LA's NOW President, Shelly Mandel Comes Out For Palin


Not So Junior Member
In spite of her being over-the-top pro-life. Wow! If Illiniois NOW got with such unity for women, I might be forced to look at them after a 25 year hiatus:

"America, This Is What A Feminist Looks Like"

Posted by Kim Priestap
Published: October 5, 2008 - 11:51 AM

Who said that about Sarah Palin? Would you believe the president of LA's National Organization for Women, Shelly Mandel? Amazing! This is quite a moment for her to push back against the pressure from the feminist groups who see Sarah Palin as a traitor because she's a Republican and pro-life who actually lived her principles. Let's hope more mainstream, liberal feminists come out of their closets and support Sarah because, as Shelly said, Sarah supports women's rights, equal pay, Title 9, and the middle class. She has integrity and demands it from others. Take a look:
In spite of her being over-the-top pro-life. Wow! If Illiniois NOW got with such unity for women, I might be forced to look at them after a 25 year hiatus:

Such unity for women? You mean the way you supported Hillary Clinton for president, Ms. Fraud?

Putting aside the sexualization of the presidency and of women in politics, which will have harmful effects to women across the board, but especially to those who want to enter politics, I simply cannot fathom any feminist supporting a woman who charged other women for rape exams.

If you can, I hope you have saved up from 12 to 15 hundred dollars to pay for one should the need arise?

But as they can always find a black male willing to get on tv and advocate for John McCain against Barack Obama, some even going to far as to use the racially tinged attacks of the right, I suppose so we can always find women who say "I like it on my knees, please make me pay for my rape kits" as they go through life pleasing men.

And if that's your main goal, then calling a woman who punishes female victims of sexual violence, a feminist, is a good start.

Here is my question Darla.

Is NOW an organization to advocate the advancement of women, or a NARAL by another name?

It seems that they primarily only care about Roe vs. Wade. On the rape kits I agree with you, that's messed up.
Here is my question Darla.

Is NOW an organization to advocate the advancement of women, or a NARAL by another name?

It seems that they primarily only care about Roe vs. Wade. On the rape kits I agree with you, that's messed up.

As I have written before, anthropologically, as has been laid out by women much smarter than I am, the status of women in a culture, throughout history both modern and ancient, has directly correlated to her control over reproduction.

However, as I said in my first post here, getting into a debate on abortion is besides the point. Even having a debate on how sexualizing the presidency is going to harm women across the board, and certainly women aspiring to the presidency, is besides the point.

Simple fact: You cannot advocate punishing female victims of sexual violence by charging them for forensic evidence, something no person possessing a penis in this country will ever be asked to do, and call yourself a feminist.

You can call yourself many things. And it is for certain, that there are many names which can fairly be applied to you. But you cannot call yourself a feminist.

This is without a doubt, the most anti-woman policy I have ever heard of, in this country, in modern times.

That they slapped a man-pleasing female face on this policy, makes it not better, but in fact worse.

That any woman would agree with this because of their political ideology, makes them to me, worse than a man who would advocate this. But let's be honest, other than Sarah Palin, men aren't advocating this. Men wouldnt' advocate this.

No, it takes a woman, a really special sort of woman, to visit this upon women, or attempt to.
And then, if you say, give it to your own daughters, I don't want it, you are accused of terrible things.

Well, if you hate women this much, whether you are a man or a woman, give it to your daughters.

Because no woman I know wants it. Thanks anyway.

this is a glorificaton of sexual violence. I go to work every day to help prevent sexual violence. This has me so upset I am literally shaking.

I despise any woman who supports this thing running. Despise them with all my heart. It pains me to call them women.

But be clear, it's she and they who hate women, not me. I go to work every day, to help prevent sexual violence.
Come on Darla how else was McWinky supposed to pay for that 50,000 $ makeover of the mayors office?
Hey Darla I mean this in a totally nonoffensive way, but are you high?

Not criticizing your points at all, but your argumentative and writing style seems a little different right now.
Hey Darla I mean this in a totally nonoffensive way, but are you high?

Not criticizing your points at all, but your writing style is a little different.

No, I'm very upset. Maybe I should get high. If these people take office, I will probably only survive it by being high 24/7.

These are things that are emotionally charged matters to me. I have some small amount of talent - I took it to the non profit sector where my earning capabilities are lower, because I do something that matters. It so happens that what I do is help to prevent sexual violence in the community. It wrecks lives, and it matters.

I'm just stunned by all of this. I think a large part of it is the American Idol world we live in. I don't think it's driven by issues. I don't think most even know the issues.

But I'm still stunned.
"Can you imagine having to pay for the CSI (crime scene investigation-fingerprinting, photography, etc) if your home was robbed? What if a bill came for the breathalyzer tests if you’d been hit by a drunk driver? When Sarah Palin was mayor, the city of Wasilla had the most egregious policy against victims of rape in the state of Alaska, possibly the entire country. The rape kit, a set of items used by medical personnel for gathering and preserving physical evidence following a sexual assault, was charged to the victim. (note: step 6)

I sat with a rape victim during the “harvesting of evidence”. Mascara smeared eyes stared blankly out from a cave of shame. “We’ve got swimmers,” announced the forensic tech in the lab next door. My friend didn’t look surprised. In her 60’s, she was still asked if she felt the need for emergency contraception. Surviving the process would have only been compounded and made worse with an itemized bill; victimized twice courtesy of Sarah Palin and the city of Wasilla.

Much can be learned about the Palin Administration’s family values from reviewing their spending priorities. Former Chief of Police Irl Stambaugh included forensic rape kits (up to $1,200 per kit) in his budget requests. He was fired by Palin in 1997. In her termination letter, Palin wrote, “…I do not feel I have your full support in my efforts to govern the city of Wasilla. Therefore I intend to terminate your employment. . . ” Staumbaugh headed the police department since it was created in 1993. Before that, he served 22 years with the Anchorage Police Department rising to the rank of captain. Sarah Palin hired Charlie Fannon as the new Wasilla Chief of Police and said it was one of her best decisions as mayor. Fannon eliminated the forensic rape kits from the budget. Though the number of rapes weren’t reported, Fannon claimed it would save Wasilla taxpayers $5,000 to $14,000 a year.

When Eric Croft, a Democrat Legislator from Anchorage, learned of Wasilla’s policy, he drafted HB 270, which Governor Tony Knowles signed into law. The new law made it illegal for any law enforcement agency to bill victims or victims’ insurance companies for the costs of examinations to collect evidence of a sexual assault or determine if a sexual assault actually occurred. Upon signing the law, Governor Knowles said, “We would never bill the victim of a burglary for the cost of gathering evidence, nor should we bill rape victims just because the crime scene happens to be their bodies.”

Wasilla Police Chief Fannon protested the new law stating it would require the city and communities to come up with more funds to cover the costs of the forensic exams. Really? Are the true costs of sexual assault and forcible rape in a community only measured and reflected in the dollars spent on the forensic rape kit?

Alaska has the nation’s highest per-capita rate of forcible rape. A disproportionate number of rape and sexual assault victims are Native Alaskan women. Alaska Native people in Anchorage were 9.7 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than others living in the city between 2000 and 2003. Alaska crime statistics never seemed to make a “Northern Exposure” episode. But this isn’t about statistics-real lives were affected by Palin’s regressive policies. (darla note - not mentioned here is the fact that the victims are natives, but the rapists are majority not, they're white men, this goes into a whole other avenue of the sexual victimization and explotation of native women by white men all over the world, but just wanted to point that out because either dixie or dano mentioned this , without mentioning that the ones doing the raping were white men like themselves, and thus attempted to give the impression that the problem lied, as always, with the brown skinned man who is of course, a rapist)

One thing Alaska can’t seem to export is the fundamental information around a woman’s rights. Alaska “liberalized” abortion laws before Roe v. Wade. Our dirty secret had to do with a woman’s right to be safe from rapists. This right to choose was not only threatened, but abolished with Sarah Palin’s archaic policy as Mayor of Wasilla. The rape kit included emergency contraception. To be sure, emergency contraception is not, nor does it cause an abortion. In fact, ec prevents pregnancy and therefore reduces abortions.
Under Palin’s Administration, “Life Begins at Rape” for women unable to pay for their forensic evidence gathering. Justice is served to women who can afford it and denied for those who can’t. I live in Alaska-the wealthiest of the 50 states! Forcing rape victims to pay for their own forensic rape kits is something one would expect to find in a fundamentalist country overseas. I have outrage fatigue. I can’t decide which facet of this policy is more upsetting. Is it the denial of justice for the poor? Is it the punishment of women who had been raped? Is it the political policies of a woman so entrenched in the “Pro-Life” movement she would deny justice to a victim? This is not a “Pro-Life” policy. This is a “Pro-Rapist” policy, and forced pregnancy policy.
It should be noted Joe Biden introduced legislation to fund rape kits to women in America. John McCain voted against it.
When Sarah Palin was elected Alaska’s first female governor, I hoped these issues would be addressed as part of her “historic” platform. When Amnesty International published their study on rape statistics and Alaskan women, the response was pathetic. The now dismissed Commissioner of Public Safety, Walt Monegan, acknowledged the lack of law enforcement in Alaska as part of the problem. Since that time, Walt Monegan has been fired and $2.5 million dollars threatened from the budget for State Troopers. John Cyr is executive director of the Public Safety Employees Association, and has been very critical of the Palin administration’s commitment to keep Alaskan’s safer.
Under the Palin Administration, a law was passed that specifically deals with rapists. I am not making this up. It is now illegal for Alaskans to buy or sell the “Rapist No. 1” doll. Oh, you haven’t heard of it? It’s an “action figure” from Quentin Tarantino’s film “Grindhouse.” Yes, really. So now if you’re raped, you can take comfort in knowing Alaska outlawed an action figure.
For all the Alaskans who have taken the charge to protect fellow citizens from predators, this was A GIANT WASTE OF TIME. It’s embarrassing to write this. Who in the hell has been prosecuted for this “outrageous” purchase. Did she think people in Alaska with the propensity to rape women were suddenly dissuaded because they couldn’t buy a movie action figure?
If Alaska’s sexual assault statistics were true for the rest of the country, rape would be considered an epidemic and the National Guard would be called up. As Mayor and Governor, Sarah Palin has made justice illusive to criminals and forensics a commodity that victims must purchase. Meanwhile, rape prevention sits on the backburner. Being a rape victim isn’t necessary for outrage. You don’t need ovaries to protect the physical sanctity of fellow citizens. Life does not begin at rape, it just gets harder.
Please take time to read the fantastic work of Jacob Alperin-Sheriff. He spent a great deal of time researching this story. My thanks to Eric Croft, author of HB 270, who explained all the reasons he did so.
****UPDATE***** It has been reported here that Sarah Palin that Mayor Sarah Palin spent $50,000 on remodeling
LOL. Honestly, I think everyone should realize that even if Sarah Palin had the most pro-feminist platform out of any Republican in history the Democrats would still be better than women, and it's stupid for any woman to jeopardize that by pretending that it is in anyway OK to vote for McCain because of the MILF on the ticket.

I see the "She made them pay for rape kit" myth is alive and well. I guess its just hard to swallow the truth. Sort of like what you are all doing for Obama, he sticks his little pecker out and tells you all to suck, and you all say yes messiah.
Victim payed for rape kits? Never happened....not even once that I can find....

no complaints from victims ever that I can confirm....

if it did ... link me up...
The nonsense from Darla is to be expected, regardless of veracity. Truth is, with her, none of it matters, it's about the 'idea.'

The rape kit thing was proven a non-issue over a week ago, never should have been an issue.
The nonsense from Darla is to be expected, regardless of veracity. Truth is, with her, none of it matters, it's about the 'idea.'

The rape kit thing was proven a non-issue over a week ago, never should have been an issue.

How so?

Please, be specific.

because it has not been debunked, in fact, when the right wing first attempted to claim that she simply did not know about the policy, it was ascertained that she personally signed the budget, fired the police chief who included rape kits in the budget, and hired the one who did not.

Now you claim it's a non-issue.

But you don't want to go into details.

That seems strange. Could it be it's because you're a right wing ideologue who did not support Hillary Clinton just because she was a woman, though your opening post implies something admirable about "such unity of women"? could it be because the charging of women for their rape exams is such an extremist anti-woman policy that no one advocating it could ever be elected to national office, so you will pretend that this did not happen, because you quite simply have no answer to it, and don't care. All you are about is getting your party into office?

Could it be because you've never been raped, and lack the empathy to put yourselves into the shoes of anyone who has been?

But, prove me wrong.
Victim payed for rape kits? Never happened....not even once that I can find....

no complaints from victims ever that I can confirm....

if it did ... link me up...

I just can't explain how much I hate right wing men. But I don't know who is worse, this fucking pig, or the female pigs who cover for him.

"After it became law, Wasilla's police chief told the local paper, The Frontiersman, that it would cost the city $5,000 to $14,000 a year -- money that he'd have to find.

"In the past, we've charged the cost of the exams to the victim's insurance company when possible," Fannon was quoted as saying. "I just don't want to see any more burden on the taxpayer."

Now, pigs, both male and female, please try and explain why, if no woman was charged, the Wasilla police chief who Palin appointed after she fired the chief who included 15 thousand dollars in the budget for this, was saying that the new law forbidding this practice, would cost Palin's town 5 to 14 thousand a year, because in the past they had been charging the victim's insurance company??

what you mean to say is that you don't know if any women who were raped, DIDN'T HAVE INSURANCE, and were forced to pay out of pocket.

As if, somehow, that mattered.

What this doesn't go on to say, and it should be updated, is that after the Palin people, though Palin herself has not commented I believe, denied that she knew anything about this (I'm sorry, she was mayor of a town with 7 thousand people, and she didn't know what was in her own fucking budget, and we want to make her vice president over 300 million people, is this correct????), the matter was investigated further.

Upon which, it was discovered, that as I posted earlier, Palin FIRED the police chief who budgeted for rape kits, writing that "he just wasn't supportive enough of her", and then hired the police chief who struck the funds from the budget, which she then signed, which then caused a democratic legislator to propose legislation outlawing this, which the governor then signed, which led to an article about wasilla specifically in Palin's hometown paper...

and she never knew.

Can we please stop this now, or do we have to continue appeasing right wing freaks who want to claim that liberal women who advocate against palin do it because they're jealous, or mad that she's not a democrat, and not for the simple reason that Sarah Palin advocates and carries out women-hating policies, which these women are now also advocating for, like Kathiann.

How does it feel Kath? You like it down there? Give it to your daughter.
This is big news...for weeks already....just find me one women that paid....?

She should be reimbursed at the least ----IF it ever link is all I want..

if my sister or daughter had to pay, I be making noise, either personally or through my lawyer.......