Lesson on Socialism

Republicans draw simpletons like a street light draws bugs.

Amusing coming from a dunce who can’t distinguish “your” from “you’re”, “to” from “too” or “two” and supports Democratic policies while claiming he doesn’t like socialism or the ACA.

I would say you are one confused dunce. But ironic that you believe others are the simpletons based on the many simplistic posts you spam this forum with.

I'm not at all for socialism or aca.

Sorry dunce, but if you voted for Obama and support the Democratic Party, you’re all in for socialism and the ACA. But again, you’re a confused dunce who has the intelligence of an ant.

But France has arguably the worlds best health care

And one of the most unsustainable regardless of the false claims by the WHO:

But the French may find themselves paying in the long-term for all of this seemingly low-cost access.

In 1996, in an attempt to control rising public-sector budget deficits, France's government of the day, under then-prime minister Alain Juppé, passed the Social Security Funding Act, which set an annual limit on growth in total spending by the health insurance funds. It looked good on paper. But this so-called Objectif national des dépenses d'assurance maladie has been exceeded every year since its inception. With an aging population, that trend is unlikely to change.

Around the time of this and other reforms, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, France's total expenditure on health as a percentage of gross domestic product (10.5% in 2006) began to match and then surpass Canada's (9.5%). The reforms of 1996–1998 also sought to widen the financial base of the social security system. Until then, health care was paid for out of general revenues and mandatory payroll taxes. Juppé's centre-right government reduced the contributions of employers and employees to 0.75% of earnings and increased the contribution sociale généralisée, a tax on total earnings. By 2003, under the succeeding Socialist government, the component of health-care funding that came from general revenues — hobbling the government's ability to pay for anything else — had grown to 40%, but the system still wasn't paying for itself. The French national insurance system has been running constant deficits since 1985; the deficit now tops $14.77 billion.

Public spending on doctors' consultations and treatments this year alone was $2.76 billion over budget, by early summer. The government had hoped to hold health care deficits for all of 2007 to $1.52 billion.


I am amused by claims suggesting that Government management of anything is more efficient than private companies competing. Once again you get an “F” in economics which matches your “F” in politics.

and the average family wealth is twice that of ours.

Once again we see an uninformed dunce talking out of his bung hole where his brains are:

GNI for the USA is $50,610; for France it is $36,460

GDP per hour worked in the US is 60.6; for France it is 57.7

GDP per capita in the US is 48.3; in France it is 35.1

Give credit where credit is due.

By all means shit-for-brains:

Marginal Tax Rate USA is 39%; for France it is 50% plus a VAT (Value Added Tax) is 20.00%.

Effective Tax rates including SS for USA is 26%; for France it is 42%

Average gas price in the US is $3.62; in France $8.13 per gallon

Home ownership 65.4% in the US; 57.8% in France

So basically, you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about…AGAIN.

Cue the 8 th grade dimwit king

Cuing yourself now? How ironic eh?

In the real world, the Democratic Party attracts uninformed simpletons like you like a street light attracts bugs. But unfortunately you’re too stupid to comprehend that reality.

I was born in Germany and have family there, and I have traveled extensively throughout many countries in Europe, France included, and while I love it and enjoy the culture, the claim that their living standards are better than our own can only be expressed through ignorance like you have here.

It is equally ignorant when agenda driven organizations like WHO attempt to claim that France’s healthcare system has a lower cost than our own; but only if you ignore their massive deficits and huge taxes.

Carry on Super Dunce; facts have NEVER been your forte'. ;)
Unlike you I know we can get better, even in spite of millions of you uneducated rednecks.

I am amused by the argument that "we" can get better if only we become dependent wards of the State. But then as illustrated above, you're an uniformed dunce stuck on partisan stupidity.
Double wide and a crappy econobox to a single wide and a liquor cycle....

BUT; if the dunce moved to France, he could be on the upper echelon of society. Well, other than being able to afford a home. But he could live in one of those little trailers Europeans tow all over Europe on vacation!! ;)
BUT; if the dunce moved to France, he could be on the upper echelon of society. Well, other than being able to afford a home. But he could live in one of those little trailers Europeans tow all over Europe on vacation!! ;)

Well I'm going to take my first trip to France on my 35 ft catamaran, spend a month doing the french open and restaurant hopping.
I'd venture to say that on average weeks, Dude's MONEY makes more money than you do.

Dude is also infinitely smarter, can fight and write an order of magnitude better, has a far broader range of interests, is more interesting as a human being, has a much higher standard of ethics, is a better debater, and probably gets an assload more pussy as well.