Leftists are not just Marxists, Communists, Socialists, They're also 'FASCISTS'


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I get a huge kick out of some the lefties here calling Trump a Fascist, but this 5 minute video should go a
long way in debunking that absurd notion that the Capitalist Trump is in any way a Fascist, and in fact show
without a doubt that it's the lefties who are the true fascists.

If you're going to make statements, Libby, you should first learn the meaning of the words that you plan to use.
If your education did not cover these topics,
you're going way out on a limb attempting to discuss them.

"Fascist" refers to the political extreme right.
That's simply what it means.
You can't change that because you want to..

If you want to make up your own language using English words incorrectly,
one can only assume that EVERYTHING you say on most any subject
is probably complete nonsense as well..
If you're going to make statements, Libby, you should first learn the meaning of the words that you plan to use.
If your education did not cover these topics,
you're going way out on a limb attempting to discuss them.

"Fascist" refers to the political extreme right.
That's simply what it means.
You can't change that because you want to..

If you want to make up your own language using English words incorrectly,
one can only assume that EVERYTHING you say on most any subject
is probably complete nonsense as well..
It means the union of state and corporate power.
If you're going to make statements, Libby, you should first learn the meaning of the words that you plan to use.
If your education did not cover these topics,
you're going way out on a limb attempting to discuss them.

"Fascist" refers to the political extreme right.
That's simply what it means.
You can't change that because you want to..

If you want to make up your own language using English words incorrectly,
one can only assume that EVERYTHING you say on most any subject
is probably complete nonsense as well..

Don't be a fucking retard.

Well, not more than you lack of education forces you to.

Watch the video - it says what I've said to you a dozen times,

Fascism is ultimately the supremacy of the state, the concept that ALL power ultimately is the rightful domain of the central, in our case federal, government.

Mussolini was one of Vladimir Lenin's top lieutenants and deeply dedicated to the cause of socialism. But of course he was a megalomaniac and not going to play second fiddle to anyone, Il Deuce was the boss.

Mussolini set out to fix some of the deep flaws of the Bolsheviks. First was the issue of human nature. The Bolsheviks addressed this by corruption, Lenin and later Stalin made corruption a central feature of Communism, because nothing gets accomplished without the promise of reward. Graft is a poor way of managing.

Italy is the birth place of the modern market, Venice the heart of the Renaissance. Also the rise of the Guilds. The Marxists in academia like to lie and claim that Fascism is "corporatist" - whatever the fuck that means. But in reality Mussolini followed the guild structure.
Don't be a fucking retard.

Well, not more than you lack of education forces you to.

Watch the video - it says what I've said to you a dozen times,

Fascism is ultimately the supremacy of the state, the concept that ALL power ultimately is the rightful domain of the central, in our case federal, government.

Mussolini was one of Vladimir Lenin's top lieutenants and deeply dedicated to the cause of socialism. But of course he was a megalomaniac and not going to play second fiddle to anyone, Il Deuce was the boss.

Mussolini set out to fix some of the deep flaws of the Bolsheviks. First was the issue of human nature. The Bolsheviks addressed this by corruption, Lenin and later Stalin made corruption a central feature of Communism, because nothing gets accomplished without the promise of reward. Graft is a poor way of managing.

Italy is the birth place of the modern market, Venice the heart of the Renaissance. Also the rise of the Guilds. The Marxists in academia like to lie and claim that Fascism is "corporatist" - whatever the fuck that means. But in reality Mussolini followed the guild structure.
I doubt any of these lefties actually heard the whole message from the OP link that clearly proves that fascism
is entirely exercised by lefties.
Webster's Dictionary:

"Fascism : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

Rather than a five minute video of some nobody with his own political agenda, get a respected source if it matters to you how fascist is classified between Right and Left. If a good history is too much work, look it up in an encyclopedia like the online Britannica.
I get a huge kick out of some the lefties here calling Trump a Fascist, but this 5 minute video should go a
long way in debunking that absurd notion that the Capitalist Trump is in any way a Fascist, and in fact show
without a doubt that it's the lefties who are the true fascists.

You Tube is news for those who cannot read. Try reading Marx and Engels to learn what they really had to say.
Webster's Dictionary:

"Fascism : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

Rather than a five minute video of some nobody with his own political agenda, get a respected source if it matters to you how fascist is classified between Right and Left. If a good history is too much work, look it up in an encyclopedia like the online Britannica.
Amazing right wingers think a person saying things is automatically valid.
You Tube is news for those who cannot read. Try reading Marx and Engels to learn what they really had to say.
I've read all about them and their ideology, and
Webster's Dictionary:

"Fascism : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

Rather than a five minute video of some nobody with his own political agenda, get a respected source if it matters to you how fascist is classified between Right and Left. If a good history is too much work, look it up in an encyclopedia like the online Britannica.
And what part of this current dem party doesn't fit in with Webster's Dictionary assessment of fascism? Exalts race above the individual as can be seen by the democrat's party putting blacks above whites, making so much racist insults by injecting CRT into our schools, supporting the violent BLM mobs etc. A centralized government? Exactly what you dems/socialists etc. have been supporting for decades now. A dictatorial leader? You mean like how biden used some 94 or so executive orders to undo
all of Trump's secure border initiatives to where we now have millions upon millions of illegals roaming throughout our nation?
Severe economic and social regimentation? Are you referring to bidenomics here? My goodness, have you seen biden's approval ratings lately on the economy? The lowest ratings of any president. Forcible oppression of opposition? You got to be kidding with that one. For some 8 years now the left has used everything in their sick playbook to oppress, censor and attack Trump so he will now be shackled to having less time to get out with the MAGA people etc. to sound off on his road to becoming #47.
Webster's Dictionary:

"Fascism : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

Rather than a five minute video of some nobody with his own political agenda, get a respected source if it matters to you how fascist is classified between Right and Left. If a good history is too much work, look it up in an encyclopedia like the online Britannica.
All the history of how fascism got its name and who in particular is responsible for the initiation of fascism is contained in that 5 minute video. It has nothing to do with that guy's political preference, rather, it has everything to do with delivering the facts behind fascism.
All the history of how fascism got its name and who in particular is responsible for the initiation of fascism is contained in that 5 minute video. It has nothing to do with that guy's political preference, rather, it has everything to do with delivering the facts behind fascism.
Most people read history to learn about fascism. Posting a video is just ridiculous.
Most people read history to learn about fascism. Posting a video is just ridiculous.
Reading comparative economics shows most economists do not believe fascism requires any particular economic system as it varies by national differences.