Liberal gun bullshit


Didn't we (the whole fucking world, nevermind the country) lose enough over this issue?

FYI Gore lost because of his (perceived) threat to gun rights. 8 years of criminal rule, advancement of oligarchy, destruction of civil rights, the world perception of a formerly great country, death of hundreds of thousands worldwide. Destruction of a fucntional economy which may never heal.

Don't let a few little election wins turn into a major loss. That feeling of invincibility you have right now? It is fleeting and can be gone faster than you know. Remember the helplessness, the powerlessness of the Dubya administration? When the GOP marched lockstep like Hitler's minions and the dems were impotent?

The second amendment is sancrosant. As Mott pointed out, "assault" weapons were not even popular until after the ban.

Desh's BULLSHIT about gun owners giving up their banned weapons is self delusion of the highest order.
1. It doesn't work that way. Hence the term "pre-ban" which refers to guns owned before the ban (still legal).
2. Despite Dix's many faults, his depiction of how he would handle any attempt to take his guns is fataly accurate.
I have known and been around gun owners my whole life. Though I gave up my own guns many decades ago, I well understand the frame of mind.

The last time I started a thread like this, a couple years ago, I got NO LIBERAL REPLIES.
Well, it is a couple years later. Y'all know by now that I am a real lib and make a valid point now and then.

The redneck wasters and ESPECIALLY their masters (The NRA, THe Cock Bros., whoever the fuck doesn't support human rights) are hoping and praying that the dems make this fatal mistake AGAIN.

Didn't we lose enough when Gore lost over this issue?
Gore lost becuase the republican party cheated in the election.

Dems then gave me shit for presenting all the facts that show this
the American people dont buy the right wing screaming anymore.

The example I gave was to sus out the true feelings of some gun owners.
I own a rocket launcher. I own fully-automatic machine guns. You'll never find them, the ATF will never know where they are. I am a peaceful, relatively harmless person minding my own business, and I will defiantly refuse to turn over my guns to the government, what kind of trouble do you think you may run into with people who are not as "civil" as me?

You're not taking people's guns away. I'm sorry, I know this tragedy has you all emotional and distressed, and you think that you somehow have authority you don't have, in light of the elections, but I suggest you get a grip on reality before things start to get bloody. Gun owners are NOT going to turn their guns over to you. NOT GUNNA HAPPEN!
Gore lost becuase the republican party cheated in the election.

Dems then gave me shit for presenting all the facts that show this

No Desh.

Gore lost because he was honest about what he wanted to do about guns.
He learned from his mistake. You can too.

James Lee's testimony

On 17 April 2001, James Lee testified, before the McKinney panel, that the state had given DBT the directive to add to the purge list people who matched at least 90% of a last name. DBT objected, knowing that this would produce a huge number of false positives (non-felons).[7]

Lee went on saying that the state then ordered DBT to shift to an even lower threshold of 80% match, allowing also names to be reversed (thus a person named Thomas Clarence could be taken to be the same as Clarence Thomas). Besides this, middle initials were skipped, Jr. and Sr. suffixes dropped, and some nicknames and aliases were added to puff up the list.

"DBT told state officials", testified Lee, "that the rules for creating the [purge] list would mean a significant number of people who were not deceased, not registered in more than one county, or not a felon, would be included on the list. DBT made suggestions to reduce the numbers of eligible voters included on the list". According to Lee, to this suggestion the state told the company, "Forget about it".

"The people who worked on this (for DBT) are very adamant... they told them what would happen", said Lee. "The state expected the county supervisors to be the failsafe." Lee said his company will never again get involved in cleansing voting rolls. "We are not confident any of the methods used today can guarantee legal voters will not be wrongfully denied the right to vote", Lee told a group of Atlanta-area black lawmakers in March 2001.[8]
The republicans have cheated in elections fpor decades.

YOU know why?

becuase they cant get enough votes to WIN elections legally
I own a rocket launcher. I own fully-automatic machine guns. You'll never find them, the ATF will never know where they are. I am a peaceful, relatively harmless person minding my own business, and I will defiantly refuse to turn over my guns to the government, what kind of trouble do you think you may run into with people who are not as "civil" as me?

You're not taking people's guns away. I'm sorry, I know this tragedy has you all emotional and distressed, and you think that you somehow have authority you don't have, in light of the elections, but I suggest you get a grip on reality before things start to get bloody. Gun owners are NOT going to turn their guns over to you. NOT GUNNA HAPPEN!

I know people like this.
Extremely wealthy, well respected people who often support nearly an entire small town by themselves.
One fellow I know, a private banker, has 5 legal machine guns, one mounted on an armored personel carrier, one one a WW II Jeep, one on a WW II military motorcycle (45 cal Thomson sub-machine gun, and two others (for personal protection).

Taking any of his guns? Nope. Not without massive bloodloss on all sides. Not going to happen.
The republicans have cheated in elections fpor decades.

YOU know why?

becuase they cant get enough votes to WIN elections legally

Desh, I know there was cheating. You know why you are not proving anything though? The popular vote was still way too close.
If cheating was the only thing that mattered, Mitt would be president in a few weeks.
Desh, I know there was cheating. You know why you are not proving anything though? The popular vote was still way too close.
If cheating was the only thing that mattered, Mitt would be president in a few weeks.

if they had been allowed to do their ID laws he would have won.

Becuase people became aware of the rebuplican record they fought them.
I used to get dems telling me to stop talking about the republicans decades long court records of PROOF they cheat.

it was people like me who refused to stop imforming people about the cheating thwat turned this election
Rune, I hardly ever get the chance to "thank" your posts or commend you on what you have to say, but you did well here. I don't agree with the whole "Koch Brothers" stuff or the "horrible Bush years" but the point about gun control is spot on.

EVEN IF we all woke up today in a country that WANTED to ban all guns, it's not possible to do it. I read an article yesterday about homemade guns created on a 3D plastic printer! Yes, they have this technology now! You can literally PRINT a gun! So, there is no way to put the genie back in the bottle now, no matter how much we try or how much we may wish this to happen, it won't ever happen in America. More gun laws merely hamper the ability of law-abiding citizens to arm themselves. The crooks and criminals can still obtain illegal firearms. We can't even stop illegal persons from crossing our border, how do we stop illegal weapons? Again, it's not possible!
I have pointed out repeatedly in the last two days, that the cause of this tragedy was mental illness. The same mental illness that causes more minor tragedys every frigging day.

It has been proven that no laws could have prevented this. None, but the total elimination of all guns and we know that will not happen.

Further, even if it did, it would not prevent madmen from murdering children.

There are hundreds more. One does not need a gun to kill young children.

What is more important here, these childrens lives or your irational fear of guns?

Why pick a losing battle?

We have the upper hand here, let's go after the healthcare crisis in this country.

Let's take the road less travelled for once, instead of blindly charging at something we can never vanquish.

Let's learn from our mistakes and grow up a bit.
BTW Gore got more votes and if they had not kept so many FL dems from voting by cheating them Bush would have NEVER been president
I have pointed out repeatedly in the last two days, that the cause of this tragedy was mental illness. The same mental illness that causes more minor tragedys every frigging day.

It has been proven that no laws could have prevented this. None, but the total elimination of all guns and we know that will not happen.

Further, even if it did, it would not prevent madmen from murdering children.

There are hundreds more. One does not need a gun to kill young children.

What is more important here, these childrens lives or your irational fear of guns?

Why pick a losing battle?

We have the upper hand here, let's go after the healthcare crisis in this country.

Let's take the road less travelled for once, instead of blindly charging at something we can never vanquish.

Let's learn from our mistakes and grow up a bit.

the kids it turns out were killed with the semi.

some had ten bullet holes in them.

If this woman had not been allowed to buy semis fewer children would have died
If this woman had not been allowed to buy semis fewer children would have died

If the principle had been armed, no children would have died.

If the woman had committed her son to a mental institution, no children would have died.

If the perp had been taught about God...

If the perp hadn't been inundated with violent video games...

If the perp hadn't been bombarded by the culture of death...

If LIFE weren't meaningless to society...


IF ifs and buts were candy and nuts, a lot of kids would have a Merry Christmas!
The following are my proposals to decrease all forms of violence in this country, not just gun violence, which is what attempts at gun controll are limited to.
I am proposing more than a $500 yearly limit on mental health treatment for insurance policies, like maybe no limit.
I am proposing enough hospital beds available that when someone needs help there is somewhere to send them.
I am proposing training for police so at least sometimes they might recognize a mental health issue instead of opening fire.
I am proposing Judges be better educated in mental health issues.
I am proposing society accept someone with mental health problems the same way they accept someone with a broken leg, to de-stigmatize the condition.
I am proposing single payer insurance so anyone who needs help can get it.
I am proposing that school "psychologists" actually be psychologists.
I am proposing that society advances to the point where going to a therapist is a good idea, not something to be hidden and not talked about.
I am proposing that psychiatrists have some type of supervision so that when one dies, their patients are not left alone in the world with no one to turn to, and no idea what to do about it.
I am proposing that practitioners of western medicine be trained to treat or least be aware of the entire patient, and not meet every symptom with a chemical treatment.
I am proposing that social workers and child care providers be paid as if they are responsible for our most precious resources since they are.
I am proposing that children be asigned some value in society, despite that fact that they can't vote and seldom have much disposable money.
I am proposing that more woman be authority figures, since that is the only correlation I can make to the slight drop in violence we have finally achieved.
I am proposing that the ERA be passed, since it's failure was an act of violence itself. How could we as a country possibly judge women as less deserving than men?
I am proposing that the causes of despair and hopelessness be decreased by voting down the GOP in the next election.