Liberal Dishonesty


God Bless America
Parsley and Hagge's endorsement of McCain doesn't even come CLOSE to Obama's 20-year association with that wacko Jeremiah Wright. The fact that the left insists there is a correlation reveals their level of dishonestly, and frankly it's astounding.

You know, if there truly is a "gay gene," perhaps there is also a LIAR gene.

That would explain the existence of liberalism.
You miss the point, hack. The point is that McCain SOUGHT their endorsements, and then stood by those endorsements for months, even knowing what their views were.

The standard was set for pastors. If you know their views, and those views are offensive, you must renounce them immediately, and certainly not seek & feel comfortable w/ their endorsements.

Sorry about that...
You miss the point, hack. The point is that McCain SOUGHT their endorsements, and then stood by those endorsements for months, even knowing what their views were.

The standard was set for pastors. If you know their views, and those views are offensive, you must renounce them immediately, and certainly not seek & feel comfortable w/ their endorsements.

Sorry about that...

No, YOU miss the point, idiot. Why MUST he renounced them? If McCain must renounced every controversial endorsement, his entire campaign would be tied up with research, making certain every endorser aligns perfectly with McCain's views.

And once again we have a double-standard. Obama SOUGHT his pastor's endorsement, even putting him on his campaign staff. Do you honestly believe Obama could attend the church for 20 years, and NOT know of his pastor's anti-American, racist views? If so, you're deluded beyond hope.

McCain's endorsements simply don't compare to the hatred expressed by Jeremiah Wright. That you attack McCain for his endorsements, while turning a blind eye to JW, shows what an intellectually dishonest hypocrite you truly are. :321:
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"No, YOU miss the point, idiot. Why MUST he renounced them? If McCain must renounced every controversial endorsement, his entire campaign would be tied up with research, making certain every endorser aligns perfectly with McCain's views."

McCain sought Hagee's endorsement, and Hagee's comments were well-publicized for 3 months before he decided that it was expedient to distance himself.

If the issue is 'offending comments,' what difference does it make if it's 20 years or 3 months? Both men discharged their pastors when it became politically advantageous to do so, and would not have otherwise.

In short, you're a hack.

Yep Onceler, Thornicus Stupidicus.

wisdom and praise from us cit to 'onceler' both take the banner of cheerleading Obama...not because he is going to make great changes...but because he is against the perceived who is 'stupidicus'?...Maybe us cit and a few others!:rolleyes:
BB, do you really want to get that quote editing thing going again? I would have thought your skewer holes had not healed up yet ?
After the years and years of lies that got people (honest decent people like our soldiers) killed you have the dishonesty to claim this is some great lie?

Your wonderful republican party has done nothing but lie for the last decade you silly little boy.

Grow up Thorny and face the facts.
Sorry guys but the right is right on this one.

Obama sat there for 20 years listening to those statements.

For all the bluster about McCain "seeking" Hagee's endorsement, that is just the game of politics. Obama sitting in that church was a personal decision and he should be held accountable for it.

Having said that, I wish this Wright-controversy would just die already.

Wright is not Obama. Hagee is not McCain. Hacks are hacks though, on both sides.
Liberals fled the US to avoid service in our military, and would do so again if the draft was reinstated.

Liberals give aid and comfort to America's enemies.

Liberals spit on troops returning from Vietnam.

Liberals applaud when US soldiers are described as rapists and war criminals.

Liberals cut the Defense budget and tie up legislation (meant to enhance the lives of our military and their families) with pork projects and poltically-motivated amendments.

Liberals put bumper stickers on their hybrids that read "Imagine if the Air Force had to put on a bake sale to buy a bomber".
Liberals fled the US to avoid service in our military, and would do so again if the draft was reinstated.

Liberals give aid and comfort to America's enemies.

Liberals spit on troops returning from Vietnam.

Liberals applaud when US soldiers are described as rapists and war criminals.

Liberals cut the Defense budget and tie up legislation (meant to enhance the lives of our military and their families) with pork projects and poltically-motivated amendments.

Liberals put bumper stickers on their hybrids that read "Imagine if the Air Force had to put on a bake sale to buy a bomber".

LOL. Wow, that is some great shit you must be smoking man.
Sorry guys but the right is right on this one.

Obama sat there for 20 years listening to those statements.

For all the bluster about McCain "seeking" Hagee's endorsement, that is just the game of politics. Obama sitting in that church was a personal decision and he should be held accountable for it.

Having said that, I wish this Wright-controversy would just die already.

Wright is not Obama. Hagee is not McCain. Hacks are hacks though, on both sides.

That doesn't make him "right." As you seem to be admitting, it's a BS issue on both sides. All I was doing was pointing out the double-standard, but I really couldn't care less if McCain embraced Hagee's endorsement for 3 months, or sat in his pews for 20 years. It has very little to do with him, and nothing at all to do w/ what kind of President he'd be.

It's Thorn who is using the double-standard, and playing one side of this.