Liberal Cowards.


New member
:pI was just reading from yesterday, when someone named "Porter" was MOPPING THE FLOOR with "ib1gayguy", Haaaaaahahahaa! "ib1gayguy" was trying to argue how GREAT it will be, if Obama gets in and "Taxes those Rich White Guys to Death!"
Not ONLY is this a DISGUSTING DISPLAY OF OBAMA-TYPE RACISM, but only an Idiotic MORON(that's an I.Q. of 60, averaged w/ an I.Q. of 40, equalling an Average of
The "ib1gayguy" I.Q. of 50) would say how GREAT it will be, when the Government becomes HUGE, and one of Socialism, with MASSIVE TAXES, effectively choking off Free Enertprise, and therefore, FREEDOM.
Here's another fantastic example of HOW to SHUT a LIBERAL UP:
Originally Posted by ib1yysguy
And the victim of tax increases? I will be saving far more under Obama's tax plan than McCain's.
So why is it that you should save your money but not someone else? Why should you be so entitled? Why do you want to keep more of what you earn? What happened to Humanity?
When Porter asked "ib1gayguy" the same question I have asked of ALL LIBERALS HERE: "Which Nation, in Which Period in History, has Taxed Itself into a BETTER LIFESTLYE, has Taxed Itself into PROSPERITY?

To Date, not ONE Liberal, or so-called "Progressive", not ONE Supporter of Obamasickle TODAY, or John Kerry, or ANY Leftist, Big-Government, Tax-Us-To-Death Liberal, has EVER Explained how to "Tax a Nation Into Prosperity"
Anyone care to take a wager on the possibility of a Reasonable,. Non-Sarcastic Response, today?
:BKick: :pke: :321: :crybaby:
We're going to have to take care of you slaves to be somehow and increasing taxes is the only to do that.
Well if we are going to be slaves then I am putting in my request to be sold to Vanessa Williams. I could call her MIstress forever. :burn:
Well if we are going to be slaves then I am putting in my request to be sold to Vanessa Williams. I could call her MIstress forever. :burn:

the smart people are getting bids in early. If I were you I'd try to be Oprah's slave. that's probably a cake job considering her dogs live better than most people in this country.
the smart people are getting bids in early. If I were you I'd try to be Oprah's slave. that's probably a cake job considering her dogs live better than most people in this country.
Yeah Oprah that's a good idea. But Vanessa, she's all that and a bag a chips.
When you speak about taxation so the government can provide things like healthcare, all you are doing is giving more money to people that will only work hard enough to do the job that is assigned to them. They do not care about your life forever. While they might enter the job with much enthusiasm and the intent to save the world, after a few years, they will just want to get the paperwork completed so they can get home to watch reruns of "Lost" If you keep giving the government more and more of your money 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% to provide the essentials for life, food, housing, healthcare, a job, whatever... you are becoming more and more dependent and less and less independent. There are less and less choices available and therefore less freedom. If you want healthcare to become nothing more than an office resembling a division the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), give the government total control of your health. Regardless of Political Party, when has the government ever done anything efficiently. They are always over budget by 300-500% at a minimum. Whatever they say it is going to cost, it will cost much, much more. And who pays for that... the taxpayers. Who will control the spending of the government with regards to social programs. Well... it will not be the taxpayers.

What do you call someone that works and hands over the fruits of their labor to someone else to receive what is needed to live, i.e. housing, food, healthcare, etc...? Does this sound like Dependency or Independence? Reliance or Self-reliance? Being owned or Free to live and choose for yourself?
the smart people are getting bids in early. If I were you I'd try to be Oprah's slave. that's probably a cake job considering her dogs live better than most people in this country.

You can be sure that her dogs will be living better than the person who has the responsibility of taking care of them everyday.

You can be sure that her dogs will be living better than the person who has the responsibility of taking care of them everyday.

LMAO...well this should prove to be a very interesting response from whom this was directed at...or not!... they will probably change the subject...kudos Porter...job well done!:cof1:
"will only work hard enough to do the job that is assigned to them. They do not care about your life forever. While they might enter the job with much enthusiasm and the intent to save the world, after a few years, they will just want to get the paperwork completed so they can get home to watch reruns of "Lost" If you keep giving the government more and more of your money 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% to provide the essentials for life, food, housing, healthcare, a job, whatever... you are becoming more and more dependent and less and less independent. There are less and less choices available and therefore less freedom. If you want healthcare to become nothing more than an office resembling a division the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), give the government total control of your health. Regardless of Political Party, when has the government ever done anything efficiently. They are always over budget by 300-500% at a minimum. Whatever they say it is going to cost, it will cost much, much more. And who pays for that... the taxpayers. Who will control the spending of the government with regards to social programs. Well... it will not be the taxpayers"

Jeez, Porter, you say it better that I can, because I get so Damn Mad, that these people are SO Brainwashed by MESS-NBC and CNN, that they just can't ACCEPT IT! It's SO SIMPLE, and it's RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES!

EVERY time the Govt. does something, it COSTS 3 times MORE than a Private company could do it. The em,ployees, like you say, ONLY WORK HARD ENOUGH TO BARELY KEEP THEIR JOB, they KNOW the UNIONS(one of the most destructive forces) will fight for their right not to have to do 1% MORE than it SAYS IN THEIR "CONTRACT". Witness the Motor Vehicles, the Dept. of Labor/Unemployment Office, or the Social Security Office.
The 65 cents, from EVERY GALLON of GAS? My State of CT is putting it in the GENERAL FUND, INSTEAD OF THE ROAD FUND! And in EVERY State, there are THOUSANDS of Potholes, and "State Workers" LEANING ON SHOVELS, INSTEAD OF EARNING THE TAX DOLLARS WE'RE PAYING THEM! I could go on forever. That post of yours, above, Porter. We NEED to make a BILLBOARD out of it. Just like the MEDIA has CHOSEN BOTH PARTY'S CANDIDATES "FOR US", by first carrying McCains Water, and NOW, they're Carrying Obama's Water until November, we must BEAT THEM OVER THE HEAD, UNTIL THEY "GET IT".
sounds like you are talking about politicians Porter.

I am talking about allowing a government office deciding what level of care you will will receive under Socialized/Universal/Government Healthcare.

I am also talking about government policies that require you to adhere to entitlement programs without any choice regardless of how inefficient they are.
Jollie, do corporations want us dependant on their goods and services too?

Sure, but they have to earn our business. No one is forced to buy any product from any particular vendor. And no one is required to pay any corporation for services not wanted or not asked for.
EXACTLY! WE are not FORCED to buy ANYTHING, but Morons like ASSFACE want ME to be FORCED to pay for some chick who's got 5 Baby's Daddies, getting Welfare for EACH one, while the 5 guys take turns with her, on different nights, and pay NO Child Support, because I"M supporting them. Everybody's having fun, except, I'M PAYING! .Thanks to Kind, Well-Intentioned Leberals, of course, who ARE TAKING US TO HELL.
EXACTLY! WE are not FORCED to buy ANYTHING, but Morons like ASSFACE want ME to be FORCED to pay for some chick who's got 5 Baby's Daddies, getting Welfare for EACH one, while the 5 guys take turns with her, on different nights, and pay NO Child Support, because I"M supporting them. Everybody's having fun, except, I'M PAYING! .Thanks to Kind, Well-Intentioned Leberals, of course, who ARE TAKING US TO HELL.

Jollie, have you forgotten? You have conveniently forgotten many facts that AssHatZombie has not...

You are a Rich Republican in the top tax bracket and you selfishly want to keep the fruits of your labor for your own selfish lifestyle. What is wrong with you? Where is the humanity? Where is the love of your fellow man? Why are you such a Capitalist PIG? Why do you think you know better what to do with your money than everyone else?

Thank goodness there are Liberals around to help keep people like you on the straight-and-narrow path where everyone should be equal in all aspects of life and no one should selfishly have more than anyone else.

:eek: :eek: :eek: LOL
EXACTLY! WE are not FORCED to buy ANYTHING, but Morons like ASSFACE want ME to be FORCED to pay for some chick who's got 5 Baby's Daddies, getting Welfare for EACH one, while the 5 guys take turns with her, on different nights, and pay NO Child Support, because I"M supporting them. Everybody's having fun, except, I'M PAYING! .Thanks to Kind, Well-Intentioned Leberals, of course, who ARE TAKING US TO HELL.

yeah and why do I have to pay to educate others whiney assed brats ?
thru state college too.
yeah and why do I have to pay to educate others whiney assed brats ?
thru state college too.

Because the education of children is everyone's responsibility. It takes a village. Do you have something against Public Education?

Actually, it is mandated by the state government that children go to school. Everybody benefits from having an educated population. Maybe you do not agree. Imagine the price you would pay if there was no public education where today's youth did not have the opportunity for an education. Remember, the FICA taxes they pay as productive members of society will be paying for your Social Security checks so you will be getting it back.
So you do like socialism ?

Absolutely not. Are you saying that you do?

What is the role of government? The role of government should be to provide for the general public what the individual cannot provide for themselves. For example, a military. The individual cannot provide an effective military. Building roads is another good example. Providing a good primary education for the population is another example.
"Life, Libery & the Pursuit of Happiness."

People can't have that when their coverage is denied and they have to either find tens of thousands of dollars, or die.

If you can show me how the free market has worked itself out with regard to healthcare, I'm all ears. As it is, the problems are just getting worse & more pronounced.