Let Obama Break Pledge, Please !


New member
Just try to imagine an editorial yearning for an excuse for a Republican President to break the centerpiece promise of his campaign like this one does:

"Candidates tend to make a lot of irresponsible promises in pursuit of elections, and once elected they tend to stick with them for fear of being branded with flip-flopping. President Obama's most foolish, and most consequential, promise was not to raise taxes on households earning less than $250,000 a year."

Now Obama says "Now, the thing I didn't anticipate up until a few months before my election [when he made the No Tax Hike pledge-emphasis mine-nji] was the fact that we were gonna be in such a deep crisis...And right now, we've got a huge structural debt that I inherited and that the recession made worse. We're gonna have to solve that."

Now try to imagine this response from the Post or the Networks if a Republican were laying the groundwork to break his biggest campaign promise:

"Agreed. We've cautioned not to expect too much from the commission. But if it helps Mr. Obama and others find a face-saving way to wriggle out of unkeepable promises, it will perform a valuable service."

Yeah, that would be really great...

Just try to imagine an editorial yearning for an excuse for a Republican President to break the centerpiece promise of his campaign like this one does:

"Candidates tend to make a lot of irresponsible promises in pursuit of elections, and once elected they tend to stick with them for fear of being branded with flip-flopping. President Obama's most foolish, and most consequential, promise was not to raise taxes on households earning less than $250,000 a year."

Now Obama says "Now, the thing I didn't anticipate up until a few months before my election [when he made the No Tax Hike pledge-emphasis mine-nji] was the fact that we were gonna be in such a deep crisis...And right now, we've got a huge structural debt that I inherited and that the recession made worse. We're gonna have to solve that."

Now try to imagine this response from the Post or the Networks if a Republican were laying the groundwork to break his biggest campaign promise:

"Agreed. We've cautioned not to expect too much from the commission. But if it helps Mr. Obama and others find a face-saving way to wriggle out of unkeepable promises, it will perform a valuable service."

Yeah, that would be really great...


All I can say is "read my lips NO new taxes". The words that sunk Bush I.

We can at least hope that this will be the proverbial final nail in the coffin of the Obama presidency!!!
Just try to imagine an editorial yearning for an excuse for a Republican President to break the centerpiece promise of his campaign like this one does:

"Candidates tend to make a lot of irresponsible promises in pursuit of elections, and once elected they tend to stick with them for fear of being branded with flip-flopping. President Obama's most foolish, and most consequential, promise was not to raise taxes on households earning less than $250,000 a year."

Now Obama says "Now, the thing I didn't anticipate up until a few months before my election [when he made the No Tax Hike pledge-emphasis mine-nji] was the fact that we were gonna be in such a deep crisis...And right now, we've got a huge structural debt that I inherited and that the recession made worse. We're gonna have to solve that."

Now try to imagine this response from the Post or the Networks if a Republican were laying the groundwork to break his biggest campaign promise:

"Agreed. We've cautioned not to expect too much from the commission. But if it helps Mr. Obama and others find a face-saving way to wriggle out of unkeepable promises, it will perform a valuable service."

Yeah, that would be really great...


He either has to raise taxes or cut the military or maybe even both, yet it seems there are many that cannot face up to the unpleasant facts.
He either has to raise taxes or cut the military or maybe even both, yet it seems there are many that cannot face up to the unpleasant facts.

See, this is what I hate about both parties and their hacktastic constituents. you throw out all these new 'packages' and entitlements with promises of not raising taxes, then you have to raise taxes and expect us to just acknowledge it and go on.

maybe I should just hate stupid people instead.

I really am getting damned impatient for the shooting to start.
Bush got in trouble with republicans for breaking his no new taxes. He got a thumbs up from the left for acting responsibly.

When you plan your life you have to change you tact when circumstances demand it or you will not survive.

BTW I and many do not consider it his biggest promise on the campaign.
See, this is what I hate about both parties and their hacktastic constituents. you throw out all these new 'packages' and entitlements with promises of not raising taxes, then you have to raise taxes and expect us to just acknowledge it and go on.

maybe I should just hate stupid people instead.

I really am getting damned impatient for the shooting to start.

WHAT? You think people were stupid and guillible to rally 'round Obama's promises while he smiled all pretty promising no new taxes and went on a spending spree with our money in the middle of a reccession???

Of course there has been a consistent cry from many who said...he's fucking lying:cool:
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Bush got in trouble with republicans for breaking his no new taxes. He got a thumbs up from the left for acting responsibly.

When you plan your life you have to change you tact when circumstances demand it or you will not survive.

BTW I and many do not consider it his biggest promise on the campaign.

Obama has broken way too many campaign promises. He cannot be trusted.
See, this is what I hate about both parties and their hacktastic constituents. you throw out all these new 'packages' and entitlements with promises of not raising taxes, then you have to raise taxes and expect us to just acknowledge it and go on.

maybe I should just hate stupid people instead.

I really am getting damned impatient for the shooting to start.

What should happen is that all government employees, the Senate and Congress, the President, etc., should ALL take PAY CUTS.
Bush got in trouble with republicans for breaking his no new taxes. He got a thumbs up from the left for acting responsibly.

When you plan your life you have to change you tact when circumstances demand it or you will not survive.

BTW I and many do not consider it his biggest promise on the campaign.

Lying is a virtue.
19 broken promises are waaayyyyy too many. :BKick:

3%. It's just criminal.

What's the percentage for your golden calf dubya?

January 20, 2010 02:44 PM UTC by John Stossel

Obama's Broken Promises
In a Reason Magazine interview last year, Ted Balaker asked me about my hopes for the incoming Obama administration. "Maybe Obama will be financially responsible," I said.

I’m so inclined to wishful thinking.

It's now been one year since Obama took office. He promised fiscal responsibility. Then he broke lots of those promises. Here is a list of some:

Promise #6: No Tax Increase on Families Making Under 250k

“Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase - not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes,” Obama said in a September 2008 town hall meeting in Dover.

Reality: In his first year in office, he proposed Cap and Trade, which would be a fat tax on everyone. He increased the cigarette tax by 159 percent, and now we have that proposed tax on fancy health care benefits.

During the campaign, he criticized John McCain for just suggesting that.

“My opponent can't make that pledge [not to raise taxes] and here’s why: for the first time in American history, John McCain wants to tax your health care benefits," he said in the same speech.

But now it's Obama who wants to tax health plans:

“This reform will charge insurance companies a fee for their most expensive policies,” he said in his health care address to Congress.

Promise #5: Ban Earmarks

"We are going to ban all earmarks,” Obama said at a press conference on January 6, 2009.

Reality: The first spending bill he signed had over 9,000 earmarks.

Promise #4: I Won't Force Americans To Buy Insurance

During the campaign, Obama attacked Hillary Clinton:

“She believes we have to force people who don’t have insurance,” he said in a primary debate in January 2008.

In a Feb. 2008 CNN interview, he added: “If a mandate was the solution, we could try that to solve homelessness by mandating that everybody buy a house.”

Reality: This September, he told Congress: “Under my plan, individuals will be required to carry basic health insurance.”

Promise #3: Health care negotiations will be on C-SPAN

Obama promised at least eight times that "we’re going to do all the negotiations on C-SPAN, So the American people will be able to watch.”

Reality: They haven’t been there.

Well, briefly. C-SPAN CEO Brian Lamb said, “The only time we’ve been allowed to cover the White House part of it was one hour inside the East Room, which was kind of just a show horse type of thing.”

Promise #2: Putting bills online

Obama promised “When there’s a bill that ends up on my desk as President, you the public will have five days to look online, and find out what’s in it before I sign it.”

Reality: He broke that promise when he singed his first bill, the Fair Pay Act. He's broken it since, for instance on the Credit Card Bill of Rights and an expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

Promise #1: Cutting spending

On the campaign trail, Obama promised to cut spending several times. In the second presidential debate, he said that “actually, I am cutting more than I’m spending. So it will be a net spending cut.”

In the third debate, he reiterated: “what I've done throughout this campaign is to propose a net spending cut.”

Of course, Republicans made claims like that, too. Bush Sr. is famous for his “Read my lips. No new taxes” line. Bush Jr. made statements like “Prosperity requires restraining the spending appetite of the federal government.”

Reality: Here’s a graph:

Under both parties, government’s appetite grows.
But look how sharply the line rose after Obama took office. Spending increased 2 TRILLION dollars -- more than any year in history.
January 20, 2010 02:44 PM UTC by John Stossel

Obama's Broken Promises
In a Reason Magazine interview last year, Ted Balaker asked me about my hopes for the incoming Obama administration. "Maybe Obama will be financially responsible," I said.

I’m so inclined to wishful thinking.

It's now been one year since Obama took office. He promised fiscal responsibility. Then he broke lots of those promises. Here is a list of some:

Promise #6: No Tax Increase on Families Making Under 250k

“Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase - not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes,” Obama said in a September 2008 town hall meeting in Dover.

Reality: In his first year in office, he proposed Cap and Trade, which would be a fat tax on everyone. He increased the cigarette tax by 159 percent, and now we have that proposed tax on fancy health care benefits.

During the campaign, he criticized John McCain for just suggesting that.

“My opponent can't make that pledge [not to raise taxes] and here’s why: for the first time in American history, John McCain wants to tax your health care benefits," he said in the same speech.

But now it's Obama who wants to tax health plans:

“This reform will charge insurance companies a fee for their most expensive policies,” he said in his health care address to Congress.

Promise #5: Ban Earmarks

"We are going to ban all earmarks,” Obama said at a press conference on January 6, 2009.

Reality: The first spending bill he signed had over 9,000 earmarks.

Promise #4: I Won't Force Americans To Buy Insurance

During the campaign, Obama attacked Hillary Clinton:

“She believes we have to force people who don’t have insurance,” he said in a primary debate in January 2008.

In a Feb. 2008 CNN interview, he added: “If a mandate was the solution, we could try that to solve homelessness by mandating that everybody buy a house.”

Reality: This September, he told Congress: “Under my plan, individuals will be required to carry basic health insurance.”

Promise #3: Health care negotiations will be on C-SPAN

Obama promised at least eight times that "we’re going to do all the negotiations on C-SPAN, So the American people will be able to watch.”

Reality: They haven’t been there.

Well, briefly. C-SPAN CEO Brian Lamb said, “The only time we’ve been allowed to cover the White House part of it was one hour inside the East Room, which was kind of just a show horse type of thing.”

Promise #2: Putting bills online

Obama promised “When there’s a bill that ends up on my desk as President, you the public will have five days to look online, and find out what’s in it before I sign it.”

Reality: He broke that promise when he singed his first bill, the Fair Pay Act. He's broken it since, for instance on the Credit Card Bill of Rights and an expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

Promise #1: Cutting spending

On the campaign trail, Obama promised to cut spending several times. In the second presidential debate, he said that “actually, I am cutting more than I’m spending. So it will be a net spending cut.”

In the third debate, he reiterated: “what I've done throughout this campaign is to propose a net spending cut.”

Of course, Republicans made claims like that, too. Bush Sr. is famous for his “Read my lips. No new taxes” line. Bush Jr. made statements like “Prosperity requires restraining the spending appetite of the federal government.”

Reality: Here’s a graph:

Under both parties, government’s appetite grows.
But look how sharply the line rose after Obama took office. Spending increased 2 TRILLION dollars -- more than any year in history.

John did a good job on this.
Yes, it truly is criminal that BO is still breaking his promises.:BKick:

So you won't post anything on bush's broken promises? Here, I'll start you off:

GWB made these promises to America during his 2004 speech at the RNC. Which, if any, of these promises did he keep?

"My plan begins with providing the security and opportunity of a growing economy. We now compete in a global market that provides new buyers for our goods, but new competition for our workers. To create more jobs in America, America must be the best place in the world to do business."

"To create jobs, my plan will encourage investment and expansion by restraining federal spending, reducing regulation and making the tax relief permanent."

"To create jobs, we will make our country less dependent on foreign sources of energy."

"To create jobs, we will expand trade and level the playing field to sell American goods and services across the globe."

"In a new term, I will lead a bipartisan effort to reform and simplify the federal tax code."

"In these areas,(we will create American opportunity zones) we'll provide tax relief and other incentives to attract new business and improve housing and job training to bring hope and work throughout all of America."

"In a new term, we must allow small firms to join together to purchase (health) insurance at the discounts available to big companies."

"We will offer a tax credit to encourage small businesses and their employees to set up health savings accounts and provide direct help for low-income Americans to purchase them. These accounts give workers the security of insurance against major illness, the opportunity to save tax-free for routine health expenses, and the freedom of knowing you can take your account with you whenever you change jobs."

"We will provide low-income Americans with better access to health care. In a new term, I will ensure every poor county in America has a community or rural health center."

"To make health care more affordable and accessible, we must pass medical liability reform now."

"In a new term we will change outdated labor laws to offer comp-time and flex-time. Our laws should never stand in the way of a more family-friendly workplace."

"Tonight we set a new goal: 7 million more affordable homes in the next 10 years, so more American families will be able to open the door and say, "Welcome to my home."

Transcript of Bush's 2004 RNC speech.

Text: President Bush's Acceptance Speech to the Republican National Convention (washingtonpost.com)

Read more: http://www.city-data.com/forum/poli...wb-keep-any-these-promises.html#ixzz0msuSBBu8