Liberal is once again a complement!


Well-known member
Conservative is becoming the bad word and Liberal is something to once again be proud of!
Liberal was always good for me.

Heck I even wore the pinhead label proudly if it meant I was not like Dixie.
Srsly guys, what put us over the top this election was that 20% of conservatives voted for Obama.

Don't jynx it! We have to remind them to pretend they've not become more liberal so that they'll stay with us.
Seems like no conservatives are republicans now-a-days ;)
But we don't have a Conservative party now do we ?
I'd be fine to be a Republican in the Milton Friedman, FA Hayek, Reagan, Greenspan pre 2001 style. But those are dead in todays Conservative movement.
The remaining largest base the republican party has is the religious right. They did this to themselves.
The Republicons have taught us how to use propaganda to its fullest extent. Now its our turn to demonize the term conservative. I think the best way to do it would be to make the word conservative equal the word failure in American's minds. Just a thought.