Oh you guys are sweet, thanks.

If you want to know the truth, and I know i"ll never hear the end of it, it was kind of a disappointment. He's a bit fat and kind of sweaty. The fat part doesn't bother me, but the sweaty part is a bit off-putting. Anyway, in the afternoon he was at Hofstra so I went to see him and I met my friend Sue there. (she was actually working and had to get signatures for the group hosting it). So I leaned over to her and I go, Sue, is it my imagination or does he keep catching my eye. And she goes, no it's not your imagination, you've managed to attract the attention of another fat sweaty guy. And I said, you really think so? And then we couldn't stop laughing, but I finally did and told her to shut up, after all, this was Krugman.

And I never got to have dinner with him, because he didn't have dinner with Margaret (the head of the hosting organization) he wanted to work. I didn't even meet him at Hofstra. But then I went to the Shelter Rock, and there I did meet him, and I got to talk to him. He was very nice to me. But, he wasn't so nice to an old guy at Hofstra, he was kind of rude to him and I thought he embarrassed him. Then at the Shelter Rock, I was there with my friend Mac, and Mac kept saying, this guy looks like a goddamned mouse, are you kidding me? (they say women are catty) And Mac thought he was really pompous. I guess he is a little.

He did have some interesting things to say about the economy. I don't know. It was alright.
Actually, I was thinking while blow-drying my hair, and there is some stuff I want tell a couple of people. Most notably, Top and Onceler. If Top had been there he would call Krugman a "doomer", and laughed at him. He said things far darker than anything the coffee-fetching jobs doomer Onceler has ever said here.

He said that the top 5 or 6 economic people (I think he counts himself among that number) in the country were frightened the week Bear Sterns went down. He said that people really have no idea how close to a complete meltdown we were. He said that Bernake took very aggressive action, but that the fed used half their balance sheet on that, and they have one more of those left in them...after that they are out of the game.

He said he hopes it was enough to pull us back, but neither he, nor the other top 5 economic people in the country, know if it was. Now, I doubt they consulted either Top or Superfreak about this, and not knowing about those two, it's possible that they could be missing something, and won't they feel like fools when they find out that the top TWO economic minds in the nation are actually posting here and they don't even have their phone numbers! But, of the known top economic minds in the nation..there is a tremendous amount of fear and uncertainity, and this crosses ideological boundaries.

He said to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. He said that he has. He's out of the stock market.
Oh you guys are sweet, thanks.

If you want to know the truth, and I know i"ll never hear the end of it, it was kind of a disappointment. He's a bit fat and kind of sweaty. The fat part doesn't bother me, but the sweaty part is a bit off-putting. Anyway, in the afternoon he was at Hofstra so I went to see him and I met my friend Sue there. (she was actually working and had to get signatures for the group hosting it). So I leaned over to her and I go, Sue, is it my imagination or does he keep catching my eye. And she goes, no it's not your imagination, you've managed to attract the attention of another fat sweaty guy. And I said, you really think so? And then we couldn't stop laughing, but I finally did and told her to shut up, after all, this was Krugman.

And I never got to have dinner with him, because he didn't have dinner with Margaret (the head of the hosting organization) he wanted to work. I didn't even meet him at Hofstra. But then I went to the Shelter Rock, and there I did meet him, and I got to talk to him. He was very nice to me. But, he wasn't so nice to an old guy at Hofstra, he was kind of rude to him and I thought he embarrassed him. Then at the Shelter Rock, I was there with my friend Mac, and Mac kept saying, this guy looks like a goddamned mouse, are you kidding me? (they say women are catty) And Mac thought he was really pompous. I guess he is a little.

He did have some interesting things to say about the economy. I don't know. It was alright.

At least you got to meet him. I don't think your story is uncommon for those who finally get to meet someone they've looked up to or dreamed about or whatever that it doesn't match up to what you expected.
He's out of the stock market ? Smart guy he took my advise.

He never actually said those words, but he was talking about what I said above (the bear sterns thing, the near-meltdown) and someone asked him how do you protect yourself in case the worse does happen, and what about the stock market? And he said that as far as the stock market goes, he has no idea. He said it’s manic-depressive, and today it was manic. He then said that he has his assets in very safe places, and I think he then talked some about treasury bonds, and some other stuff that he left as more nebulous (he definitely was not giving out precise financial advice and wouldn’t be lead into that). So yeah, I thought he made it very clear that he is out of the market, without actually saying those words. What exactly he is into, was less clear.
He never actually said those words, but he was talking about what I said above (the bear sterns thing, the near-meltdown) and someone asked him how do you protect yourself in case the worse does happen, and what about the stock market? And he said that as far as the stock market goes, he has no idea. He said it’s manic-depressive, and today it was manic. He then said that he has his assets in very safe places, and I think he then talked some about treasury bonds, and some other stuff that he left as more nebulous (he definitely was not giving out precise financial advice and wouldn’t be lead into that). So yeah, I thought he made it very clear that he is out of the market, without actually saying those words. What exactly he is into, was less clear.

Yeah I read 3 headlines this morning from the same source.
1. Market poised to open lower today.
2. Market poised to open about the same.
3. Market poised to open slightly higher.

Not the exact article openers, but the essence of them.

A bunch of nuts that don't know what to do. Gamblers, not investors.

And on the reality of meeting someone worshipped Darla. Why I have no heroes...No dissapointments.
I had a funny feeling yesterday when you posted this that it might be somewhat disappointing. Wasn't there an old Brady Bunch where Bobby couldn't wait to meet his football hero, and it was a let down when they finally got together? Might be messing that up with another show.

I have to say, whenever I have seen Krugman, he fits the stereotype of the liberal who is never happy. I mean, truth be told, none of us are ever happy (doomers, all), but he really seems to wear it on his sleeve. I agree with him about the "being close to an economic meltdown" thing, but I do hope we're both woefully wrong on that. I actually had a flicker of hope when the market rebounded yesterday.

He doesn't look fat or sweaty on TV, though. Go figure....
I had a funny feeling yesterday when you posted this that it might be somewhat disappointing. Wasn't there an old Brady Bunch where Bobby couldn't wait to meet his football hero, and it was a let down when they finally got together? Might be messing that up with another show.

I have to say, whenever I have seen Krugman, he fits the stereotype of the liberal who is never happy. I mean, truth be told, none of us are ever happy (doomers, all), but he really seems to wear it on his sleeve. I agree with him about the "being close to an economic meltdown" thing, but I do hope we're both woefully wrong on that. I actually had a flicker of hope when the market rebounded yesterday.

He doesn't look fat or sweaty on TV, though. Go figure....

Well, calling him fat is probably unfair. That’s the influence of my immature friends Sue and Mac, both of who were having a ball making fun of me. But, he has quite a gut that doesn’t show up in pics I’ve seen of him. And he was standing under bright lights, maybe that was why he was sweating? He definitely was sweating a lot though. And his face would get really red. I think that he is socially awkward?

Anyway, yes I hope this is wrong as well. It’s not definite. There’s every chance it won’t happen. But the ramifications if it does happen are more severe than a lot of people have thought out.

Oh, and he calls people like Top “those 80-20 nonsense talkers”. Because he does not at all subscribe to the theory that the educated 20 percent is pulling away from the other 80%. He says that the 1% is pulling away from everybody, period, and we haven’t seen the ramifications of this kind of gross inequality yet. I thought that was kind of funny. “nonsense talkers”.
Wow, a girl who attracted the attention of a "socially awkward", sweaty, fat guy! I'm stunned, those guys are hard to attract! Almost as hard as mullet-bearing liberals in California...

Wow, a girl who attracted the attention of a "socially awkward", sweaty, fat guy! I'm stunned, those guys are hard to attract! Almost as hard as mullet-bearing liberals in California...


Shut up Damo!
And I forgot to add that he’s also quite short – so he and Top would have that in common at least. Hahaha.
To be honest with you, if I hadn’t seen that kind of cold rudeness to that poor old man, and a couple of other flashes of well, coldness, I still would have wanted him. I really don’t care about guts, and the sweat thing would have been much more of a problem. But that could have been confined to public speaking. A lot of people get very nervous when speaking publically. In which case, who really cares?

Ok I guess I have babbled on long enough about this, it's pretty boring. Sorry!
"He says that the 1% is pulling away from everybody, period, and we haven’t seen the ramifications of this kind of gross inequality yet. "

That's one of the freakiest things about capitalism, at least the way we practice it. We all know there is something wrong with the CEO of a failing company getting $200 million a year, or a huge bonus, or a golden parachute worth that or more. But, we all believe in capitalism over any of the current alternatives, and - when pressed - few of us believe in the concept of redistributing wealth in any kind of blatant way.

Still, this would fall under the category of "unsustainable," that popular new political/social buzzword. I just don't think we've ever seen anything like the wealth that the current inequality trend is creating. That's why the "money is speech" crowd is so far off; we're really talking about a new aristocracy, and a government that serves their interests much more than the common good.
Darla, just be careful what you say.

As this is the internets, where all posters have a maximum 2% body fat and physiques that Charles Atlas would have killed for, you're probably ok saying you don't mind short, fat, sweaty men. However, in the real world that kind of unguarded talk could see you receive an avalanche of unwanted attention.

Think on.
Darla, just be careful what you say.

As this is the internets, where all posters have a maximum 2% body fat and physiques that Charles Atlas would have killed for, you're probably ok saying you don't mind short, fat, sweaty men. However, in the real world that kind of unguarded talk could see you receive an avalanche of unwanted attention.

Think on.

Charver, as funny as you are, I doubt any girl would care if you were carrying around extra weight. Every decade that goes by we are all pretty much picking up a couple extra pounds anyway.
"He says that the 1% is pulling away from everybody, period, and we haven’t seen the ramifications of this kind of gross inequality yet. "

That's one of the freakiest things about capitalism, at least the way we practice it. We all know there is something wrong with the CEO of a failing company getting $200 million a year, or a huge bonus, or a golden parachute worth that or more. But, we all believe in capitalism over any of the current alternatives, and - when pressed - few of us believe in the concept of redistributing wealth in any kind of blatant way.

Still, this would fall under the category of "unsustainable," that popular new political/social buzzword. I just don't think we've ever seen anything like the wealth that the current inequality trend is creating. That's why the "money is speech" crowd is so far off; we're really talking about a new aristocracy, and a government that serves their interests much more than the common good.

Yes, I think so. And actually I think that there has been a large wealth redistribution, but it’s been distributing upwards. I think that the New Deal was in many ways, a redistribution of wealth, and it created the modern middle class, so I’m not against that. We are going to get into the position where we have to do something. I am very interested to see just how greasy piggish the ruling elites are going to be. I know that they have to be smart enough to know that how much the pendulum swings back towards redistribution is going to depend on just how bad things get for everyone besides them. I wonder if they will be able to stop this before it gets that bad, or if they are so infected with the disease of greed, that they won’t be able to help themselves, even as they see and feel the crash.
Charver, as funny as you are, I doubt any girl would care if you were carrying around extra weight. Every decade that goes by we are all pretty much picking up a couple extra pounds anyway.


Hang on...are you calling me fat?

I knew i should have worn the other font.
Well, calling him fat is probably unfair. That’s the influence of my immature friends Sue and Mac, both of who were having a ball making fun of me. But, he has quite a gut that doesn’t show up in pics I’ve seen of him. And he was standing under bright lights, maybe that was why he was sweating? He definitely was sweating a lot though. And his face would get really red. I think that he is socially awkward?

Anyway, yes I hope this is wrong as well. It’s not definite. There’s every chance it won’t happen. But the ramifications if it does happen are more severe than a lot of people have thought out.

Oh, and he calls people like Top “those 80-20 nonsense talkers”. Because he does not at all subscribe to the theory that the educated 20 percent is pulling away from the other 80%. He says that the 1% is pulling away from everybody, period, and we haven’t seen the ramifications of this kind of gross inequality yet. I thought that was kind of funny. “nonsense talkers”.

What's the old joke about economists, they become economists because they don't have the personality to be an accountant...