Liberal arts on chopping block @ colleges

I was not even a liberal arts major, but I cannot imagine a university which does not have history, philosophy, religious studies departments.

There are actually quite a few. These subjects have been replaced with political propaganda in many colleges and universities.
If all you want to learn is just enough engineering and technology sufficient to get a job, we could just have vocational schools for that.

Plumbers, welders, builders, electricians, aircraft and automotive repair and restoration can make some seriously good money too. A hell of a lot more than some college graduate in 'liberal arts' working at MacDonald's.
Bohr, Schroedinger, Heisenberg were very interested in Eastern philosophy and they supposedly regularly read the Vedas and the Upanishads.

Quantum mechanics seemngly suggested to them that the reality we observe by sensory perception is just an illusion projected onto our consciousness.

That dichotomy between illusion and reality led them to an interest in Hinduism, which is based on the tenets that observable reality is an illusion which conceals an underlying reality.

^^ That is the kind of deeper contemplation which generally comes from a classical continental European education. The Anglo-American emphasis on logical empiricism generally precludes this kind of deeper philosophical thinking about the nature of scientific knowledge.

Not quantum mechanics.

The branch of philosophy known as 'phenomenology' tries to define what 'real' means.

Science is not knowledge. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
Similar trend in England. Unless a university requires a philosophy class or another humanities class, kids will not take those classes.

Don't need a class in philosophy. It's really pretty simple.

You must form your own argument and the reasoning for it. That's pretty much it. You can't use the arguments of others or their reasoning.
I believe it,
that is why I contrasted the Anglo-American laser focus on an analytical logical empiricist approach, with the broader, more humanistic continental European education favored by the Germans and French

You deny logic. Logic is not empirical anything. All observations are subject to the problems of phenomenology.
This is more of a REPUBLICAN Brain Fart no different than the banning of French Fries, PBS, Robert Redford, and too many others to list.

The Trumptards hate the word Liberal- and everything associated with it- SO THEREFORE THEY HATE LIBERAL ARTS ALL OF A SUDDEN!

They also hate the terms democracy and democratic now- BECAUSE IT SOUNDS TOO MUCH LIKE DEMOCRAT! And we already know how much they hate them.

Can we just say TRUMPTARD here! Petty, hateful, and foolish comes to mind!

Republicans haven't banned french fries (I like them!), PBS, or Robert Redford. You still don't know what a democracy is.