Let's talk values

1) What do you think is the single greatest problem in America today?

Underemployment. Followed by big government. Upon thinking a nanosecond, reverse those.

2) What are you most direly afraid will happen within your lifetime?

Actually nothing. What was feared yesterday may be manageable today. What wasn't conceived of yesterday may be today's most concerning issue.

3) Do you have kids?


4) Do you plan to have kids?

No more.

5) What single entity is most responsible for the state of the world economy? Why?

There is not one thing.

6) What are the three things most wrong with American values today?

Government too encompassing. Lack of personal responsibility. Acceptance of 'settled' anything.
First, no I'm not 'back'. I just wanted to check in again. It's been a while :)

1) What do you think is the single greatest problem in America today?
I've got a lot of hot-button issues from proper dieting to educating our children in technology, but the main problem we have today is inefficient government.

2) What are you most direly afraid will happen within your lifetime?
Related to politics or no? I'm most afraid of out-living my children.

3) Do you have kids?

4) Do you plan to have kids?
I've got all I can handle!

5) What single entity is most responsible for the state of the world economy? Why?
American Farmers. Trust me.. take them away and see how much any entity values currency. Also, one of our biggest exports is paper. Without these hardworking individuals, our economy, and our world, would be in shambles. They can't make the value of a dollar fluctuate, but they can make it worthless!

6) What are the three things most wrong with American values today?
1. People just want more 'stuff'. Then they get their stuff and have to store other 'stuff' somewhere and pretty much let 'stuff' control their lives. Not all, but many.
2. People don't value healthy food, or don't understand what is healthy. I'm not some great food scientist but I know canned green beans are less healthy for me than a steak from a grass fed cow. I also know that ALL processed bread is bad for you, wheat or white. People need to step back, stop just buying quick meals, and actually make something! No need to involve politics of course with that, other than to change our food pyramid to something that is healthy and realistic.
3. Ask a normal, everyday American, to recite the Bill of Rights. Enough said...
Hey, JPPeeps:

Just some simple questions for everyone, because I think it might spark some interesting conversations.

1) What do you think is the single greatest problem in America today?the refusal of facts by a segment of our population

2) What are you most direly afraid will happen within your lifetime?that the fact refusers get control of our government again

3) Do you have kids?yes

4) Do you plan to have kids? no

5) What single entity is most responsible for the state of the world economy? Why?oil industry, profits

6) What are the three things most wrong with American values today? lack of compassion, refusal of facts and Too much greed
Hey, JPPeeps:

Just some simple questions for everyone, because I think it might spark some interesting conversations.

1) What do you think is the single greatest problem in America today?

2) What are you most direly afraid will happen within your lifetime?

3) Do you have kids?

4) Do you plan to have kids?

5) What single entity is most responsible for the state of the world economy? Why?

6) What are the three things most wrong with American values today?

For me:

1) Corporations and government are beyond 'in bed' with eachother; they have commingled into an unholy union that can no longer be surgically separated; they must be razed to the ground and rebuilt from zero up.

2) My greatest fear is that nothing will prove powerful enough to upset the status quo and everything will continue exactly like it has been since 1979.

3) Yes.

4) Yes.

5) Bill Clinton, for not vetoing the repeal of Glass-Stegall.

6) a) People have fully fallen for the two-party trap and it's impossible to get a third perspective to have any traction with the public.

6) b) Libertarians still exist despite the mountains of evidence that, like communism, it only works on paper.

6) c) See my signature.


I'm recently married and my wife and I want to have kids but I don't know if I'm ready to bring a child into a world where so many people don't accept facts. I do what I can to educate others of the facts but for some reason no one listens to me. We really want to be parents but it's a very frustrating situation.
1) What do you think is the single greatest problem in America today? Barrack Obama

2) What are you most direly afraid will happen within your lifetime? I’ll die before the bankruptcy and the revolution. I want to lead the charge to restore the Constitution.

3) Do you have kids? Some I know about and likely some I don’t know about.

4) Do you plan to have kids? Hell no! The problem with babies is they grow up to be people, the stupidest animals on planet earth.

5) What single entity is most responsible for the state of the world economy? Why? The rise of socialist thinking bastards, because socialism is the equal sharing of misery and the end of freedom.

6) What are the three things most wrong with American values today? Barrack Obama, John McCain, and Peter King.
If only we had the fairness doctrine back.

then Fox would have to allow desenting voices

If we had the Fairness Doctrine back then the NBC, CBS and ABC nightly news shows would have to let dissenting voices on. The network Sunday morning political talk shows would have to have dissenting voices allowed and it goes without saying MSNBC would have to allow dissenting voices on. Maybe this Fairness Doctrine isn't such a bad thing after all...
Actually, I think putting the Fairness Doctrine back in place is one of the two biggest steps America could take toward regaining sanity. That, and allowing corporations to be sentenced and tried just like individuals for crimes. Your product killed someone? Great -- your corporation is "jailed" for 25-to-life. You don't get to do business during that time, end of story. You mass-murdered 48 people with your service? You get the death penalty -- your corporation is disbanded, and no individual in its leadership is allowed to work with any other individual in its leadership ever again.

If corporations were treated like people by all of the law and not just the First Amendment, not only would America be more consistent and reasonable, but corporations would be much less inclined to try to get away with the crap they do.

[edit]To put it in bumper sticker form: "I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one!"[/edit]
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