Ladies and Gentlemen, Da Man Is HERE!!!!

Boris The Animal

It's Just Boris!
Hey Folks, Just to let you know who I am. I am a family man, musician, lighting enthusiast, and a staunch Conservative. I make no bones about my dislike of this "president" and of the Democrat party. Mainly because they are diametrically opposed to what America should stand up for, and I won't be afraid to "bloody" some noses and get my own bloodied from time to time. (JK). Looking forward to some good sparring here.
Hey Folks, Just to let you know who I am. I am a family man, musician, lighting enthusiast, and a staunch Conservative. I make no bones about my dislike of this "president" and of the Democrat party. Mainly because they are diametrically opposed to what America should stand up for, and I won't be afraid to "bloody" some noses and get my own bloodied from time to time. (JK). Looking forward to some good sparring here.


While I am almost certain we won't agree on much as I am a staunch Liberal. still, welcome to the boards...we've got quite a few hard headed people of both parties here ready to spa when you are...good luck!
Hey Folks, Just to let you know who I am. I am a family man, musician, lighting enthusiast, and a staunch Conservative. I make no bones about my dislike of this "president" and of the Democrat party. Mainly because they are diametrically opposed to what America should stand up for, and I won't be afraid to "bloody" some noses and get my own bloodied from time to time. (JK). Looking forward to some good sparring here.
Cool....I can deal with you being a staunch conservative....just as long as you're not a bogart! Welcome to JPP where we eat our own young.
Oh, not to be a prick about it, but schitzophrenia is not about multiple personalities, my wife suffers from it (referring to your sig line), so I do have a good understanding about it.

You'll need to use smaller words. He's from Ohio.
Hey Folks, Just to let you know who I am. I am a family man, musician, lighting enthusiast, and a staunch Conservative. I make no bones about my dislike of this "president" and of the Democrat party. Mainly because they are diametrically opposed to what America should stand up for, and I won't be afraid to "bloody" some noses and get my own bloodied from time to time. (JK). Looking forward to some good sparring here.
Not smart enough to catch trout?
Huh? What's a "bogart"??
What's a bogart? Dude, I thought you were a musician?

Bogart is a phrase Country Joe McDonald coined when he was visiting Comander Cody with a case of the "Down to seeds and stems again blues" and The Lost Planet Airmen wouldn't share their joint with him.
