Korea Threatens Attack

Ignore the tiny weakling, strengthen our defenses and move forward. Dont give this pittafull government the attention they are desperatly seeking.

If they take any agressive action toward us (not just words), take it as an excuse to finally end the Korean War.

Certantly do not promote or start a pre-emptive war again.

I hope the Bush doctrine on Pre-Emptive war is DEAD!
The neocons are creaming their jeans over this just like they did whenever his daddy cried for attention.

If Obama nuked them and NK became a hole in the ground they'd be the first ones in line crying foul.
The neocons are creaming their jeans over this just like they did whenever his daddy cried for attention.

If Obama nuked them and NK became a hole in the ground they'd be the first ones in line crying foul.
Howie got sexually tickled when he read the "Get Big Dick" part of that ad.
Ignore the tiny weakling, strengthen our defenses and move forward. Dont give this pittafull government the attention they are desperatly seeking.

If they take any agressive action toward us (not just words), take it as an excuse to finally end the Korean War.

Certantly do not promote or start a pre-emptive war again.

I hope the Bush doctrine on Pre-Emptive war is DEAD!

Stupid Korea, China needs to step up and correct its petulant child.

They're two autonomous nations. It's not like NK has to do anything China says. That'd be like saying we're responsible for the actions of Mexico.