Liberals act like they never grew up!

Free market capitalism does always work, and it should be left more alone.
That's not mutually exclusive to helping the less fortunate.
Rednecks don't get a rising tide lifts all boats, their just interested in lifting their hunting trucks.
You base your beliefs on 4 people you met...and you say liberals never grew up... WOW.

Have you ever heard of a bleeding heart Republican?

Paul Craig Roberts - the father of Reaganomics
Rednecks don't get a rising tide lifts all boats, their just interested in lifting their hunting trucks.
You know nuthin'

"Liberals live in this Utopian fantasy world, where every problem can be solved, if we just have a heart and tax some more --throw more money at it."

Sweeping generalization.

I think I stopped being liberal at 9 or 10. Whenever I came to the realization we didn't live in a perfect world, and people didn't always do the right thing. Oh, it was nice to dream of peace around the world, everyone holding hands and singing the Coca-cola song! It made me feel good to believe not littering would keep that Indian from crying. And of course.... the poor! Everyone wants to help the poor! My sister and I, once collected money around our neighborhood to "help the homeless" ...we gave the $4.86 we collected, to the bum who stayed down at the drugstore, because... well, he was the poorest person we knew. Of course, $4.86 was just enough to buy him a nice bottle of vintage Thunderbird, but he was warm for one night! But hey, it's the thought that counts, right?

Since life is about life experience, I jump ahead to my 20's... I had just began my first really well-paying job, and anticipating my first really nice paycheck... I think I knew about 'tax brackets' but this was when I actually realized what they were all about. Yeah, I made a little more, but government took a little more as well. Plus, I had all my friends and family... goin... hey, you can pay, you got the big job... So even though I was doing much better, I was doing much better.

Now it didn't bother me too much, that a third of my earnings were going to taxes, until I met David, a friend of a friend. David had discovered that "back pain" is something you can complain about, and a doctor can't dispute your claim. He also discovered, if you complain enough, they not only give you some really good drugs, but they put you on disability, and you never have to work again! So David lived in a nice house his grandmother left him, had all the best amenities of life, stayed high all day and never worked... and 1/3 of my paycheck was going to help fund it.

We jump ahead to my 30's, where I met a woman named Rhonda. A single mom of 3, who's husband died in a train mishap. She got government assistance, but she wanted to finish her accounting degree and get her CPA, so she could get a decent job, but there was no government program for that, and any 'extra income' she earned to pay for such a thing, would disqualify her from assistance. This is when I learned that welfare is a trap, and once you are caught in the trap, it is difficult to find freedom again.

My 40's have been a time of great revelation for me. Idealism has its own definition in the dictionary for a reason. All people, are individuals. They operate on their own interests, independently from society. Some are more motivated for success and fortune, others aren't so motivated. Some are motivated to be lazy and unproductive, and nothing will change that. It is only in a childlike perspective, we can envision a world any differently, as this is the reality of life. Indeed, it would be nice to think, we can give the homeless some money, and they will be able to have a home... but it's not reality.

Liberals live in this Utopian fantasy world, where every problem can be solved, if we just have a heart and tax some more --throw more money at it. The problems (which haven't been solved in the history of mankind) are not going to be solved by redistributing or confiscating wealth. People are how they are for various reasons, but most poor people are poor because they lack the motivation to be wealthy. Especially in America, a country where every freedom and opportunity is afforded and guaranteed by the constitution. People around the world, give up everything they own, to come here with nothing, and realize their dreams. And there are countless examples of people who have done exactly that. A person with the motivation to succeed, would be hard pressed to find a better place than the US.
I love the overhead cabin! Are those huge coolers below for beer?

Gotta love the South! Face it guys, could any of you have done so much with so little? You've gotta think, these guys would make great engineers, this took some amazing (and creative) design ingenuity! ...alcohol was probably involved.
my guess is...unless the trailer is made of styrofoam, the contraption has way too high a center of gravity and would be hazardous in anything beyond a gentle breeze.
Yeah, they'd only be able to move in good weather, and would have to plant the bottom of the boat during any strong winds.
my guess is, one toothless redneck carrying a few extra pounds playing the two backed beast with an equally corpulent honey up in the trailer would make it ripe for capsizing even in a dead calm.
my guess is, one toothless redneck carrying a few extra pounds playing the two backed beast with an equally corpulent honey up in the trailer would make it ripe for capsizing even in a dead calm.

My god, don't you realize there is a 2100lb VW Beetle submerged beneath the hull as a counterweight?