Leftist & RINOs vs The Tea Party


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Is the Tea Party alive or dead?

It’s interesting these days that while we don’t hear much from the Tea Party several of them still seem to be around and even promising primary challenges to the fucking RINOs in the Republican Party. The only place where I can find any media giving them a voice at all is Fox News even though Lou Dobbs is doing his very best to smother the Tea Party and promote RINO Republican unanimity while all the while claiming himself to be an independent, (ain’t that a fucking laugh?)

Just take a look around folks. The fucking Duopoly is showing you how they use media from both sides of their racket to eliminate all other voices of protest and reform. Together the fucking leftist media and the RINO media have all but killed off the Tea Party, the only real political opposition to BIG Racketeering Fucking Corrupt Government.

It will be interesting to see if the Tea Party can still shove their thumb in the eyes of the corrupt leftist and RINO bastards who are raping this country.

Y’all fucking Republican zombies best get your fucking act together and get out there and revive the Tea Party before the RINOs that own your party set your sorry asses up again with more RINO candidates. There’s a golden opportunity for you in November to send more Tea Party politicians to Washington. They’re the only breath of fresh air in that rotten fucking place!
Here in Ohio the tea party will put several tea party candidates on the ballot, but I do not see any getting elected. I intend to vote republican in the primary and vote for the guy challenging Kaisich, just because I dislike Kaisich ethical standards.


And yes you are correct at the local and even state level of government, the tea party has one really good candidates. Our county commissioner is very conservative, and fantastic....as are some of our local judges.
The republicans would like nothing better than for the tea parties to dissipate. The GOP is desperately trying to build a liberal coalition and wrestle voting blocs away from the socialist dems especially the Hispanic voting bloc. The GOP wants tea party support to get their candidates elected but they want nothing else to do with them once their candidates are elected.

A perfect example is the snake Rubio in the senate whom the tea parties worked diligently for by first eliminating the Rino Charlie Crist in Florida in what was the biggest political collapse in memory for Christ after he held a huge lead in the primaries to finally getting the snake elected to the senate where he immediately stabbed the tea parties in the back over his amnesty proposal in-which he said he opposed from the get go.

Let's hear it for the Tea Party and their HATE for WOMEN!!

Former head of the South Carolina Republican Party, Tea Party activist Todd Kincannon has unleashed a vile parade of hateful, sexist insults aimed at Texas Democratic state Sen. Wendy Davis. According to Americans Against the Tea Party, the attacks began earlier this week and have only gotten uglier.

Kincannon has enlarged upon early Republican attacks on Davis, insinuating that because she supports a woman’s right to choose, she must be a promiscuous, man-eating tramp. Calling her a “coke whore” and insinuating that she cheated on her then-husband, Kincannon wrote, at one point, “I don’t care if folks attack Wendy Davis unfairly. I just want her attacked.”

He has tweeted, variously:

- I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who was as much of a whore as Wendy Davis. And I’ve met some epic whores in my travels.

- I suspect Texas voters care that Wendy Davis was potentially going to Harvard coke parties instead of caring for her children.

- Make Wendy Davis worry that somebody will dig up a Harvard classmate that she did coke with. Torture her until she begs for it to stop.

- Wendy Davis has an abortion fetish and did in fact abandon her children.

- Make Wendy Davis wish she’d never been born. #InsertAbortionJokeHere

The fusillade of misogynist filth has gone on for days, now, with Kincannon furiously unloading on people defending Davis as well as fellow conservatives begging him not to further damage the party’s image.

“Lick my taint,” he angrily told one female critic.

The republicans would like nothing better than for the tea parties to dissipate. The GOP is desperately trying to build a liberal coalition and wrestle voting blocs away from the socialist dems especially the Hispanic voting bloc. The GOP wants tea party support to get their candidates elected but they want nothing else to do with them once their candidates are elected.

A perfect example is the snake Rubio in the senate whom the tea parties worked diligently for by first eliminating the Rino Charlie Crist in Florida in what was the biggest political collapse in memory for Christ after he held a huge lead in the primaries to finally getting the snake elected to the senate where he immediately stabbed the tea parties in the back over his amnesty proposal in-which he said he opposed from the get go.
There are tea party candidates of conscience. However, the idiots like the gentleman Zappa was describing will make all tea party candidates look like budfoons in front of the general electorate. The GOP mainstream abandoning them will be a sane political move aimed at survival.
There are tea party candidates of conscience. However, the idiots like the gentleman Zappa was describing will make all tea party candidates look like budfoons in front of the general electorate. The GOP mainstream abandoning them will be a sane political move aimed at survival.

Yes but what you fail to understand is that the tea parties ARE the GOP's conservative base along with the libertarians that have joined forces with them. The GOP is stuck between a rock and a hard place because their inner circle is made up of RINOS and their strategy to co-op the dem voting blocs on account of it.

The demise of the GOP is and will be over amnesty for illegals and amnesty is part of their strategy and amnesty is something the tea parties WILL NOT TOLERATE. If the GOP loses it's base and the tea parties are the official spokespersons for that base, they are finished.
Yes but what you fail to understand is that the tea parties ARE the GOP's conservative base along with the libertarians that have joined forces with them. The GOP is stuck between a rock and a hard place because their inner circle is made up of RINOS and their strategy to co-op the dem voting blocs on account of it.

The demise of the GOP is and will be over amnesty for illegals and amnesty is part of their strategy and amnesty is something the tea parties WILL NOT TOLERATE. If the GOP loses it's base and the tea parties are the official spokespersons for that base, they are finished.

Interesting thoughtful take on things. Some sort of amnesty is inevitable, I think. But I really do like a lot of the tea party candidates much better than the mainstream GOP....
Interesting thoughtful take on things. Some sort of amnesty is inevitable, I think. But I really do like a lot of the tea party candidates much better than the mainstream GOP....

As unpalatable as amnesty sounds to some, it's going to happen someday, as deportation for every illegal just isn't in any way feasible.

As long as the Tea Party demands ideological purity from it's candidates, both they and the Republican party are going to be marginalized.

Compromise has always been a hallmark of good governance and until the extreme Right is willing to embrace it once again, they are going to find their demands ignored.
As unpalatable as amnesty sounds to some, it's going to happen someday, as deportation for every illegal just isn't in any way feasible.

As long as the Tea Party demands ideological purity from it's candidates, both they and the Republican party are going to be marginalized.

Compromise has always been a hallmark of good governance and until the extreme Right is willing to embrace it once again, they are going to find their demands ignored.
Which is why Ted Cruz is a pariah in the senate.
Which is why Ted Cruz is a pariah in the senate.

Ted Cruz could very well end up leading a conservative third party movement and that WILL BE the official death rattle of the GOP for the immediate future. The GOP had better get itself some conservative leadership and dump the RINOS from their eastern establishment if they do not want to compete with a conservative party made up of their former conservative base plus having to compete against the socialist Dems.

The GOP can no longer depend on "give me" votes from their base because of the tea parties who are far from perfect but they are a start.

None of us in the tea parties give a rat's ass about empowering the National Republican Party with this back and forth power game they play with the socialist dems. We care only about the country and it's direction for the future.
As unpalatable as amnesty sounds to some, it's going to happen someday, as deportation for every illegal just isn't in any way feasible.

As long as the Tea Party demands ideological purity from it's candidates, both they and the Republican party are going to be marginalized.

Compromise has always been a hallmark of good governance and until the extreme Right is willing to embrace it once again, they are going to find their demands ignored.
Compromise is never a good thing. Only awful legislation results when Republicans bend over and grab the ankles.
Compromise is never a good thing. Only awful legislation results when Republicans bend over and grab the ankles.

Close the G damned borders then let the chips fall where they may. How about supporting the LEGAL Hispanic American community in this country for a change who support the border security laws?
Close the G damned borders then let the chips fall where they may. How about supporting the LEGAL Hispanic American community in this country for a change who support the border security laws?

And how does the Tea Party propose dealing with the MILLIONS here illegally?
As always, they are in favor of big government when it suits them.

The 800 pound gorilla in the room that Republicans don't want to address is that, thanks to non-stop Republican attempts to demonize the illegal immigrant community, ANY FORM of amnesty will give the Democrats MILLIONS of votes and Republicans will do ANYTHING to keep that from happening.
And how does the Tea Party propose dealing with the MILLIONS here illegally?
The simple way is to cease and desist withpractices that allow them to live here.
Eliminate access to the financial sector
Prosecute employers using them, the laws are in place
No welfare
Make it difficult to be here and easy to go home
Is the Tea Party alive or dead?

It’s interesting these days that while we don’t hear much from the Tea Party several of them still seem to be around and even promising primary challenges to the fucking RINOs in the Republican Party. The only place where I can find any media giving them a voice at all is Fox News even though Lou Dobbs is doing his very best to smother the Tea Party and promote RINO Republican unanimity while all the while claiming himself to be an independent, (ain’t that a fucking laugh?)

Just take a look around folks. The fucking Duopoly is showing you how they use media from both sides of their racket to eliminate all other voices of protest and reform. Together the fucking leftist media and the RINO media have all but killed off the Tea Party, the only real political opposition to BIG Racketeering Fucking Corrupt Government.

It will be interesting to see if the Tea Party can still shove their thumb in the eyes of the corrupt leftist and RINO bastards who are raping this country.

Y’all fucking Republican zombies best get your fucking act together and get out there and revive the Tea Party before the RINOs that own your party set your sorry asses up again with more RINO candidates. There’s a golden opportunity for you in November to send more Tea Party politicians to Washington. They’re the only breath of fresh air in that rotten fucking place!
Though the Tea Party's influence has declined dramatically since the 2010 and 2012 election cycles they are still relevant in politics. Which is way more than you can say for libertarians.
The 800 pound gorilla in the room that Republicans don't want to address is that, thanks to non-stop Republican attempts to demonize the illegal immigrant community, ANY FORM of amnesty will give the Democrats MILLIONS of votes and Republicans will do ANYTHING to keep that from happening.
Which disgusts me. These are a human beings that we're talking about and we shouldn't be playing these kinds of politics with their lives.