Leftist & RINOs vs The Tea Party

They really don't exist. That is why we are losing the country.

The democrat party wants to take the country to hell in the Concord

Te GOP offers to do it in a prop plane

Excellent analogy; I would like to add to it that by electing the GOP we will go much slower and therefore have a better chance to change the party and turn it the right direction. The TEA Party movement is merely a beginning and not the end game.

Term limits on Congress; balanced budget amendment, abolish the abomination called the Tax Code and supplant it with a Fair Consumption of Flat Tax, elimination of redundant bureaucracies and an end to all subsidies is the distant goal for now that cannot be won with the Democratic Party and has a chance with the GOP.
I really don't give a fuck if they got here illegally....they are humans wanting freedom. I would give 100 percent of them citizenship immediately.

Dear shit-for-brains; who cares what you don't give a fuck about. You're an irrelevant twit subject to effusive fawning of Liberal dimwits and seldom have an original thought to share.

Now be a good uniformed fawning Liberal twit and disappear.
Why not? The American Aborigines ended up giving your stinkin-assed murdering European land grabbing son-of-a-bitch ancestors ”amnesty.” Where’s your signed deed from God for the property your family stole?

Everybody on planet earth should be ”legal” residence wherever they can peacefully find refuge and peacefully integrate into society. Peaceful neighbors are not the problem, they are ”NO” problem and should be the very least of our worries, i. e. no worry.

Who the fuck do you think will do the shit work that you and every other spoiled American refuses to do moron? You should get on your knees and thank God for the majority of Mexicans and other impoverished immigrants that come here. Immigrants built America and there was no such thing as ”illegal” until greedy bastard white Europeans decided they wanted it all just for themselves.

Another incredibly dense rant from someone who wishes to pretend that society is just this massive ameba of humanity that can erupt into liberty without rules, laws or government.

Some days you actually have lucid moments; this is NOT one of them.

If fawning uninformed Liberal twits thank you; you just might be an idiot.

Carry on.
They are also humans seeking freedom. I will gladly spend money to help people find freedom. It is the American thing to do....and why we had things like the Berlin Airlift after World war two.

Not to mention most of them are highly productive members of society who are also consumers. I am enough of a capitalist to want them as a market....

I just told you, go right ahead just don't take my money to do it.
Another incredibly dense rant from someone who wishes to pretend that society is just this massive ameba of humanity that can erupt into liberty without rules, laws or government.

Of course Numb-Nuts that statement bears no resemblance to reality or truth. The TRUTH being of course I am a strong advocate of ”limited constitutional government.” Of course in your idiotic and misguided zeal to discredit truth and logic because you have no rational argument for the questions and arguments I’ve presented, you, (in the traditional tactical absurdity of the average RINO Neo-Con), choose to lie and exaggerate.

Let me know whenever you believe you can actually rationally make an argument to the proposition that humans no matter where they are, who they are or where they’re from shouldn’t have every right to occupy God’s Green Earth wherever they like as long as they’re honest and peaceful folk willing to integrate peacefully with their neighbor.

While you’re at it Goober see if you can come up with a credible excuse for your white European ancestor’s murder and theft perpetrated on America’s Aborigines Folks.

Then you can also report on your system to find folks that will do Americas dirty labor intensive jobs that America’s whites, blacks and Asians refuse to do.

All of the above rational questions and propositions I’ve presented and you choose to ignore because you haven’t a fucking clue!!!!!
Of course Numb-Nuts that statement bears no resemblance to reality or truth. The TRUTH being of course I am a strong advocate of ”limited constitutional government.” Of course in your idiotic and misguided zeal to discredit truth and logic because you have no rational argument for the questions and arguments I’ve presented, you, (in the traditional tactical absurdity of the average RINO Neo-Con), choose to lie and exaggerate.

Let me know whenever you believe you can actually rationally make an argument to the proposition that humans no matter where they are, who they are or where they’re from shouldn’t have every right to occupy God’s Green Earth wherever they like as long as they’re honest and peaceful folk willing to integrate peacefully with their neighbor.

While you’re at it Goober see if you can come up with a credible excuse for your white European ancestor’s murder and theft perpetrated on America’s Aborigines Folks.

Then you can also report on your system to find folks that will do Americas dirty labor intensive jobs that America’s whites, blacks and Asians refuse to do.

All of the above rational questions and propositions I’ve presented and you choose to ignore because you haven’t a fucking clue!!!!!

Another incredibly dense rant from someone who wishes to pretend that society is just this massive ameba of humanity that can erupt into liberty without rules, laws or government.

That Progressive Liberal is oozing out; better check that. ;) Interesting how some of the dumbest lefttards on the forum thank you when you rant like this.
That's not the way it works. Sorry about your luck. There are plenty of things I would not like to pay for, like the two failed wars of George W Bush.

How do you equate freedom to tax funded social services to illegal criminals who are non citizens of the United States? Funds that reach into the billions of dollars.

What does that have to do with freedom?

Why don't I have the freedom of not paying for their freeloading by not using my own private property being my money?

And don't give me I'm rich and don't give me my money wasn't earned or invested wisely because that's none of your business to begin with how I accumulated my private property and how much I have.
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I really don't give a fuck if they got here illegally....they are humans wanting freedom. I would give 100 percent of them citizenship immediately.

How many of them would you be willing to provide social services to including housing, education, and medical care straight out of your own pocket?

How many could you keep and for how long?

Explain to me what right do you have to force me to keep them?
Another incredibly dense rant from someone who wishes to pretend that society is just this massive ameba of humanity that can erupt into liberty without rules, laws or government.

That Progressive Liberal is oozing out; better check that. ;) Interesting how some of the dumbest lefttards on the forum thank you when you rant like this.

As usual, you're lost for rational debate and intellectual exchange, you haven't a fucking clue, huh RINO.
How do you equate freedom to tax funded social services to illegal criminals who are non citizens of the United States? Funds that reach into the billions of dollars.

That only equates with BIG fucking government taking unconstitutional ”LIBERTY” with the Constitution and taxpayer’s money.
I don’t know how this thread evolved into an immigration thread, but if anti-immigration, anti-abortion anti-gay issues are what the Tea Party wants to be defined by, I think they should go for it and allow the RINOs and Neo-Commies on the left define them as such. If that’s their agenda, they’ll eventually lose every real libertarian aligned with them now.

If they really believe in limited constitutional government, then they need to study much closer their Constitution and thereby define themselves as true constitutionalist, true ”traditional” fiscal conservatives and true ”traditional” social liberals i. e. loyalty to the Bill Of Rights.

It is and they have. The "Tea Party" was taken over by big government social conservatives almost immediately.
It is and they have. The "Tea Party" was taken over by big government social conservatives almost immediately.

Well if that’s true, why are the neo-con RINOs, so-called “social conservatives" so hell bent on destroying the Tea Party? All you need to do is watch and listen to the likes of John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Carl Rove, Peter King, John Boehner, Chris Christie and the other RINOs who consistently bad mouth the Tea Party members in Congress and even the Tea Party in general?

Maybe they haven’t taken over the whole of it yet? Maybe they just want to purge the libertarians and others who oppose “business as usual” in Washington with balls and gusto, huh?
Leave the social issues to the different states. And when I say different states I don't mean your federal judges but the numerical majority of the people within them.

That's "constitutional correctness" and it never flies in America these days. "States Rights" is a nasty word and forbidden fruit in corrupt authoritarian BIG fucking government Washington!!!