Legion Rule 14, 1 week.... (April Fools)...


Staff member
1 Week Ban, Legion. We've simply gotten tired of the trolling, and needed a break for a week. We'll see how this goes.
Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, maybe Legion DOES work for JPP ... and this is just a head fake to make people think he DOESN'T work for JPP?:

So Uncle Faggot = Derpocles = Lenny here? Is that what you are saying?
1 Week Ban, Legion. We've simply gotten tired of the trolling, and needed a break for a week. We'll see how this goes.

This is a travesty of justice. Leggiecrite is the cultural icon of JPP. What next, an announcement that LR and Phan organized a palace coup and banned Damo? :nono:
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Well, crap. I didn't even notice that. Well, he was banned last night around 9 Eastern time I just didn't post a notice until today.