Leftists want "Fairness Doctrine" - and so do I


New member

Actually I wouldn't have a problem with the "Fairness Doctrine"... as long as it earned its name by being evenly applied.

For every negative report on McCain/Palin on network TV, there has to be one of equal length, showing them positively. For every reference to "tax cuts for the rich", there has to be something pointing out that either (a) the not-so-rich are getting tax cuts too, or (b) the "rich" are the ones hiring people and paying them, and that historically such tax cuts have resulted in rising prosperity for ALL income groups. For every reference to the Keating Five (in which John McCain was completely exonerated), there has to be a report of what Barack Obama did or didn't do with Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and/or ACORN.

For every report detailing how many American soldiers get killed or wounded in Iraq, there must be a report detailing how much territory has been regained from the terrorists, how many terrorists killed or wounded... and how many schools have been reopened, hospitals rebuilt, stores restarted, roads and bridges rebuilt, and how many neighborhoods now have electricity and water who didn't have them at this time last year, restored for the Iraqi people by those same American soldiers.

For every newspaper story "investigating" Sarah Palin for having a trooper fired who had abused his authority as a cop, abused his wife etc., there has to be one "investigating" how she ran a state government with 29,000 employees, and gave rebate checks to every citizen of her state while still running balanced budgets. And reports giving details on how she took on and defeated the big oil interests in her state, introduced competition in the oil industry where it didn't exist before, rooted out corruption in both political parties, etc.

For every movie depicting corporations a big, impersonal, and evil, there has to be one showing Ford or General Electric or Wal-Mart or Microsoft moving into a neighborhood, opening a big facility, giving jobs to a thousand people, the prosperity of neighborhoods rising, Johnny picking up his prom date in his new car which he couldn't have afforded back when the new plant wasn't there, etc.... something that happens far more often than corporations polluting a stream or blacklisting a whistleblower.

Sure, the "Fairness Doctrine" sounds fine to me... as long as it's truly fair, and in all media. As soon as the liberals start signing onto such a REAL "Fairness Doctrine", they'll get my full support. Should happen any day now, right?

Actually, such a "Doctrine" could have beneficial effects on a lot of TV stations, newpapers, etc. in the country. Especially those that have been experiencing long slides, with their readership/viewership going down and down, having to cut their staffs and lay off entire offices full of people, etc., as ABC, CBS, the NY Times, LA Times etc. have been doing for years now.

Showing actual "fair" respresentations of news as described above, could do a lot toward reversing these stations' deterioration and failures, as it has done for Fox News - the only major station to publish both sides without being forced to by government.

The huge number of slowly-failing liberal outlets around the country, should support an EVENLY applied "Fairness Doctrine"... if only for their own self-preservation.


P.S. On second thought, I don't think I want the government intruding on the publishing and broadcasting industries, making decisions on who will say what, and backing its agenda up with force. So, I've changed my mind. As a conservative, I'll have to oppose the so-called "Fairness Doctrine", no matter what form it takes.

Actually I wouldn't have a problem with the "Fairness Doctrine"... as long as it earned its name by being evenly applied.

For every negative report on McCain/Palin on network TV, there has to be one of equal length, showing them positively. For every reference to "tax cuts for the rich", there has to be something pointing out that either (a) the not-so-rich are getting tax cuts too, or (b) the "rich" are the ones hiring people and paying them, and that historically such tax cuts have resulted in rising prosperity for ALL income groups. For every reference to the Keating Five (in which John McCain was completely exonerated), there has to be a report of what Barack Obama did or didn't do with Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and/or ACORN.

For every report detailing how many American soldiers get killed or wounded in Iraq, there must be a report detailing how much territory has been regained from the terrorists, how many terrorists killed or wounded... and how many schools have been reopened, hospitals rebuilt, stores restarted, roads and bridges rebuilt, and how many neighborhoods now have electricity and water who didn't have them at this time last year, restored for the Iraqi people by those same American soldiers.

For every newspaper story "investigating" Sarah Palin for having a trooper fired who had abused his authority as a cop, abused his wife etc., there has to be one "investigating" how she ran a state government with 29,000 employees, and gave rebate checks to every citizen of her state while still running balanced budgets. And reports giving details on how she took on and defeated the big oil interests in her state, introduced competition in the oil industry where it didn't exist before, rooted out corruption in both political parties, etc.

For every movie depicting corporations a big, impersonal, and evil, there has to be one showing Ford or General Electric or Wal-Mart or Microsoft moving into a neighborhood, opening a big facility, giving jobs to a thousand people, the prosperity of neighborhoods rising, Johnny picking up his prom date in his new car which he couldn't have afforded back when the new plant wasn't there, etc.... something that happens far more often than corporations polluting a stream or blacklisting a whistleblower.

Sure, the "Fairness Doctrine" sounds fine to me... as long as it's truly fair, and in all media. As soon as the liberals start signing onto such a REAL "Fairness Doctrine", they'll get my full support. Should happen any day now, right?

Actually, such a "Doctrine" could have beneficial effects on a lot of TV stations, newpapers, etc. in the country. Especially those that have been experiencing long slides, with their readership/viewership going down and down, having to cut their staffs and lay off entire offices full of people, etc., as ABC, CBS, the NY Times, LA Times etc. have been doing for years now.

Showing actual "fair" respresentations of news as described above, could do a lot toward reversing these stations' deterioration and failures, as it has done for Fox News - the only major station to publish both sides without being forced to by government.

The huge number of slowly-failing liberal outlets around the country, should support an EVENLY applied "Fairness Doctrine"... if only for their own self-preservation.


P.S. On second thought, I don't think I want the government intruding on the publishing and broadcasting industries, making decisions on who will say what, and backing its agenda up with force. So, I've changed my mind. As a conservative, I'll have to oppose the so-called "Fairness Doctrine", no matter what form it takes.

Pelosi is in favor of it, other Dem leaders said they are as well. Obama CLAIMS to not be in favor of it but could anyone really see him vetoing it if it came onto his desk?

It's sad that so many on the left want this back, so much for freedom of speech.

Actually I wouldn't have a problem with the "Fairness Doctrine"... as long as it earned its name by being evenly applied.

For every negative report on McCain/Palin on network TV, there has to be one of equal length, showing them positively. For every reference to "tax cuts for the rich", there has to be something pointing out that either (a) the not-so-rich are getting tax cuts too, or (b) the "rich" are the ones hiring people and paying them, and that historically such tax cuts have resulted in rising prosperity for ALL income groups. For every reference to the Keating Five (in which John McCain was completely exonerated), there has to be a report of what Barack Obama did or didn't do with Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and/or ACORN.

For every report detailing how many American soldiers get killed or wounded in Iraq, there must be a report detailing how much territory has been regained from the terrorists, how many terrorists killed or wounded... and how many schools have been reopened, hospitals rebuilt, stores restarted, roads and bridges rebuilt, and how many neighborhoods now have electricity and water who didn't have them at this time last year, restored for the Iraqi people by those same American soldiers.

For every newspaper story "investigating" Sarah Palin for having a trooper fired who had abused his authority as a cop, abused his wife etc., there has to be one "investigating" how she ran a state government with 29,000 employees, and gave rebate checks to every citizen of her state while still running balanced budgets. And reports giving details on how she took on and defeated the big oil interests in her state, introduced competition in the oil industry where it didn't exist before, rooted out corruption in both political parties, etc.

For every movie depicting corporations a big, impersonal, and evil, there has to be one showing Ford or General Electric or Wal-Mart or Microsoft moving into a neighborhood, opening a big facility, giving jobs to a thousand people, the prosperity of neighborhoods rising, Johnny picking up his prom date in his new car which he couldn't have afforded back when the new plant wasn't there, etc.... something that happens far more often than corporations polluting a stream or blacklisting a whistleblower.

Sure, the "Fairness Doctrine" sounds fine to me... as long as it's truly fair, and in all media. As soon as the liberals start signing onto such a REAL "Fairness Doctrine", they'll get my full support. Should happen any day now, right?

Actually, such a "Doctrine" could have beneficial effects on a lot of TV stations, newpapers, etc. in the country. Especially those that have been experiencing long slides, with their readership/viewership going down and down, having to cut their staffs and lay off entire offices full of people, etc., as ABC, CBS, the NY Times, LA Times etc. have been doing for years now.

Showing actual "fair" respresentations of news as described above, could do a lot toward reversing these stations' deterioration and failures, as it has done for Fox News - the only major station to publish both sides without being forced to by government.

The huge number of slowly-failing liberal outlets around the country, should support an EVENLY applied "Fairness Doctrine"... if only for their own self-preservation.


P.S. On second thought, I don't think I want the government intruding on the publishing and broadcasting industries, making decisions on who will say what, and backing its agenda up with force. So, I've changed my mind. As a conservative, I'll have to oppose the so-called "Fairness Doctrine", no matter what form it takes.

I believe in 'freedom of speech'...after all I gave blood sweat and tears for it...what is fair...'freedom'...and the right to disagree!

Side note: John McCain gave his all back in the day...what has Barry given?...this is a challenge to y'all Barry Supporters...
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Pelosi is in favor of it, other Dem leaders said they are as well. Obama CLAIMS to not be in favor of it but could anyone really see him vetoing it if it came onto his desk?

It's sad that so many on the left want this back, so much for freedom of speech.

The left want to use it to thwart the rise in popularity and success of jerks like Limbaugh, O'Reilly and such. As much as I can't stand Limbaugh I do see this as a limitation of freedom of speech.
I guess the most interesting thing about this article is that the Democrats have controlled Congress for a few years now and not only have they not tried to bring back the Fairness Doctrine but they have explicitly stated that the FCC cannot use funds for the purposes of enforcing the Fairness Doctrine or any similar regulation:

SEC. 908. None of the funds made available by this Act may be used by the Federal Communications Commission to implement the Fairness Doctrine, as repealed in General Fairness Doctrine Obligations of Broadcast Licensees (50 Fed. Reg. 35418 (1985)), or any other regulations having the same substance.

That's from a budget bill that passed the House not too long ago.

So, while some lefties out there may want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, the Democratically controlled House has explicitly rejected that view.
The left want to use it to thwart the rise in popularity and success of jerks like Limbaugh, O'Reilly and such. As much as I can't stand Limbaugh I do see this as a limitation of freedom of speech.

I would agree. If people wish to listen to Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Franken, Olbermann etc... they should be able to choose to do so. If a radio/tv station can't maintain a profit on their respective shows and chooses to cancel those that are in the red, then they should be able to do so based on consumer demand for the product.

That said, I don't see how anyone likes any of the above over the top morons.
Um... 1492 was well over 400 years ago. It isn't the 1800s here...

LOl...ya missed the pun...when were we formed as the US ..? and is waterbaby claiming to be a Seminole? or another Nation before civilization became the Norm? I have only traced back my family generation to the 1830's falls in line with what we as Americans call home..am I wrong?:rolleyes:
LOl...ya missed the pun...when were we formed as the US ..? and is waterbaby claiming to be a Seminole? or another Nation before civilization became the Norm? I have only traced back my family generation to the 1830's falls in line with what we as Americans call home..am I wrong?:rolleyes:

My family arrived in South Carolina in the early 1700's (which is actually about 300 years, sorry). My family was here before America was formed. My mothers grandmother was half-injun, though, so you could say my families been here for several thousand years, although that's not usually how I count things since I'm as white as day.
I guess the most interesting thing about this article is that the Democrats have controlled Congress for a few years now and not only have they not tried to bring back the Fairness Doctrine but they have explicitly stated that the FCC cannot use funds for the purposes of enforcing the Fairness Doctrine or any similar regulation:

That's from a budget bill that passed the House not too long ago.

So, while some lefties out there may want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, the Democratically controlled House has explicitly rejected that view.

That seems to say that none of the funds from some act that passed would be used to fund it. It doesn't say anything about obstructing it coming back in the future or having the funds come from elsewhere.

Pelosi is the leader of the house, she said she supports it returning.

If the house that she leads really wouldn't be able to reinstate it, then why would she say that?
My family arrived in South Carolina in the early 1700's (which is actually about 300 years, sorry). My family was here before America was formed. My mothers grandmother was half-injun, though, so you could say my families been here for several thousand years, although that's not usually how I count things since I'm as white as day.
Plymouth Colony was founded in 1620.
My family arrived in South Carolina in the early 1700's (which is actually about 300 years, sorry). My family was here before America was formed. My mothers grandmother was half-injun, though, so you could say my families been here for several thousand years, although that's not usually how I count things since I'm as white as day.

Thank you for the correction....my family dates back to the 1830's California Spanish Land grants era..however it is unwritten before, as my family co-mingled with the natives...Apaches and Commanches...had some babies so I was told...and this puts us pre US formation...:cof1:
LOl...ya missed the pun...when were we formed as the US ..? and is waterbaby claiming to be a Seminole? or another Nation before civilization became the Norm? I have only traced back my family generation to the 1830's falls in line with what we as Americans call home..am I wrong?:rolleyes:

My ancestors came over in 1629.