Ladies and Gentlemen, Da Man Is HERE!!!!

Word....and who the hell ever heard of a conservative jazz musician? Isn't that an oxymoron? I mean, wouldn't that be like a being a liberal Wall Street Banker?
You'd be surprised as to how many of us there actually are. Not all conservative musicians are C&W. Personally, I HATE country music.
You'd be surprised as to how many of us there actually are. Not all conservative musicians are C&W. Personally, I HATE country music.
I don't hate country music per se. Most of modern Nashville music I detest because it makes a cliche and a stereotype of rural white people (Which I was for my first 29 years.......we're not all shit kicking, pick up driving, red-necks) nor am I particularly fond of the twangy blue grass sound, expecially the yoddling and women singing through their noses.

I do love R&B and Jazz though. Memphis and its Delta Blues is the best music scene I've ever seen and Pat Metheny is one of the best concerts I've seen.

Anyways I never did respond to your comment about my signature line. It's sort of a joke but it is actually the name of an album by Ian Hunter (remember the song "Cleveland Rocks"?'re_Never_Alone_with_a_Schizophrenic) the God Father of Prog Rock and the frontman for Mott The Hoople (which is obviosly why I use it for my sig line). So that you know, I am aware that schizophrenia is an associative personality disorder and not multiple personality disorder. Personally.....since you are a musician.....I'm mildly dissapointed that you don't know who us Hooples are. :(
It is when you no longer have unions, especially public sector unions, holding municipalities hostage.
Corrected for truth.
That's one way of putting it. Another way of putting it would be public unions are needed to protect public workers from people like you who think everone but themselves should earn $0.25/hr.

I earned teaching credentials as an undergrad because I thought that maybe one day I'd like to be a high school science teacher. I'm qualified to teach both chemistry and biology. That has never happened and I've turned down several offers to teach for several reason. The first is that for some unexplained reason people like you think that as a public worker I should only make $0.25/hr instead of the market value of over $80,000/year for someone with my credentials (graduate degree in science and over 20 years experience in my field). To accept a teaching position I'd have to accept about half of what I currently make and that's WITH union protection. The second reason is that for some reason lay people that are almost completely ignorant in science, in particular conservatives, feel that for some reason they have a right to dictate to me how I teach my profession, most often when they feel science conflicts with their religious and/or political views.

Fuck that. I didn't bust my ass to learn my profession to have some conservative clown who doesn't know his ass from his elbow tell me what my market value is worth.

I mean what really blows my mind about right wingers is that they bitch and moan about having to pay public nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators and other professionals market value for their skills but ya'll have no problem paying 6 figure salaries to some politicians crony buddies with a PR background who produce absolutely nothing.
It is when you no longer have unions, especially public sector unions, holding municipalities hostage.
Corrected for truth.

And you don't think corporations do the same? Free markets breed inequality and allowing further accountability within the ranks of business owners simply leads further exploitation.
And you don't think corporations do the same? Free markets breed inequality and allowing further accountability within the ranks of business owners simply leads further exploitation.

'free markets breed inequality...' free markets have brought the U.S. the greatest standard of living this world has seen and brought millions and millions of people out of poverty. Socialism does help breed equality, everyone is equally miserable (unless you are one of the few leaders).
'free markets breed inequality...' free markets have brought the U.S. the greatest standard of living this world has seen and brought millions and millions of people out of poverty. Socialism does help breed equality, everyone is equally miserable (unless you are one of the few leaders).

Free markets have also allowed intellectual property to hold one class above another. Think about how a business functions: An owner that sustains himself through two things. The labor of others and intellectual property. Through a free market, this owner is enabled to exert further control over the lives of those who sustain his.

And socialism isn't authoritarian by nature. I suggest you do some reading, or take an economics course before you presenting such an opinion again. :readit:
Free markets have also allowed intellectual property to hold one class above another. Think about how a business functions: An owner that sustains himself through two things. The labor of others and intellectual property. Through a free market, this owner is enabled to exert further control over the lives of those who sustain his.

And socialism isn't authoritarian by nature. I suggest you do some reading, or take an economics course before you presenting such an opinion again. :readit:

i suggest you do further research as any form of government has allowed different classes. see - soviet union
i suggest you do further research as any form of government has allowed different classes. see - soviet union

If you had read my post, you would know that I don't want a classless society. Merely one where class warfare and exploitation aren't a market norm.
Free markets have also allowed intellectual property to hold one class above another. Think about how a business functions: An owner that sustains himself through two things. The labor of others and intellectual property. Through a free market, this owner is enabled to exert further control over the lives of those who sustain his.

And socialism isn't authoritarian by nature. I suggest you do some reading, or take an economics course before you presenting such an opinion again. :readit:

I've not heard something so profoundly communist since I read Lenin or Mao.

A business owner in a modern capitalist free enterprise society, sustains himself through a VARIETY of means. Not just two things, but MANY things. He needs reputation, credit rating, character among peers. He has to balance ledgers, comply with local licensing and ordinances, pay fees for membership and dues into vital business organizations. He has to satisfy customers, because without them, he has no business. One of the hardest hats to wear, is that of a business owner, because it's actually dozens of hats in one!

Socialism ISN'T authoritarian by nature, you are correct. On paper, Socialism appears to be the ideal way to run a society, because it ensures everyone has the most adequate distribution of resources at all times. The problem with Socialism is, it never works in practice, it only works in theory. The reason is simple... Corruption!

Power corrupts, and absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

By destroying free market capitalism, you enslave yourself to the ruling class. Now the ruling class is going to have theirs, and they don't really give two shits about the working class and peasants. If these people become too burdensome, they will line them up in front of an open ditch, and execute them with a bullet in the back of the head. That's how it's done, that's how Socialism ultimately deals with the 'problems' of imperfect society.
If you had read my post, you would know that I don't want a classless society. Merely one where class warfare and exploitation aren't a market norm.

The point you are missing is, we don't have "classes" in America. We're all equally endowed with inalienable rights, we aren't defined by class. In fact, we even had this misunderstanding before, and passed specific legislation, and in some cases, Constitutional Amendments, in order to ensure it was understood, we don't define ourselves by class.

The class warfare rhetoric is coming from the left and the left alone. The right makes the mistake of responding to it. They should outright reject the notion that we have "class" in America. Our laws, our government, our institutions, do not recognize "class" in determination of outcome. This is the dirty little myth the Socialists want to promote, and it's simply not valid.

On to "exploitation and market norms" ...In a capitalist free market system, this is simply called "Supply and Demand." It's almost impossible to become wealthy supplying something that isn't in demand. But in a free market society, nothing is entirely impossible, you could use your individual imagination to create a demand for something that isn't, and become wealthy through your idea. Many have done this. Maybe they had the foresight to invest in some opportunity? In a free market society, the individual can also do this, and there are countless rags-to-riches success stories. Every American has the chance to become the next Bill Gates. You want to trade that for another chance to try Socialism, which has repeatedly ended in horrifying disaster.
The point you are missing is, we don't have "classes" in America. We're all equally endowed with inalienable rights, we aren't defined by class. In fact, we even had this misunderstanding before, and passed specific legislation, and in some cases, Constitutional Amendments, in order to ensure it was understood, we don't define ourselves by class.

The class warfare rhetoric is coming from the left and the left alone. The right makes the mistake of responding to it. They should outright reject the notion that we have "class" in America. Our laws, our government, our institutions, do not recognize "class" in determination of outcome. This is the dirty little myth the Socialists want to promote, and it's simply not valid.

On to "exploitation and market norms" ...In a capitalist free market system, this is simply called "Supply and Demand." It's almost impossible to become wealthy supplying something that isn't in demand. But in a free market society, nothing is entirely impossible, you could use your individual imagination to create a demand for something that isn't, and become wealthy through your idea. Many have done this. Maybe they had the foresight to invest in some opportunity? In a free market society, the individual can also do this, and there are countless rags-to-riches success stories. Every American has the chance to become the next Bill Gates. You want to trade that for another chance to try Socialism, which has repeatedly ended in horrifying disaster.

i can't believe you think america doesn't have "classes"....perhaps you should leave the trailer park more?
i can't believe you think america doesn't have "classes"....perhaps you should leave the trailer park more?

Well, according to the Constitution and rule of law, what are our classes? Specify which laws are delegated to which class of citizen in America? What? You're finding that difficult to do? Well, I would argue that we don't have classes in America! That's why it's so difficult!

Now, can we say that CULTURE and SOCIETY have successfully managed to convey a perception of CLASS? Sure can! I won't argue one little bit, that we have allowed Liberals and Socialists to brainwash us through the media, that we have distinct "classes" in America, and they all live according to their own standards and rules. Hell, I've actually had an argument with some idiot, that Mitt Romney used a completely different US Tax Code than everyone else, because of his class! But the TRUTH is, we don't designate by class in America. None of our laws allow it, none of our courts uphold it, nothing in our Constitution supports it.