Liberals congratulate Jenna on her marriage

From the See-BS website blog:

"A gross filthy little *** who eats our food, drinks our water, and vomits in our faces.

These Bushes are like a VD infection, some kind of gross bacteria parasites, wasting our substance with their drunken parties and immoral filthy behavior. They do no work, they contribute nothing to this nation, and they live the high life of absolute indolent waste on their little "ranches" in OUR state of Texas, why must we continue to tolerate these gross indolent thieves?

Do you think maybe this was a shotgun wedding? It appeared to me that Dubya might be a proud grandpa in about months!!

I wonder how many of their weddings presents were paid for with some of the billions in blood money her father''s war profiteer friends have made?

Her father has murdered more then 4,000 of our brave young troops. More then 4,000 young men and women that will never have families or at least never be part of their lives. And then there are the tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians the he has slaughtered. And for what? Only for the profit of the already rich. Nothing more. They all died so his friends could get richer. That''s it. That''s the sickening truth. They died for money and greed! they all died in vain. And I''m supposed to be happy that the daughter of a mass murdering war criminal got married? Fu*ck ''em!

Ten bucks says it's over within the year. Any takers?

I hope she someday comes to realize that she is the spawn of hell and turns on her father for the murders and war crimes he has committed. I hope she comes to a place where she hates him forever.

Tough sh*it. this is no different then announcing the marriage of Hitler''s daughter. Why should I be happy with all of the blood her father has dripping from his hands? he is a war criminal and a mass-murderer. He is scum. He is what maggots puke up. It doesn''t matter if she "seems decent", she is the child of a demon who deserves to DIE!

I hope their marriage goes as well as W''s term! You live by the sword......

The coward daughter of a coward father weds a coward dickless son-in-law.

Aw gee, isn''t that nice. That warms my heart almost as much as watching a tramp blow chunks in a sewer. Have a nice honeymoon brat and brat-ess.

A match cursed in hell.

I hope they''ve both been sterilized so as not to spawn any more GOP scum

From the Huffington Post, more encomiums from the champions of tolerance and respect for their fellow human beings:

"Why would anyone care one way or another about this wedding? It’s hilarious reading about the “organic” ceremony, with 14 bridesmaids all in different dresses, and a giant limestone cross and looking at those incredibly tacky favors! A cowboy(girl) hat hanging ornament???????? I mean, come on–it’s all just laughable! Let’s just hope the father of the bride stays away from the inevitable champagne fountain!

The favors are embarrasing, I thought Laura had some taste. It looks like they saw an ad on late night TV for items with pictures of themselves and tacky Texas crap.

Where are the Jenna GONE WILD commerative calendars? or the Jenna on her knees pukin in the alley coaster sets?

I hear they are registered at all the finest liquor stores DC has to offer.

Oh Man I hope some terrorist group finds out and drives a nuclear powered death trap right into the middle of the whol texas limestone scumbaf setup and kills everyone within a thousand miles.

Even Hitler loved his dog.

Isn’t it great to know that as tax payers we will probably be paying for this bimbo’s wedding which will probably last about a year……don’t think so….think about how Bush has f**ked you up to this point, LOL.
You just know we are paying for this White House fiasco don’t blame me, I did not vote for him…Suckers.

Look everybody! A wedding! Never mind that her father is the most despised, incompetent, corrupt, disgraceful president ever and is loathed around the planet! Never mind his little vendetta Iraq war! Never mind the Taliban coming back stronger in Afghanistan!

God. Methinks The Connecticut Cokehead pushed to have these two ugly pudgies hitched before his disgrace of a presidency ends, just as a distraction from his catastrophic clusterf-ck of an existence.
It is like someone takes these people performs a lobotomy or implants a control device. It must be horrible to sit around the supper table and listen to so much aimless blathering.

Some people say that this is hate talk or that this is a hate site. Well who created all of the fear and hate? I assure you that we didn’t all just wake up one day and decided that hating republicans was the thing to do. They earned every bit of it and more. Worst president ever with a stepford wife and children that are delinquents and look down on all of the rest of us. Please let time pass swiftly so this family drifts into history.

I saw her at brunch in Soho a few years ago, looking just as much a product of fetal alcohol syndrome as she does now. She was surrounded by a bunch of frat boys and sorority sisters that stuck out freakishly in the restaurant. I love that she says she’s low-key and organic. Whatev. About as true as her father’s proclamation that Saddam had WMDs. They are all retarded.
Man, if that drunken little slut don’t look like a mongoloid.I hope she’s sterile. The world doesn’t need any more bush virus running, or slithering, around.
You wrote "the extremist left just like the extremist right", implying, apparently, that conservatives utter the same kind of hate-filled invective that liberals do.

I asked for examples. You have none.
You wrote "the extremist left just like the extremist right", implying, apparently, that conservatives utter the same kind of hate-filled invective that liberals do.

I asked for examples. You have none.

talk about irony, just review some of your posts.
I know what I wrote.

Please, point out anything I've ever posted that compares to the hateful comments posted above by liberals.

You won't, because there are none.

At least have the decency to admit that the uncivility expressed by these liberals is outrageous, especially since it was directed toward a young woman whose only "crime" is to have a man they dislike for a father.

Somehow, I doubt you'd be so sanguine if a GOP made these types of comments about Malia, Sasha, or Chelsea.
You wrote "the extremist left just like the extremist right", implying, apparently, that conservatives utter the same kind of hate-filled invective that liberals do.

I asked for examples. You have none.
Dude... I am on the right and I'll give you an example.

Those idiots like Pat Buchanan going on about how Gays caused Katrina. Rush calling Billary's kid the "White House Dog".

Ooops, there was two of them. Sorry I gave more than you asked for.

Extremists exist on both sides. It is ridiculous to pretend otherwise.
I will join you in condemning those statements, which have no place in a reasoned public discourse.

I have never seen or heard the quotes you describe. Can you provide a source?
I will join you in condemning those statements, which have no place in a reasoned public discourse.

I have never seen or heard the quotes you describe. Can you provide a source?
We've had people post the youtube to Pat and friends blaming Katrina on gays.

As for Rush, it was on his TV show.

I believe you are pretending not to know, either that or you don't belong on a politics site.
I just found out via a web search that "gays caused Katrina" was uttered by a pastor in Texas by the name of Hagee, not Pat Buchanan. The statement was subsequently retracted, but that doesn't make it right.

I also found out that in 1993, Rush Limbaugh asked if his TV viewers knew there was a White House dog, and showed a picture of Chelsea. Also reprehensible.

Will you agree with me that the hateful comments quoted above are equally deplorable?

It's disgusting to vent bile of this type on young people who cannot help who their parents are, no matter what your political orientation.
Actually, I think indie is right on this one. I have never seen conservatives have anything nasty or out-of-line to say about anyone on the left, or express anything that could be called hateful.

They're generally very polite.
Actually, I think indie is right on this one. I have never seen conservatives have anything nasty or out-of-line to say about anyone on the left, or express anything that could be called hateful.

They're generally very polite.
Who are you? What have you done with Lorax?
Actually, I think indie is right on this one. I have never seen conservatives have anything nasty or out-of-line to say about anyone on the left, or express anything that could be called hateful.

They're generally very polite.

You're probably being facetious, I know way to many far righties to say you are correct. But in the main, yes Conservatives tend to be polite.