Let Obama Break Pledge, Please !

So you won't post anything on bush's broken promises? Here, I'll start you off:

GWB made these promises to America during his 2004 speech at the RNC. Which, if any, of these promises did he keep?

"My plan begins with providing the security and opportunity of a growing economy. We now compete in a global market that provides new buyers for our goods, but new competition for our workers. To create more jobs in America, America must be the best place in the world to do business."

"To create jobs, my plan will encourage investment and expansion by restraining federal spending, reducing regulation and making the tax relief permanent."

"To create jobs, we will make our country less dependent on foreign sources of energy."

"To create jobs, we will expand trade and level the playing field to sell American goods and services across the globe."

"In a new term, I will lead a bipartisan effort to reform and simplify the federal tax code."

"In these areas,(we will create American opportunity zones) we'll provide tax relief and other incentives to attract new business and improve housing and job training to bring hope and work throughout all of America."

"In a new term, we must allow small firms to join together to purchase (health) insurance at the discounts available to big companies."

"We will offer a tax credit to encourage small businesses and their employees to set up health savings accounts and provide direct help for low-income Americans to purchase them. These accounts give workers the security of insurance against major illness, the opportunity to save tax-free for routine health expenses, and the freedom of knowing you can take your account with you whenever you change jobs."

"We will provide low-income Americans with better access to health care. In a new term, I will ensure every poor county in America has a community or rural health center."

"To make health care more affordable and accessible, we must pass medical liability reform now."

"In a new term we will change outdated labor laws to offer comp-time and flex-time. Our laws should never stand in the way of a more family-friendly workplace."

"Tonight we set a new goal: 7 million more affordable homes in the next 10 years, so more American families will be able to open the door and say, "Welcome to my home."

Transcript of Bush's 2004 RNC speech.

Text: President Bush's Acceptance Speech to the Republican National Convention (washingtonpost.com)

Read more: http://www.city-data.com/forum/poli...wb-keep-any-these-promises.html#ixzz0msuSBBu8

Well yes but.......wasn't the '08 election all about "Change you can believe in" and "draining the swamps" and "Transparency" and all ? Anyway, lets try to get back to how our "unbiased" Media presents events according to which Party the President belongs to...
Why is it anything criticizing Obama eventually comes down to "well, look at Bush!"

For crying out loud, you people act like a bunch of whiny 2nd graders. "He started it!" "They do it too!"

Bush is no longer president. Using his reign of incompetence as your basis of comparison does your arguments no good at all.

Here is what bringing Bush into an argument about Obama's performance does:

"Hey, that stinks!"
"Well....skunks smell worse!"

Even judging Bush to be worse (which is yet to be determined - Bush had 8 years of fuckups, while Obama is rapidly catching up with less than 2 years under his belt) that does NOT excuse the crap going on today.
Why is it anything criticizing Obama eventually comes down to "well, look at Bush!"

For crying out loud, you people act like a bunch of whiny 2nd graders. "He started it!" "They do it too!"

Bush is no longer president. Using his reign of incompetence as your basis of comparison does your arguments no good at all.

Here is what bringing Bush into an argument about Obama's performance does:

"Hey, that stinks!"
"Well....skunks smell worse!"

Even judging Bush to be worse (which is yet to be determined - Bush had 8 years of fuckups, while Obama is rapidly catching up with less than 2 years under his belt) that does NOT excuse the crap going on today.

Hmmm, I'm guessing libs will take as long to stop bringing up bush as repubs did to stop bringing up Clinton. That would be around six years.

Fasten your seat belt, it's still gonna be a bumpy ride for the next 4-1/2 years!
Hmmm, I'm guessing libs will take as long to stop bringing up bush as repubs did to stop bringing up Clinton. That would be around six years.

Fasten your seat belt, it's still gonna be a bumpy ride for the next 4-1/2 years!
And yet another "they did it first" comment from the second grade balcony.

Have anything substantial to offer in defense of Obama's actions the last 15+ months?
And yet another "they did it first" comment from the second grade balcony.

Have anything substantial to offer in defense of Obama's actions the last 15+ months?

I have plenty of substance but rather than use up bandwidth spelling it out, I suggest you read this site:


I'm sure it's just an accident that you overlooked the central point of the thread... "why isn't Obama being held to the same standard as bush"... which is exactly what you're bitching about except from the opposite viewpoint. :rolleyes:

It would take Obama decades to even approach the magnitude of devastation bush launched on this country, and for which we'll be paying many years to come.
I have plenty of substance but rather than use up bandwidth spelling it out, I suggest you read this site:


I'm sure it's just an accident that you overlooked the central point of the thread... "why isn't Obama being held to the same standard as bush"... which is exactly what you're bitching about except from the opposite viewpoint. :rolleyes:

It would take Obama decades to even approach the magnitude of devastation bush launched on this country, and for which we'll be paying many years to come.
From what I can see, you Obama apologists are the only one insisting on bringing Bush into the debate. And you do so from the typical LIE that those you debate against did not hold Bush to the same standard. And then you lie about the "central point of this thread". Obama has already outspent Bush, so he has a good lead on the "devastation Bush launched on this country". So much for taking decades.

Try reading the title of this thread. The point of this thread is about whether Obama is going to break what most view to be his biggest and most important vow in his campaign: will he raise taxes (more than he already has, that is) on people making less than $250,000? (or was that $200,000? ... $150,000? Was that per year, or per decade? I guess since he never really stated "per year" that $250,000 figure could mean anything.) That vow has nothing to do with Bush. Bush wasn't even Obama's opponent in the campaign.

BTW: the "truth-o-meter" is run by people who would not know truth if it walked up and bit them on the ass.
From what I can see, you Obama apologists are the only one insisting on bringing Bush into the debate.

Then you haven't been around here much. Board conservatives constantly complain that Obama isn't being held to the same standard as bush; yet there's not one liberal poster here who hasn't criticized Obama for something.

And you do so from the typical LIE that those you debate against did not hold Bush to the same standard.

If you're talking about a certain conservative element here, that's exactly what I'm saying. But I don't think that about everyone.

And then you lie about the "central point of this thread".

Apparently you didn't read the original post. It's pretty clear from the quotes below that the writer thinks Obama is getting cut way more slack than bush or other republicans did. If I were you I'd think twice about throwing around the word "lie" so casually.

"Just try to imagine an editorial yearning for an excuse for a Republican President to break the centerpiece promise of his campaign like this one does..."

"Now try to imagine this response from the Post or the Networks if a Republican were laying the groundwork to break his biggest campaign promise..."

Obama has already outspent Bush, so he has a good lead on the "devastation Bush launched on this country". So much for taking decades.

Unlike you I don't look at devastation in strictly economic terms. A never-ending war, 4000+ deaths for a lie, the creative accounting of war costs, advocating torture, destroying this country's reputation on a global scale -- all mean a lot to me but apparently never crossed your mind.

Try reading the title of this thread. The point of this thread is about whether Obama is going to break what most view to be his biggest and most important vow in his campaign: will he raise taxes (more than he already has, that is) on people making less than $250,000? (or was that $200,000? ... $150,000? Was that per year, or per decade? I guess since he never really stated "per year" that $250,000 figure could mean anything.) That vow has nothing to do with Bush. Bush wasn't even Obama's opponent in the campaign.

Obama has not yet broken the pledge, nor hinted that breaking it was a foregone conclusion. He said "...I've appointed this bipartisan fiscal commission to give me recommendations...", "we should be able to solve this problem without putting a burden on middle class families." and "Having said that, I'm also going to wait for the fiscal commission to provide me what their best recommendations are."

If he actually raises taxes, that's the time to excoriate him for breaking a pledge. Otherwise it's just whining about what might happen.

BTW: the "truth-o-meter" is run by people who would not know truth if it walked up and bit them on the ass.

If you would care to point out some parts that are actually false, I'll be happy to take a second look.