Liberal myth that profits are the government's business

How do "they subvert laws to maximize profit"?

changing immigration laws to get cheaper labor. Lobbying to keep minimum wages low. Using zoning to completely shutdown cottage industries. The list goes on and on. Getting all kinds of special breaks by paying off legislators. You're a fool if you can't even think of one example on your own.
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Why should oil companies have to pay for the high gas prices? They made the profits! Why should they have to do anything? You guys need to watch Cavuto more often.
I noticed neither of you "free speech" advocates can refute the substance of my position.

Jesus Christ, this will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

#1. How do you completely refute an incomplete sentence?

#2. How can we refute a statement in which you provide no evidence to support. It's not our job to refute your lies. Its your job to defend them.

#3. Your incomplete statement is a Strawman argument. Liberals don't claim profits to be governments business, that's your Strawman.

#4. It can be argued that your entire statement is a "liberal myth" otherwise known to the rest of the world as a lie. (I completely expect my little play on words here to go right over your head.)

#5. Can you site a reference from a liberal source that this is an ideological platform for them? First you'll need to define what is a liberal, who is a liberal and that all liberals believe in your statement. Please support this claim with evidence not rhetoric.

See, I told ya'll this would be like shooting fish in a barrel. See why I keep saying "Don't feed the troll"?

His comments (grenades) are easier to shoot down then a two dollar kite and it encourages him to just throw his rhetorical hand grenades while contributing absolutely nothing to either the debate or exchange of ideas here. This trolls only intent is a bigoted attempt to marginalize another group of people and I say "Who needs that?"

If we ignore him, he will go away.
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You're very naive, indie; it's kind of embarassing. Corporations write half of our laws.

As for proftis, they're fine. Gouging is not, particularly with oil, which is unlike any other product in terms of its role in our national welfare.

To suggest that there should be no Congressional oversight of oil industry practices is beyond naive; it's ridiculous.

Geee I dunno...but isn't there this clause in the US Constitution about the federal government having the function of regulating interstate commerce? I mean correct me if I'm wrong. You think irreputable has heard of this?
shows what a retard Oncelor is. Gouging, LOFL you don't even know the definition

Awwww...did I hurt you poor widdle feelings this morning, girlie?

Sorry 'bout that. Yeah, you're right - no one is taking about gouging in the oil industry over the past year or 2...
oh talking about it, what a wuss.
So that makes it soo, no woder your a salesman.

Sorry, panty-boy; I forgot you can't read. I said that Congress should have oversight of industry practices. I'm not making an argument that there is "proof" of gouging, but it's certainly something to monitor w/ an industry as populated w/ greedheads as yours is...