Left-wing hate: why doesn't the media cover it?


Hail Voltaire
Last year, I attended a Tea Party rally which took place at my State's capital city of Olympia. While I do not consider myself a Tea Party member, per se, I am sympathetic to elements of the movement, particularly its libertarian approach to fiscal/economic issues.

What I observed at the protest is that 99% of the people on my side of the aisle were respectful, even toward liberal hecklers. There was one incident when a Tea Party protester took a sign from a liberal. This person was quickly, universally admonished and told to give it back. So while there are a few hotheads here and there, I believe they are a minority, based on what I have personally observed.

Why, then, does the leftist media portray ALL Tea Party protestors as racist, fascist bigots? I observed no racism whatsoever. The most offensive word I heard the entire day was "goddamned"... well, at least from the Tea Party crowd. The same cannot be said of the leftist counter-protestors.

Why does the media choose to ignore the much louder, more grotesque, and more obvious hatred coming from the left-wing?

I've never seen anything remotely like this from Tea Party folks. That's not to say they do not exist -- there are crazies in every movement. But these leftists are beyond crazy. They are out of their fucking minds.


I am in my late twenties.

I want to emphasize that my point isn't to categorize liberals in general as hateful, angry people. Obviously, the protesters in those videos account for only a tiny minority. No liberals on this site are like that.

That said, when leftists do hate, the hatred is much louder and more vulgar; yet the media completely ignores it, instead obsessing over some Tea Party activist holding a "kill the bill" sign.

It is bullshit, and I've had enough of it.
I wouldn't expect much other than in insult from you Bravo, but it would be nice if someone explained how the media is liberal.
Ah, I think I figured it out. Those on the right are so oblivious to what their party is actualy doing to the country that they behave better than the lefties, who can see what is really going on and can no longer controll their anger. I can relate.

I think I've made it pretty clear.

I guess in your mind, these wackos are justified because they "know what's really going on." I guess in your mind, racism is justified if an African American happens to be a Republican -- the only "good negroes" are liberal Democrats. Is that right?

I didn't think you'd actually defend them... thanks for showing your true colors.
Here's more footage of the people who've figured out "what's really going on," according to Holden.

I like the first one in particular... listen to the leftist say, "You guys got a load of flags out here. It scares the hell out of me."

Yet more racism from the radical left...

But just to be fair, here's unbelievable, shocking footage of Tea Party violence! (or not)

I think I've made it pretty clear.

I guess in your mind, these wackos are justified because they "know what's really going on." I guess in your mind, racism is justified if an African American happens to be a Republican -- the only "good negroes" are liberal Democrats. Is that right?

I didn't think you'd actually defend them... thanks for showing your true colors.

Really Mr. God King, you presume so much based on so little.

Of course you think you were clear, in your mind, your thoughts are clear.

I am just not seeing the rampant racism and violence.
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I am just not seeing the rampant racism and violence.

Then you watched NONE of the videos. Here are a few excerpts:

"Come on brother, show your face! Be a proud black man. There he is! You're an Uncle Tom! There's the one black guy! The token black man! You're a house black! You're the kind that says when massa say sing, you say 'we sing massa!'"

"Hey, take a picture of this. Hey, you fucking homo, right here!"

"After we impeach Clarence Thomas, what do we do with him? Put him back in the fields. Kill the bastard!" (Another leftist chimes in, "String him up!")

"Go fuck your mother! How's that? Huh? How about I fuck you in the ass, you fag!"

"Shove the flag up your ass, asshole!"

"I wipe my ass with the flag every night when I take a shit man. You got it? Bring your mom, I'd like to fuck her. Bring your Republican mama, I'd like to fuck her in the ass."

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Then you watched NONE of the videos. Here are a few excerpts:

"Come on brother, show your face! Be a proud black man. There he is! You're an Uncle Tom! There's the one black guy! The token black man! You're a house black! You're the kind that says when massa say sing, you say 'we sing massa!'"

"Hey, take a picture of this. Hey, you fucking homo, right here!"

"After we impeach Clarence Thomas, what do we do with him? Put him back in the fields. Kill the bastard!" (Another leftist chimes in, "String him up!")

"Go fuck your mother! How's that? Huh? How about I fuck you in the ass, you fag!"

"Shove the flag up your ass, asshole!"

"I wipe my ass with the flag every night when I take a shit man. You got it? Bring your mom, I'd like to fuck her. Bring your Republican mama, I'd like to fuck her in the ass."

