Liberals are Liars

I'm referring, of course, to the modern definition of liberals, defined by the current leader of the Democrat Party.

Here's the logic:

1. Most Liberal policies don't work. For example, universal health care. Its been a dismal failure in Canada and Britain, and caused bankruptcy in individual States where it has been tried. Another example is government bailouts, or 'spending our way to prosperity'.
2. Since the policies don't work, to continue to claim that they do is a lie. Either that or sheer ignorance or worse, stupidity.
3. Liberals always claim to be more intelligent that Conservatives, so the claim of innocence due to ignorance or stupidity falls flat.

If this is what you call logic you have already lost the fight.
I have for years and you still refuse to accept reality so whats the point.

You will never admitt that your team screwed the pooch.
Apparently I've ignored you for years then. But why not be specific now, that is, unless you fear the great chance of losing a debate.

My Conservative "team" didn't 'screw the pooch', or lose the 2008 elections.