Kucinich: Libya action 'impeachable'


is it just me, or is Obama starting to look like Bush in political cartoons as well......
Boots on the Ground?!!


The War Powers Act requires the president to get Congressional approval for military action within 90 days. Obama says Libya isn’t a real war because there are no boots on the ground.
Originally Posted by \(\(\(\/)/)/)/

If any president commits troops illegally, I'm all in favor of taking appropriate action.
Good....that certainly gets Bush in the clear......he asked for Congressional approval and got it after showing congress the CIA and NIE intelligence reports......AND THAT IS UNDENIABLE FACT
Originally Posted by \(\(\(\/)/)/)/
Good....that certainly gets Bush in the clear......he asked for Congressional approval and got it after showing congress the CIA and NIE intelligence reports......AND THAT IS UNDENIABLE FACT

Hey, it's in red type so that must override international law. :D
wtf are you ? Our latest board stalker ?.....

Bush asked for an got Congressional approval to use force in dealing with Iraq ...Thats an indisputable fact.....international law is irrelevant to THAT fact....

A little history for you....
It is also a fact that the United Nations voted on and passed unanimously by the member nations, Resolutions against Iraq, ....The resolutions called for "serious consquences" for Iraqi noncompliance with the resolutions...

In fact, previous resolutions legitimizing war under Chapter VII used much stronger terms, like the use of "...all necessary means…" to force compliance
A coalition of about 40 nations joined with the United States to use "all necessary means" to force Iraq to comply with UN mandates....

I have a notion that you're pinheaded enough to think enforcing "no fly zones" on another nation, by the use of military force isn't an act of war against that nation.....

So take your international law and shove it....
President Barack Obama overruled two senior government lawyers in deciding that he had the authority to continue US military operations in Libya without Congressional approval, The New York Times reported late Friday.

In reaching his conclusion Obama rejected the opinions of Jeh Johnson, the Pentagon general counsel, and Caroline Krass, the acting head of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, The Times reported, citing unnamed officials familiar with the deliberations.
Originally Posted by \(\(\(\/)/)/)/
Good....that certainly gets Bush in the clear......he asked for Congressional approval and got it after showing congress the CIA and NIE intelligence reports......AND THAT IS UNDENIABLE FACT

Yes, it is. Why are you so upset?
Christiane Amanpour the war lover:

Christiane Amanpour, host of "This Week": "George, this is a big change. Whether or not you're a war lover or not this is a big change for the party, particularly for Presidential candidates."

George Will: "The United States is engaged in hostilities in Iraq, Afghanistan, the tribal region of Pakistan, Yemen and Libya. That's five wars, how many do these people want? With regard to Libya: Did Libya attack us? No. Was it about to attack us? No. Were we obliged by a treaty to get engaged in a civi war in a tribal society? No. Were American's endangered? No. Find me a reason for this."

"The reason is the humanitarian reason," Amanpour said.

"To say that people are isolationists, akin to those didn't want to resist Hitler and Japan because they don't want to prolong the folly of the involvement in Libya is preposterous," Will concluded.
The War Powers Act is retarded. If its between the WPA and Obama, I side with the Commander in Chief.

this is a good point. however, the WPA is a law. if obama has stones, he will ignore it and wait for someone in congress to bring suit. they won't, because i'm not sure the law will pass constitutional muster. if they do, i am fairly confident the WPA will be ruled unconstitutional, IF <-- the court takes up the matter, as there is a high likelihood they will claim the matter non justiciable
this is a good point. however, the WPA is a law. if obama has stones, he will ignore it and wait for someone in congress to bring suit. they won't, because i'm not sure the law will pass constitutional muster. if they do, i am fairly confident the WPA will be ruled unconstitutional, IF <-- the court takes up the matter, as there is a high likelihood they will claim the matter non justiciable

Jesus Christ, you're stupid.

Ten House members led by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) are filing a complaint in federal court against President Obama for taking military action in Libya without first seeking congressional approval.

Kucinich and Reps. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Howard Coble (R-N.C.), John Duncan (R-Tenn.), Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md.), John Conyers (D-Mich.) Ron Paul (R-Texas), Michael Capuano (D-Mass.), Tim Johnson (R-Ill.) and Dan Burton (R-Ind.) filed the complaint Wednesday at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

The power to declare war is mostly a formality. The founders specifically didn't say "make war" because they knew that that would cripple our ability to defend ourselves. There isn't any specific limit on the presidents power to make these undeclared wars in all but name, nor any limit to the amount of time he's able to (although congress can cut the purse strings and put an end to the war at any time it wants to). The fact that you think that this is bad does mean that it's unconstitutional.
The War Powers Act is retarded. If its between the WPA and Obama, I side with the Commander in Chief.

Congress could say that all funding would immediately be cut off for any "police action" that lasted more than 90 days. But they didn't. The war powers act just declares that he has to stop, which the congress doesn't have the ability to decide.