
Verified User
It has always made me laugh how the Democrats paint Donald Trump as a coarse, vulgar and uncivilised oaf . This was the origin of the disparaging (and childish) caricature the "lower-IQ" Democrat members of this forum still delight in using, namely, that of Trump portrayed as a giant uncouth monkey - an orange-haired "Trumpanzee."During his first term in office The Democrat establishment were said to be mortified by Trump's "un-Presidential manner. His working class Queens accent regarded as too raw and unrefined for a President of the United States. As well as that, t liberal MSM and New York press in to paroxysms of indignation for his frank assessments of Democrat rhetoric as being "bull-shit", or pointing out that members of "The Squad" (in particular Ilhan Omar) should be careful about criticising life in America when their own native countries were Crime and poverty-ridden Third-World "Shit-holes [/B.}. Because he was not the kind of slick, "piss-eloquent" public speaker that Obama had been, the lame-stream leftist/pro-Democrat, "Fake News" media portrayed Trump as the Messiah of America's "deplorables" - - the unemployed ""White trash" who lived in the "fly-over" states of the Mid-Western Heartland; the forgotten , unemployed workers in the "Rust Belt."Ditto or the poor and uneducated White Americans - the "Hillbillies" - who inhabited the Appalachian and Ozark mountains of the Southern Highlands. They who Barack Obama characterised as "clingers" as they were, he said, "still clinging to their guns and Bibles."


The Democrats and their propaganda wing - the leftist MSM - continually smeared Donald Trump, throughout his first term as President for being a crude and vulgar specimen who was an embarrassment to the United States (Joe Biden, of course, is a profound (and dangerous) embarrassment to the United States on the world stage, but this is chiefly because he is "non compos mentis" or to put it more bluntly ,"lost his marbles.") When it comes to revolting, "feral" behaviours. the Democrats should be reminded that the most uncouth, crude, vulgar and repulsive American President in living memory was actually one of their own, namely the Texan Democrat, Lyndon Baines Johnson, aka "LBJ."

LBJ first became POTUS on the 22nd of November,1963, after John F Kennedy was sssassinated in Dallas, Texas.. (As he was JFK's Vice President, Lyndon Johnson automatically ascended to tbe US Presidency after the death of John F. Kennedy) In the next Presidential election which was held on the 3rd November, 1964, Lyndon Johnson defeated his Republican opponent, Barry Goldwater, in one of the greatest electoral landslides in US history.. LBU remained President until 1968 when he announced that he would not contest that year's Presidential election on the 5th of November. In this election, Republican, Richard Nixon, defeated LBJ's Vice President, Hubert H. Humphrey.


Lyndon Johnson's speech was frequently peppered with profanities. We know this from Washington insiders - reporters, officials, cronies who revealed their knowledge of LBJ's ugly side in 1980 to a Johnson biographer, Merle Miller. Also, Johnson had a recording system in the Oval Office like Richard Nixon's, although this remained unknown for many years. The system captured some of LBJ's choice - and very regrettable comments, but they were not definitively described until 1999 in a book by historian, William Boyle. These These two sources provide solid evidence that Lyndon Johnson frequently cursed out individual he disliked as : "cock-suckers"; "faggots"; "cunts"; "fucking cunts", "fucking cocksuckers"; "buckets of piss"; "fucking ass-holes", "fucking niggers", "shit" and the like.


Salty language was just one of LBJ's vulgar characteristics. He displayed a diverse range of other offensive vulgarities. Anyone who came into direct contact with LBJ was at risk of encountering a revolting spectacle of: belching; farting; nose-picking and crotch-scratching. One Congressman who witnessed this toldJohnson biographer, Merle Miller: "I wouldn't say Johnson was vulgar - he was barnyard. Worse, especially for women, was the fact that Johnson had no sense of personal space and treated conversation as a creepy hands-on affair. One Washington Post editor told Miller that (after a conversation with LBJ):""You really felt as if a St Bernard had licked your face for an hour, had pawed you all over."Johnson was also notorious for groping women (i.e. grabbing their pussies and butts) and while speaking to them bumping himself up against their titties (!!) LBU also had no problem with urinating in front og guests to his ranch. One reporter, Sam Schaffer, who had been invited to to tour LBJ's Texan ranch was stunned when LBJ pulled out his cock and urinated directly in front of him. Another feral behaviour was the way the LBJ made cabinet members who he was addressing in the Oval Office follow him to the lavatory if he needed to take a crap. The unfortunate minions would be forced to watch Johnson continuing his address to them while he: farted; passed stools; wiped his ass, and then - still talking as though nothing unusual had happened - lead them back to the Oval Office sitting on a toilet.


LBJ was also well known for a collection of folksy aphorism he would cited which were crude and sometimes racist., including: "It was raining as hard as a cat pissing on a flat rick"; "As straight as an Indian shits"; (and the importance of fighting an opponent) {i} 'til he's shitty as a bear"[I/}. Finally, after LBJ retired, he told UPI reporter Bill Theis that subsequent White House economic policies were: "the worst thing since pantyhose ruined finger-fucking"


LBJ biographer, Randall B. Woods learned that Johnson would tell his close friends that his own wife, the delightfully named, "Lady Bird", was "the best piece of ass I ever had" (which did not stop him cheating on her).


There is evidence from recorded telephone calls that When White House staffer (like Ralph Dungan, for ex) spoke to LBJ about female appointees to government positions. Johnson made it clear he wanted "hotties" and was not interested in any other criteria. LBJ also implemented a de fact "No Fat Chix" policy for females employed in the White House. White House staffer, Yolanda Boozer, recalled that.Any women who gained weight received disapproving remark from LBJ, and would promptly begin panic-dieting.


Johnson was extremely touchy about the war in Vietnam. In 1965 he was heard roaming aimlessly around the White House say repeatedly, "I din't know what the fuck to do." On one occasion during the war a group of reported caught him on the steps of the cCapitol. One of the a young woman quizzed Johnson about why he had made a recent policy change with respect to US involvement in Vietnam (I can't recall the details) but Johnson totally "lost it." He unzipped and pulled his cock and scrotum/testicles out out his trousers then jiggled them about directly in front of this young girl, yelling: "THAT'S WHY - THAT'S WHY" !!


Lyndon Johnson was a straight-up racist (just like Joe Biden) Before the 1964 election Johnson was recorded telling and aid that; "I think I can take every Mexican in the state (Texas) and every nigger in the state. Then speaking before a New Orleans crowd several weeks before the November , 1964, Presidential election he told those present that: "All (they) the voters ever hear at election time is nigger, nigger, nigger"! After this, at a meeting in 1967 with a state official from Texas where the issue of possible Black candidates for the SCOTUS was being discussed, Johnson stressed that he would only consider high-profile people, saying: "When I appoint a nigger to the Supreme Court, I want everyone to know he's a nigger"!


ONE reason is that there were two major distractors: (1) One way the way that he attained power - by succeeding the slain John F Kennedy caused some of his critics to focus (scornfully) on this(2) The agony of the Vietnam war. likewise diverted attention (3) Lyndon Johnson was an effective networker and he succeeded in cultivating or otherwise entangling several prominent journalists, as well as Katherine Graham, the owner of the Washington Post. These personal tied are said to have undermined a lot of objectivity in the press.

As President, Donald Trump never carried on in the disgusting "barnyard" manner that Lyndon Johnson did.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter
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Why don't you mind to Aussie business you kook?

Because what damages America:Economically, culturally, politically, demographically ALSO directly damages my country

When dickheads in America - like you - vote Democrat it's my business. Why? because the current lunatic Democrat government has seriously fucked America up; and I don't want my country to turn into a Third World shit-hole.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
I’ve always considered LBJ to be the worst president in my lifetime using the Gulf of Tonkin non-incident to invade Vietnam.
He did pass the Civil Rights Act.

He also ratified the "NATURALISATION and IMMIGRATION ACT" (1965) - aka, the "HART-CELLER" ACT

The "NATURALISATION and IMMIGRATION ACT" was a "Death Warrant" for America.

You are seeing some of its long-term consequences play out today ,in 2024, at the Southern Border.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Such terrible defenses for such an unworthy candidate.

"TRUMP'S not that bad because LBJ used naughty bad word!"

It's really not that far from

"TRUMP'S two impeachments weren't that bad because impeachments are political hit jobs! Our proof is the political hit job were running on Biden!"
You are just unhappy that he signed the Civil Rights Act into law. Because you are a white supremacist.
LBJ was one of the most consequential presidents of the 20th century.

Tens of millions of MAGAs, trailer park trash, and Teabaggers are alive today because of Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and the expansion of social security disability insurance enacted under LBJ
Not without Republicans, he didn't.

Yes he did. He is the ONLY person who signed that bill into law. Of course Republicans helped get the bill passed. DUH. Johnson was hated by everyone in the South for pushing for and signing the bill. He was the driving force behind it. Hence George Wallace and the Southern Strategy.
LBJ was one of the most consequential presidents of the 20th century.

Tens of millions of MAGAs, trailer park trash, and Teabaggers are alive today because of Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and the liberal expansion of social security disability insurance.

Exactly. And when he signed the bill, he knew Democrats had lost the South. He did it anyway.
It has always made me laugh how the Democrats paint Donald Trump as a coarse, vulgar and uncivilised oaf . This was the origin of the disparaging (and childish) caricature the "lower-IQ" Democrat members of this forum still delight in using, namely, that of Trump portrayed as a giant uncouth monkey - an orange-haired "Trumpanzee."During his first term in office The Democrat establishment were said to be mortified by Trump's "un-Presidential manner. His working class Queens accent regarded as too raw and unrefined for a President of the United States. As well as that, t liberal MSM and New York press in to paroxysms of indignation for his frank assessments of Democrat rhetoric as being "bull-shit", or pointing out that members of "The Squad" (in particular Ilhan Omar) should be careful about criticising life in America when their own native countries were Crime and poverty-ridden Third-World "Shit-holes [/B.}. Because he was not the kind of slick, "piss-eloquent" public speaker that Obama had been, the lame-stream leftist/pro-Democrat, "Fake News" media portrayed Trump as the Messiah of America's "deplorables" - - the unemployed ""White trash" who lived in the "fly-over" states of the Mid-Western Heartland; the forgotten , unemployed workers in the "Rust Belt."Ditto or the poor and uneducated White Americans - the "Hillbillies" - who inhabited the Appalachian and Ozark mountains of the Southern Highlands. They who Barack Obama characterised as "clingers" as they were, he said, "still clinging to their guns and Bibles."


The Democrats and their propaganda wing - the leftist MSM - continually smeared Donald Trump, throughout his first term as President for being a crude and vulgar specimen who was an embarrassment to the United States (Joe Biden, of course, is a profound (and dangerous) embarrassment to the United States on the world stage, but this is chiefly because he is "non compos mentis" or to put it more bluntly ,"lost his marbles.") When it comes to revolting, "feral" behaviours. the Democrats should be reminded that the most uncouth, crude, vulgar and repulsive American President in living memory was actually one of their own, namely the Texan Democrat, Lyndon Baines Johnson, aka "LBJ."

LBJ first became POTUS on the 22nd of November,1963, after John F Kennedy was sssassinated in Dallas, Texas.. (As he was JFK's Vice President, Lyndon Johnson automatically ascended to tbe US Presidency after the death of John F. Kennedy) In the next Presidential election which was held on the 3rd November, 1964, Lyndon Johnson defeated his Republican opponent, Barry Goldwater, in one of the greatest electoral landslides in US history.. LBU remained President until 1968 when he announced that he would not contest that year's Presidential election on the 5th of November. In this election, Republican, Richard Nixon, defeated LBJ's Vice President, Hubert H. Humphrey.


Lyndon Johnson's speech was frequently peppered with profanities. We know this from Washington insiders - reporters, officials, cronies who revealed their knowledge of LBJ's ugly side in 1980 to a Johnson biographer, Merle Miller. Also, Johnson had a recording system in the Oval Office like Richard Nixon's, although this remained unknown for many years. The system captured some of LBJ's choice - and very regrettable comments, but they were not definitively described until 1999 in a book by historian, William Boyle. These These two sources provide solid evidence that Lyndon Johnson frequently cursed out individual he disliked as : "cock-suckers"; "faggots"; "cunts"; "fucking cunts", "fucking cocksuckers"; "buckets of piss"; "fucking ass-holes", "fucking niggers", "shit" and the like.


Salty language was just one of LBJ's vulgar characteristics. He displayed a diverse range of other offensive vulgarities. Anyone who came into direct contact with LBJ was at risk of encountering a revolting spectacle of: belching; farting; nose-picking and crotch-scratching. One Congressman who witnessed this toldJohnson biographer, Merle Miller: "I wouldn't say Johnson was vulgar - he was barnyard. Worse, especially for women, was the fact that Johnson had no sense of personal space and treated conversation as a creepy hands-on affair. One Washington Post editor told Miller that (after a conversation with LBJ):""You really felt as if a St Bernard had licked your face for an hour, had pawed you all over."Johnson was also notorious for groping women (i.e. grabbing their pussies and butts) and while speaking to them bumping himself up against their titties (!!) LBU also had no problem with urinating in front og guests to his ranch. One reporter, Sam Schaffer, who had been invited to to tour LBJ's Texan ranch was stunned when LBJ pulled out his cock and urinated directly in front of him. Another feral behaviour was the way the LBJ made cabinet members who he was addressing in the Oval Office follow him to the lavatory if he needed to take a crap. The unfortunate minions would be forced to watch Johnson continuing his address to them while he: farted; passed stools; wiped his ass, and then - still talking as though nothing unusual had happened - lead them back to the Oval Office sitting on a toilet.


LBJ was also well known for a collection of folksy aphorism he would cited which were crude and sometimes racist., including: "It was raining as hard as a cat pissing on a flat rick"; "As straight as an Indian shits"; (and the importance of fighting an opponent) {i} 'til he's shitty as a bear"[I/}. Finally, after LBJ retired, he told UPI reporter Bill Theis that subsequent White House economic policies were: "the worst thing since pantyhose ruined finger-fucking"


LBJ biographer, Randall B. Woods learned that Johnson would tell his close friends that his own wife, the delightfully named, "Lady Bird", was "the best piece of ass I ever had" (which did not stop him cheating on her).


There is evidence from recorded telephone calls that When White House staffer (like Ralph Dungan, for ex) spoke to LBJ about female appointees to government positions. Johnson made it clear he wanted "hotties" and was not interested in any other criteria. LBJ also implemented a de fact "No Fat Chix" policy for females employed in the White House. White House staffer, Yolanda Boozer, recalled that.Any women who gained weight received disapproving remark from LBJ, and would promptly begin panic-dieting.


Johnson was extremely touchy about the war in Vietnam. In 1965 he was heard roaming aimlessly around the White House say repeatedly, "I din't know what the fuck to do." On one occasion during the war a group of reported caught him on the steps of the cCapitol. One of the a young woman quizzed Johnson about why he had made a recent policy change with respect to US involvement in Vietnam (I can't recall the details) but Johnson totally "lost it." He unzipped and pulled his cock and scrotum/testicles out out his trousers then jiggled them about directly in front of this young girl, yelling: "THAT'S WHY - THAT'S WHY" !!


Lyndon Johnson was a straight-up racist (just like Joe Biden) Before the 1964 election Johnson was recorded telling and aid that; "I think I can take every Mexican in the state (Texas) and every nigger in the state. Then speaking before a New Orleans crowd several weeks before the November , 1964, Presidential election he told those present that: "All (they) the voters ever hear at election time is nigger, nigger, nigger"! After this, at a meeting in 1967 with a state official from Texas where the issue of possible Black candidates for the SCOTUS was being discussed, Johnson stressed that he would only consider high-profile people, saying: "When I appoint a nigger to the Supreme Court, I want everyone to know he's a nigger"!


ONE reason is that there were two major distractors: (1) One way the way that he attained power - by succeeding the slain John F Kennedy caused some of his critics to focus (scornfully) on this(2) The agony of the Vietnam war. likewise diverted attention (3) Lyndon Johnson was an effective networker and he succeeded in cultivating or otherwise entangling several prominent journalists, as well as Katherine Graham, the owner of the Washington Post. These personal tied are said to have undermined a lot of objectivity in the press.

As President, Donald Trump never carried on in the disgusting "barnyard" manner that Lyndon Johnson did.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter
LBJ stole his primary in 1948.

AP WAS THERE: Uncovering Lyndon B Johnson’s stolen election
I couldn't vote for LBJ because there was no eighteen-year-old vote in 1964.
If there had been, I would have voted him, even agreeing that he was a coarse vulgarian.

His opponent, Barry Goldwater, was a member of the Republican Party--an even greater disqualifier.

Except for his support of the Vietnam War, which is a big exception to make,
he was a pretty good president, vulgarian or not.

No sane person would ever accuse Trump of that.
He did pass the Civil Rights Act.

With the help of Republicans in fact a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the bill that Democrats that voted for the bill although the Democrats held a majority in the house and in the Senate.
The original House version:[1]

Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)
Cloture in the Senate:[35]

Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version:[2]

Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)