Liberals are Liars


Loyal to the end
I'm referring, of course, to the modern definition of liberals, defined by the current leader of the Democrat Party.

Here's the logic:

1. Most Liberal policies don't work. For example, universal health care. Its been a dismal failure in Canada and Britain, and caused bankruptcy in individual States where it has been tried. Another example is government bailouts, or 'spending our way to prosperity'.
2. Since the policies don't work, to continue to claim that they do is a lie. Either that or sheer ignorance or worse, stupidity.
3. Liberals always claim to be more intelligent that Conservatives, so the claim of innocence due to ignorance or stupidity falls flat.
There isn't a human alive who isn't a liar.

I'd love to go on to give a full expansive answer but rather oddly a bus full of Miss World contestants has just broken down outside and they are all coming in as they urgently need to wash their bras.
That's a good point, but I'm not talking about an occasional 'white lie", but entire careers and political philosophies built on big fat ones.
That's a good point, but I'm not talking about an occasional 'white lie", but entire careers and political philosophies built on big fat ones.

Then why limit it to just liberals?

There is a good reason why politicians inhabit the same regions of those "who do you trust" polls as journalists and used car salesmen.
SM your a moron and an embarrasment to the south.
You may have a degree but your mind is shut from things outside that narrow area.
There isn't a human alive who isn't a liar.

I'd love to go on to give a full expansive answer but rather oddly a bus full of Miss World contestants has just broken down outside and they are all coming in as they urgently need to wash their bras.

well you can wash their bras, i'll wash what the bras held
Then why limit it to just liberals?

Again, it's a mater or degree. Everyone farts once in a while but people who crap their pants and walk around in public that way are incredibly disgusting. Such is with liberals and their big fat lies.
After the history we have lived for the last eight years you have come to the conclusion that Liberals are the ones who lie?

Dude, I would ask for my money back from that college who gave you a degree.
Keep up dude, I didnt say you lack education. I said the education you recieved did not seem to take.
Again, it's a mater or degree. Everyone farts once in a while but people who crap their pants and walk around in public that way are incredibly disgusting. Such is with liberals and their big fat lies.

True but then again when your political system* cannot be differentiated from a cesspit the fact that a potion of shit comes from a "Liberal" is neither here nor there, as it just blends in with the surroundings.

*i'm not just aiming this at America to make it clear.
True but then again when your political system* cannot be differentiated from a cesspit the fact that a potion of shit comes from a "Liberal" is neither here nor there, as it just blends in with the surroundings.

*i'm not just aiming this at America to make it clear.
It is a cesspit exactly because of Liberalism. If the US federal government was stripped down to its Constitutionally enumerated powers the cesspool would be cleaned up. That and term limits for all of Congress.
It is a cesspit exactly because of Liberalism. If the US federal government was stripped down to its Constitutionally enumerated powers the cesspool would be cleaned up. That and term limits for all of Congress.

If my auntie had a pair of knackers she'd be my uncle.

It's not going to happen is it?

You can blame Liberalism if you like. I'd have thought it was a little more complicated than that but you'd be better off arguing that point with an American, so i'll leave you to it. :)

You can blame Liberalism if you like. I'd have thought it was a little more complicated than that but you'd be better off arguing that point with an American, so i'll leave you to it. :)

Its actually not all that complicated. The Founders of the US desired a limited federal government, individual States could then regulate more if they see fit, and the residents could "vote" disapproval with their feet. By usurping State's rights the Feds, through contemporary Liberalism, have bastardized the whole concept.