Leadership: T or F ?

Courage in leadership means defying the people. True or False?

  • True

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • False

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters
Or maybe leader should listen instead of going with their bribery plan. In this instance, they are corrupt. Purely. Why do you protect such lies and fascism?
Again, listening does not mean that they do whatever you want them to, or that it would be right to do that. You dislike this current decision, if more people believe like you then these people will lose their jobs, and will be replaced by people who would reverse the decision.

However it doesn't mean that the choice they made were more "courageous" than any other decision they made.

It is not their job to read polls and use them to decide all things. If it were there'd be no need for representation, we could just take polls.
Again, listening does not mean that they do whatever you want them to, or that it would be right to do that. You dislike this current decision, if more people believe like you then these people will lose their jobs, and will be replaced by people who would reverse the decision.

However it doesn't mean that the choice they made were more "courageous" than any other decision they made.

It is not their job to read polls and use them to decide all things. If it were there'd be no need for representation, we could just take polls.

That might be better than more decisions of this type being foisted on us. But of course that's why they're bringing in the troops to be sure we get less input from the people, not more.
That might be better than more decisions of this type being foisted on us. But of course that's why they're bringing in the troops to be sure we get less input from the people, not more.
Read the Federalist Papers. Federalist No. 10 would be the best example.

Direct Democracies do not protect your personal freedoms, it is the reason such a government was avoided by the founding fathers.
Read the Federalist Papers. Federalist No. 10 would be the best example.

Direct Democracies do not protect your personal freedoms, it is the reason such a government was avoided by the founding fathers.

But your represenatative scheme is proving no better. Ya see. it's guaranteeing totalitarianism.
But your represenatative scheme is proving no better. Ya see. it's guaranteeing totalitarianism.
Let me see, immediate totalitarianism as opposed to one that comes from the people being ignorant of the working of the federation....

Which would I prefer?

Your "solution" is the very danger that we avoided for hundreds of years directly applied by the ignorant.

You deliberately steep yourself in ignorance in order to maintain your "solution" is "good". You, in another thread, previously gave the advice to somebody to "educate yourself", it is your turn. Your solution is far worse than the injury.
Let me see, immediate totalitarianism as opposed to one that comes from the people being ignorant of the working of the federation....

Which would I prefer?

Your "solution" is the very danger that we avoided for hundreds of years directly applied by the ignorant.

You deliberately steep yourself in ignorance in order to maintain your "solution" is "good".

The workings of the federation? That must be the guide where it explains why it's the taxpayers duty to bail out failed banks who were relying on being bailed out to make quick cash, the same wall street elites who paid off the entire congress for this gift.


It's so ironic how you go back to these writings to sell your fascism.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross."
- Sinclair Lewis
Right wing wunderkin Wolf Blitzer tonight declared that "Liberals are out of step with the American people." You're goddamn right I, and the other 50% of Amerca that doesn't have their heads shoved securely up their tight asses, are out of step with you goose stepping idiots. As you happily march down the parade route to infamy, legs kicking high, chests stuck out proudly, arms stiff at your side and swinging in unison with your steps, we OTHER Americans ducked out before the march even started.
When the patriotic music started playing and the masses gathered in marching formation, we ran down alleys, hid behind cars and crawled on our bellies in the other direction. Praying not to be seen, we swiftly slid into storefronts then ran out the back door. We hid in basements and under beds. We built hiding spots in our homes and remained in there, silent as a mouse in the dark, sweating and staring into nothing, listening for the footsteps of our pursuers (YOU).
Those who choose not to join your march towards infamy are NOT to be vilified as unpatriotic. WE are the real Americans. WE are the same people who resisted the King of England when they came marching through Boston. Outnumbered and outgunned, we fought back with the only thing we had at our disposal....pride and love for our new country. WE are the same people who lay hidden behind that famous hill, waiting patiently to "see the whites of their eyes." And that's precisely what we're are doing now. We are waiting. Waiting for you to come.
Right now, we peek out shuttered windows and drawn curtains and watch you march by. We cringe at the sound of your boots striking the pavement, causing the unforgettable reverberating sound of an oncoming storm. That thunderous sound engulfs us in our homes and in our hiding places. We pray that you will simply pass by on your march to infamy, hoping against hope that you will leave us be, that you won't try to drag us kicking and screaming along that path with you. But we know that our desperate pleas will go unheard. You are coming for us. So we wait, wait until the hordes of marching sheep get so close that we can feel your hot breath upon us, until we can see the whites of your eyes.
The workings of the federation? That must be the guide where it explains why it's the taxpayers duty to bail out failed banks who were relying on being bailed out to make quick cash, the same wall street elites who paid off the entire congress for this gift.


It's so ironic how you go back to these writings to sell your fascism.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross."
- Sinclair Lewis
Right wing wunderkin Wolf Blitzer tonight declared that "Liberals are out of step with the American people." You're goddamn right I, and the other 50% of Amerca that doesn't have their heads shoved securely up their tight asses, are out of step with you goose stepping idiots. As you happily march down the parade route to infamy, legs kicking high, chests stuck out proudly, arms stiff at your side and swinging in unison with your steps, we OTHER Americans ducked out before the march even started.
When the patriotic music started playing and the masses gathered in marching formation, we ran down alleys, hid behind cars and crawled on our bellies in the other direction. Praying not to be seen, we swiftly slid into storefronts then ran out the back door. We hid in basements and under beds. We built hiding spots in our homes and remained in there, silent as a mouse in the dark, sweating and staring into nothing, listening for the footsteps of our pursuers (YOU).
Those who choose not to join your march towards infamy are NOT to be vilified as unpatriotic. WE are the real Americans. WE are the same people who resisted the King of England when they came marching through Boston. Outnumbered and outgunned, we fought back with the only thing we had at our disposal....pride and love for our new country. WE are the same people who lay hidden behind that famous hill, waiting patiently to "see the whites of their eyes." And that's precisely what we're are doing now. We are waiting. Waiting for you to come.
Right now, we peek out shuttered windows and drawn curtains and watch you march by. We cringe at the sound of your boots striking the pavement, causing the unforgettable reverberating sound of an oncoming storm. That thunderous sound engulfs us in our homes and in our hiding places. We pray that you will simply pass by on your march to infamy, hoping against hope that you will leave us be, that you won't try to drag us kicking and screaming along that path with you. But we know that our desperate pleas will go unheard. You are coming for us. So we wait, wait until the hordes of marching sheep get so close that we can feel your hot breath upon us, until we can see the whites of your eyes.
Now you moronically suggest that my direct suggestion to educate yourself of the direct tyranny of democracy means my support for the FED and other things that I have shown no support for in the past, nor will in the future.

You present nothing but inanity and assumption and directly support tyranny to "fix" it.

You are a sad man who soaks himself in ignorance while maintaining others must educate themselves. The fantastic hypocrisy you wrap around your head in an attempt to buffer it from knowledge is both obvious and significant.

You then attempt to project a belief you wish to argue onto others who have shown no support for that belief. You attempt to take a more general question and maintain it as an example of a totally different belief. This is the absolute weakest argument I have ever seen by you on this website.

You have outdone yourself in slap-happy hopes that others believe as you wish them to rather than as they have informed you in the past.
Now you moronically suggest that my direct suggestion to educate yourself of the direct tyranny of democracy means my support for the FED and other things that I have shown no support for in the past, nor will in the future.

You present nothing but inanity and assumption and directly support tyranny to "fix" it.

No. You support totalitarianism under the guise of democracy.
You are a sad man who soaks himself in ignorance while maintaining others must educate themselves. The fantastic hypocrisy you wrap around your head in an attempt to buffer it from knowledge is both obvious and significant.

You then attempt to project a belief you wish to argue onto others who have shown no support for that belief. You attempt to take a more general question and maintain it as an example of a totally different belief. This is the absolute weakest argument I have ever seen by you on this website.

You have outdone yourself in slap-happy hopes that others believe as you wish them to rather than as they have informed you in the past.

This is all disingenuous rubbish and you know it.
No. You support totalitarianism under the guise of democracy.

This is all disingenuous rubbish and you know it.
What inanity! Now this is direct projection.

I pointed out the reason that this isn't a direct democracy, that it is not a form of government with the protection of individual freedom in mind, and you then supported direct democracy and tell me I am the one supporting tyranny in the form of democracy?

You have lost it, AHZ. Directly lost what little mind you had left.
What inanity! Now this is direct projection.

I pointed out the reason that this isn't a direct democracy, that it is not a form of government with the protection of individual freedom in mind, and you then supported direct democracy and tell me I am the one supporting tyranny in the form of democracy?
There has never been a direct democracy. You're little writings don't prove there could never be a decent one. Nothing's perfect, ya know.
You have lost it, AHZ. Directly lost what little mind you had left.

Go clean your guns and buy some more nuts for the nut cellar.
There has never been a direct democracy. You're little writings don't prove there could never be a decent one. Nothing's perfect, ya know.

Go clean your guns and buy some more nuts for the nut cellar.
Read the documents. Read them or forever stop yourself from maintaining another person needs an education. You sit and rub ignorance directly onto yourself while telling another to educate themselves. Hypocrite.

This is an argument I would have made when I was 15 to 17, still ignorant of the form of tyranny that direct democracy would take.

Thankfully our founding fathers had learned, and created a constitution, and limits, and representation rather then direct democracy because they understood something you maintain pride in having ignorance about.

Either follow your own advice and educate yourself or step off from a conversation that you have no merit in.
Read the documents. Read them or forever stop yourself from maintaining another person needs an education. You sit and rub ignorance directly onto yourself while telling another to educate themselves. Hypocrite.

This is an argument I would have made when I was 15 to 17, still ignorant of the form of tyranny that direct democracy would take.

Thankfully our founding fathers had learned, and created a constitution, and limits, and representation rather then direct democracy because they understood something you maintain pride in having ignorance about.

Either follow your own advice and educate yourself or step off from a conversation that you have no merit in.

It's not a PROVEN FACT that an actual democracy would lead to a tyranny. It's an argument to justify an elitist oligarchy of "wise legislators" who will obstenibly work with the people in mind, but who will still be free to actually do whatever they want when it comes down to it. These documents, by their very nature, are politically biased.
It's not a PROVEN FACT that an actual democracy would lead to a tyranny. It's an argument to justify an elitist oligarchy of "wise legislators" who will obstenibly work with the people in mind, but who will still be free to actually do whatever they want when it comes down to it. These documents, by their very nature, are politically biased.
This is inane, you give nothing in support of your argument but excuses for ignorance. Educate yourself then return, we can then begin a decent conversation on the merits or problems of populism and direct democracy. Otherwise you repeat the same inanities in ignorance.

The way the founders protected from the tyranny of the majority was a unique method, but the reality is there are myriad examples from the "Amendment 2" that was voted on in CO to the very clear reality of how blacks were treated in the south. It took too long for the government to get to the point where the tyranny of the majority was recognized as a very real effect there, but it was certainly very real to those who faced such tyranny.
It is not where I am mistaken. You just have a perverse notion of democracy and are quite mistaken in your totalitarian thinking. When they knowingly implement fascism while people openly complain democracy is dead.

It's still not courage.

Oh please. The founding fathers meant to protect us from ourselves. Factions and a fickle rabble.