Leftist & RINOs vs The Tea Party

They say they are against "Big Government" but fail to realize the bloated bureaucratic monstrosity that would need to be created to facilitate the deportation of everyone here illegally.

Requiring that the gov't deal with illegal immigrants is not wishing for big gov't. It is the gov't job to handle border security. Since the gov't failed at that, it is the gov't's job to fix it. The private sector cannot do anything to fix it. They are not allowed to detain, prosecute or deport anyone. All of that is STRICTLY on the gov't.

And if they are not deported, that too is a decision that is made by the gov't.
If you cut off their social services (Something the socialist dems have nightmares about doing) they'll deport themselves.

Why would an illegal want to stay in the country and continue to do the bidding of rich elites with no more free food, free education, free medical care, free housing, free everything?

Let's hear it for the Tea Party and their HATE for WOMEN!!

Former head of the South Carolina Republican Party, Tea Party activist Todd Kincannon has unleashed a vile parade of hateful, sexist insults aimed at Texas Democratic state Sen. Wendy Davis. According to Americans Against the Tea Party, the attacks began earlier this week and have only gotten uglier.

Kincannon has enlarged upon early Republican attacks on Davis, insinuating that because she supports a woman’s right to choose, she must be a promiscuous, man-eating tramp. Calling her a “coke whore” and insinuating that she cheated on her then-husband, Kincannon wrote, at one point, “I don’t care if folks attack Wendy Davis unfairly. I just want her attacked.”

He has tweeted, variously:

- I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who was as much of a whore as Wendy Davis. And I’ve met some epic whores in my travels.

- I suspect Texas voters care that Wendy Davis was potentially going to Harvard coke parties instead of caring for her children.

- Make Wendy Davis worry that somebody will dig up a Harvard classmate that she did coke with. Torture her until she begs for it to stop.

- Wendy Davis has an abortion fetish and did in fact abandon her children.

- Make Wendy Davis wish she’d never been born. #InsertAbortionJokeHere

The fusillade of misogynist filth has gone on for days, now, with Kincannon furiously unloading on people defending Davis as well as fellow conservatives begging him not to further damage the party’s image.

“Lick my taint,” he angrily told one female critic.


Yeah! Like at every party there's a fucking party idiot except at the "Democrat Party," huh Goober?
As unpalatable as amnesty sounds to some, it's going to happen someday, as deportation for every illegal just isn't in any way feasible.

As long as the Tea Party demands ideological purity from it's candidates, both they and the Republican party are going to be marginalized.

Compromise has always been a hallmark of good governance and until the extreme Right is willing to embrace it once again, they are going to find their demands ignored.

I favor open borders! The red man tried border control when whitey showed up taking a share of God's Green Earth, but that just made Whitey want more and now Whitey and Blackie think it's OK for them to claim ownership of God's gift of dirt??? What the fuck, somebody has to do the dirty jobs that Whitey and Blackie refuse to do.
If you cut off their social services (Something the socialist dems have nightmares about doing) they'll deport themselves.

Why would an illegal want to stay in the country and continue to do the bidding of rich elites with no more free food, free education, free medical care, free housing, free everything?

Why would they stay? For the same reason they came here, to work their asses off and take care of their families.
Which is why Ted Cruz is a pariah in the senate.

Ted Cruz & Rand Paul are 2 of the only Senators with balls to buck the fucking corrupt sons-of-bitches like Harry Read, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and that leftist fucking idiot Chuck Schumer.
The 800 pound gorilla in the room that Republicans don't want to address is that, thanks to non-stop Republican attempts to demonize the illegal immigrant community, ANY FORM of amnesty will give the Democrats MILLIONS of votes and Republicans will do ANYTHING to keep that from happening.

Are you accusing Mexicans of being susceptible to commie bribery vote buying socialist programs? Are you claiming that brown people are as fucking stupid as white and black people?
The simple way is to cease and desist withpractices that allow them to live here.
Eliminate access to the financial sector
Prosecute employers using them, the laws are in place
No welfare
Make it difficult to be here and easy to go home

Another BIG fucking Government solution. Where's the "limited government" folks at these days aside from me?
Though the Tea Party's influence has declined dramatically since the 2010 and 2012 election cycles they are still relevant in politics. Which is way more than you can say for libertarians.

That’s because real libertarians, (small l), make lousy politicians. We’re HONEST & SMART, have little to no ego, are adverse to busybodies and being one, telling other folks how to live turns us off, we’re peace lovers who think the Military Industrial Complex is the epitome of stupidity and redundancy, we know fucking wars are just money making rackets for racketeers and we believe in true capitalism and real free markets.

In short we’re everything y’all BIG FUCKING GOVERNMENT sons-of-bitches are not and nothing like what you are, we’re severely outnumbered by fucking BIG GOVERNMENT idiots!!!!!
I don’t know how this thread evolved into an immigration thread, but if anti-immigration, anti-abortion anti-gay issues are what the Tea Party wants to be defined by, I think they should go for it and allow the RINOs and Neo-Commies on the left define them as such. If that’s their agenda, they’ll eventually lose every real libertarian aligned with them now.

If they really believe in limited constitutional government, then they need to study much closer their Constitution and thereby define themselves as true constitutionalist, true ”traditional” fiscal conservatives and true ”traditional” social liberals i. e. loyalty to the Bill Of Rights.
Why would they stay? For the same reason they came here, to work their asses off and take care of their families.

They're here because rich elites want cheap labor to clean their houses and their swimming pools and to form political voting blocs. They're kept here with governmental enticements.

If they want to come here and work their asses off, they can get in line and enter legally like everybody else is required to do.
I doubt we will know till November, but there is a good chance. It looks like the establishment has put the hammer down on them.
Are you accusing Mexicans of being susceptible to commie bribery vote buying socialist programs? Are you claiming that brown people are as fucking stupid as white and black people?

No, I am claiming that Hispanics have seen how Republicans constantly demean and demonize them and blame them for a majority of the ills that have befallen this nation of late, and they WILL REMEMBER that DEMOCRATS tried to create a path to citizenship for them while angry REPUBLICANS tried only to have them forcibly removed from the country many had called home for DECADES now.
The 800 pound gorilla in the room that Republicans don't want to address is that, thanks to non-stop Republican attempts to demonize the illegal immigrant community, ANY FORM of amnesty will give the Democrats MILLIONS of votes and Republicans will do ANYTHING to keep that from happening.

I'm amused by the moronic leftist meme that Republicans demonize immigrants. It's another of the fantatistic lies dishonest morons like you parrot. They aren't immigrants you ignorant dunce; they are ILLEGAL aliens.

Amnesty is something NO American should agree with. We did that once and it became a farce that brought even more hopeful illegals.

You don't need to deport them; you need to reform our laws, enforce them, make it easier for employers to identify legal residents and with time, being unable to find any work, they will leave. Or all go to San Francisco the Libtard capital that has declared itself a sanctuary city; and I would be fine with that. The dunce son that city could use a good dose of reality.
No, I am claiming that Hispanics have seen how Republicans constantly demean and demonize them and blame them for a majority of the ills that have befallen this nation of late, and they WILL REMEMBER that DEMOCRATS tried to create a path to citizenship for them while angry REPUBLICANS tried only to have them forcibly removed from the country many had called home for DECADES now.

Bullshit!!! Every sane Mexican knows that a "path to citizenship" is Democrat code for The Welfare System and there's damn few folks left on planet earth with enough principles left that good old Democrat bribery can't get their vote.