Liberal myth that profits are the government's business

Your strategy for fighting fascism is lame. Take on the statements and implications of the fascists one by one, and destroy them. Name-calling and avoidance is childing and ineffective.

How can that possibly be affective against a cut and paste grenade lobbing troll who doesn't even have the wit to write his own post?

I say boycott him till he grows up and quits being lazy.
How can that possibly be affective against a cut and paste grenade lobbing troll who doesn't even have the wit to write his own post?

I say boycott him till he grows up and quits being lazy.
No. Wrong strategy. It doesn't matter if it's cut and paste. This battle is ideological. It doesn't matter if the stupidity is his or someone's else's. It must be refuted.
I noticed neither of you "free speech" advocates can refute the substance of my position.

I most certainly have. You're all for separation of government and corporations, except when you want to subvert government policy to fatten the bottom line. You're a fascist.
Is there a minimum number of words?

I noticed that you still can't refute the substance of my position.

That's because it's not a position, imbecile. You are probably - and it's hard to tell, because there isn't much substance - referring to efforts to make sure the oil industry is not gouging its customers. This, most certainly, IS something the gov't should be involved in, because gouging a commodity that is tied into our national security, economy & way of life so inextricably is criminal & can have serious implications for every American.

Is there a minimum number of words?

I noticed that you still can't refute the substance of my position.

I most certainly have. You're all for separation of government and corporations, except when you want to subvert government policy to fatten the bottom line. You're a fascist.
What law has any oil company broken by raising prices to reflect their own own rising costs of production, transport, and distribution?

Name it.

Are you seriously postulating that the government can arbitrarily decide how much profit a business should be allowed to earn?
What law has any oil company broken by raising prices to reflect their own own rising costs of production, transport, and distribution?

Name it.

Are you seriously postulating that the government can arbitrarily decide how much profit a business should be allowed to earn?

No. Im saying that your standard of separation between government and corporations is a fantasy, considering corporations subvert our laws through bribery to sculpt our society to maximize their profits. You're a fascist.
You're very naive, indie; it's kind of embarassing. Corporations write half of our laws.

As for proftis, they're fine. Gouging is not, particularly with oil, which is unlike any other product in terms of its role in our national welfare.

To suggest that there should be no Congressional oversight of oil industry practices is beyond naive; it's ridiculous.
"Under a windfall tax signed into law by Jimmy Carter, domestic oil production plummeted by an estimated 795 million barrels, while imports of foreign oil surged. Congress had anticipated windfall tax revenues of $393 billion. The actual take: just $80 billion. Like so much else associated with the Carter era, the windfall-profits tax was a counterproductive flop. Do Democrats really believe a new dose of Carternomics is going to make today's economy stronger?"

I suspect that the grandstanding political witch hunt is pure posturing; however, there are those who advocate nationalizing any industry that runs afoul of public perceptions of "gouging".
How do corporations "subvert our laws"?

Lobbying? All kinds of special interest groups do that.

Are you saying profits are illegal? Immoral?

Did i say that, douche? I said they subvert laws to maximize profit.

Is kiddie porn ok if it turns a profit? Work on your sense of morality, you criminal. You should be locked up, based on how you think.