly for ME and MY family. I see no need to change the system that was in place in order that I pay more so some freeloader not doing for his family what he should be doing can get something (else) for less.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL)[1] and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance. The law was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 to make it consistent with the federal Affordable Care Act. Major revisions related to health care industry price controls were passed in August 2012, and the employer mandate was repealed in 2013 in favor of the federal mandate (even though enforcement of the federal mandate was delayed until January 2015).[2] Because Mitt Romney was the governor of Massachusetts at the time, the law has colloquially been called Romneycare, a reference to the nicknaming of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as "Obamacare".[3]
Among its many effects, the law established an independent public authority, the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, also known as the Massachusetts Health Connector. The Connector acts as an insurance broker to offer free, highly subsidized and full-price private insurance plans to residents, including through its web site. As such it is one of the models of the Affordable Care Act's health insurance exchanges. The 2006 Massachusetts law successfully covered approximately two-thirds of the state's then-uninsured residents, half via federal-government-paid-for Medicaid expansion (administered by MassHealth) and half via the Connector's free and subsidized network-tiered health care insurance for those not eligible for expanded Medicaid. Relatively few Massachusetts residents used the Connector to buy full-priced insurance.
Koch-backed study finds ‘Medicare for All’ would save U.S. trillions
An estimated cost of $32.6 trillion over 10 years is less than the US would spend over the next 10 years under the current system.

Good intel.
I am always suspicious of the rightwing claims that "It's too expensive and we can't afford it!" are intentionally misleading.
So even a rightwing libertarian study says universal healthcare costs less money.
Of course it would, but care would suffer. Not that you give a fuck. You're a Koch brothers fan now? Lol, libs, always on all three sides of every issue.

My Mother, Grandmother, Step-father, et al. received generally excellent health care through Medicare.
Of course it would, but care would suffer. Not that you give a fuck. You're a Koch brothers fan now? Lol, libs, always on all three sides of every issue.

Koch brothers have come out against Trump's tariffs and his healthcare plan.. and won't support the GOP.. so Trump launched a twitter attack on them.