liberals hate first amendment

when it concerns topics they hate.

In April, CCAC student Christine Brashier created pamphlets to distribute to her classmates encouraging them to join her in forming a chapter of the national Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC) organization at CCAC. The handbill states that the group "supports the legalization of concealed carry by licensed individuals on college campuses." She personally distributed copies of the flyer, which identified her as a "Campus Leader" of the effort to start the chapter.

On April 24, Jean Snider, Student Development Specialist at CCAC's Allegheny Campus, summoned Brashier to a meeting that day with Snider and Yvonne Burns, Dean of Student Development. According to Brashier, the deans told Brashier that passing out her non-commercial pamphlets was prohibited as "solicitation." They told Brashier that trying to "sell" other students on the idea of the organization was prohibited.

CCAC also told Brashier that the college must pre-approve any distribution of literature to fellow students, and that pamphlets like hers would not be approved, even insisting that Brashier destroy all copies of her pamphlet.

Brashier reports that she was also interrogated about why she was distributing the pamphlets, whether she owned a licensed firearm and had ever brought it to campus (she has not), whether she carries a concealed firearm off campus, and whether she disagrees with the existing college policy banning concealed weapons on campus.

When Brashier stated that she wanted to be able to discuss this policy freely on campus, she was told to stop doing so without the permission of the CCAC administration. Dean Burns reportedly said, "You may want to discuss this topic but the college does not, and you cannot make us." Brashier was then told to cease all activities related to her involvement with SCCC at CCAC and that such "academic misconduct" would not be tolerated.

anybody see this coming on a wider scale in the near future? I do.
when it concerns topics they hate.

anybody see this coming on a wider scale in the near future? I do.

Her argument about free speech is bogus. She wants [herself] and other students to carry concealed weapons on the campus, but the policy is that weapons aren't permitted, so now she's whining about denial of free speech. It's not about her right to say what she wants, it's about her attempt to bring concealed-carry to the campus, and a cautious dean looking out for the best interests of his students. There's never been a shooting at CCAC before and she gives no reason why she feels unsafe.

Christine "Christa" Brashier, 24, of Squirrel Hill, who is studying to be an elementary school teacher, said she feels unsafe on the school's Allegheny campus and would like the right to carry a gun while on school property.

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We here already know what happens when excitable teenagers have guns on campus. Five athletes at another college were shot, one seriously, when a stupid argument broke out at a school dance.
Her argument about free speech is bogus. She wants [herself] and other students to carry concealed weapons on the campus, but the policy is that weapons aren't permitted, so now she's whining about denial of free speech. It's not about her right to say what she wants, it's about her attempt to bring concealed-carry to the campus, and a cautious dean looking out for the best interests of his students. There's never been a shooting at CCAC before and she gives no reason why she feels unsafe.

she wants to organize a group to petition for concealed on campus, thats free speech. It is all about her right to speak it. she's being denied that because the college doesn't agree with her topic she wants to talk about. That's censorship, that's liberalism. shut down what you don't like to hear.
she wants to organize a group to petition for concealed on campus, thats free speech. It is all about her right to speak it. she's being denied that because the college doesn't agree with her topic she wants to talk about. That's censorship, that's liberalism. shut down what you don't like to hear.

If she and like-minded students were having a philosophical discussion about the merits of concealed carry, there wouldn't be a problem. She's making this about free speech when it's really about going against school policy and bringing weapons on campus. The dean is correctly weighing the school's duty of care to all students with her desire to carry a gun. If for some reason she feels unsafe, she should have gone to the dean and explained the problem in detail. Security guards do patrol the campus. It didn't need to come to this.
If she and like-minded students were having a philosophical discussion about the merits of concealed carry, there wouldn't be a problem. She's making this about free speech when it's really about going against school policy and bringing weapons on campus. The dean is correctly weighing the school's duty of care to all students with her desire to carry a gun. If for some reason she feels unsafe, she should have gone to the dean and explained the problem in detail. Security guards do patrol the campus. It didn't need to come to this.

hey idiot. she's trying to change policy via free speech, not by threatening anyone with a weapon at the time. The dean is telling her to shut her mouth because they don't like guns or want them on campus and by her talking about it, they know she'll garner more support. Thats something they just can't deal with.

security guards is a separate issue, except maybe for you totalitarians.
If she and like-minded students were having a philosophical discussion about the merits of concealed carry, there wouldn't be a problem. She's making this about free speech when it's really about going against school policy and bringing weapons on campus. The dean is correctly weighing the school's duty of care to all students with her desire to carry a gun. If for some reason she feels unsafe, she should have gone to the dean and explained the problem in detail. Security guards do patrol the campus. It didn't need to come to this.

When the students gathered and protested the Vietnam war that was an exercise in free speech.

This woman refuses to accept the "its against the rules so live with it" attitude. She wants to make a change. The way to make a change is to join your voice with other voices.

It is most certainly about free speech. If this same woman had been passing out materials concerning a protest against the war I bet she would have been allowed to try and "sell" students on the idea that the war is wrong.
If she and like-minded students were having a philosophical discussion about the merits of concealed carry, there wouldn't be a problem. She's making this about free speech when it's really about going against school policy and bringing weapons on campus. The dean is correctly weighing the school's duty of care to all students with her desire to carry a gun. If for some reason she feels unsafe, she should have gone to the dean and explained the problem in detail. Security guards do patrol the campus. It didn't need to come to this.

Until the 1960s female college students were not allowed to live off campus or in co-ed dorms. This was done for their protection.

If a female college student is raped or murdered do you think the school will accept responsibility for the crime? After all, they have said student safety is the school's responsibility.
Security guards do patrol the campus. It didn't need to come to this.

Security guards? Do you have any idea how worthless most security guards are in preventing crimes? Rent-a-cops have so little authority that they are less effective that Neighborhood Watch programs.

They ride around campus in regular patterns in vehicles marked as "Campus Security".

Here is some more info for you from:

20% to 25% of college women are raped during their college career.

Almost all colleges have campus security. And yet between 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 female students will be raped while in college.
Until the 1960s female college students were not allowed to live off campus or in co-ed dorms. This was done for their protection.

If a female college student is raped or murdered do you think the school will accept responsibility for the crime? After all, they have said student safety is the school's responsibility.

Each school has its own safety policy. Duquesne University had security guards patrolling the campus and even patting down students before a dance, yet the shooter was still able to sneak a gun in and seriously injure five people. The school lived up to its responsibility yet it wasn't enough keep some knucklehead from gunning down five kids... shooting them not because they were threatening him but because of a fight over a woman.

How do you weigh the right to concealed carry against the right of the student body not to be put in harm's way due to a trigger-happy teenager with an anger problem?
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Each school has its own safety policy. Duquesne University had security guards patrolling the campus and even patting down students before a dance, yet the shooter was still able to sneak a gun in and seriously injure five people. The school lived up to its responsibility yet it wasn't enough keep some knucklehead from gunning down five kids... shooting them not because they were threatening him but because of a fight over a woman.

How do you weigh the right to concealed carry against the right of the student body not to be put in harm's way due to a trigger-happy teenager with an anger problem?

how did the school live up to its responsibility if five kids were still gunned down?
When the students gathered and protested the Vietnam war that was an exercise in free speech.

This woman refuses to accept the "its against the rules so live with it" attitude. She wants to make a change. The way to make a change is to join your voice with other voices.

It is most certainly about free speech. If this same woman had been passing out materials concerning a protest against the war I bet she would have been allowed to try and "sell" students on the idea that the war is wrong.

Students protesting the Vietnam war weren't advocating the the legal right to carry weapons; they wanted the government to lay down weapons and bring home the troops. There's a big difference between support for a position that could bring potential harm, and support for a position that wants to stop it.
Students protesting the Vietnam war weren't advocating the the legal right to carry weapons; they wanted the government to lay down weapons and bring home the troops. There's a big difference between support for a position that could bring potential harm, and support for a position that wants to stop it.

it's all first amendment and you know it. your fear of guns is only limiting your intellect to acknowledge it.
how did the school live up to its responsibility if five kids were still gunned down?

They had security guards on campus and enhanced security at the dance. The kids were gunned down because somebody sneaked in a concealed weapon, not because the school abdicated its responsibilities.
Each school has its own safety policy. Duquesne University had security guards patrolling the campus and even patting down students before a dance, yet the shooter was still able to sneak a gun in and seriously injure five people. The school lived up to its responsibility yet it wasn't enough keep some knucklehead from gunning down five kids... shooting them not because they were threatening him but because of a fight over a woman.

How do you weigh the right to concealed carry against the right of the student body not to be put in harm's way due to a trigger-happy teenager with an anger problem?

I think the above is contradictory. If they had done their job, the kids would have been protected.

Also, had the students been able to carry concealed weapons, one of them could have fired back at the kid who was on a shooting spree rather than waiting on some rent-a-cop to pat someone down.
Your support for all guns, all the time ignores the rights of innocent people to be safe from the potential dangers of unwittingly being caught in the line of fire.

nobody has the 'right' to BE safe, they have the 'right' to provide for their own safety, hence the right to bear arms. If people had a 'right' to BE safe, we wouldn't need the right to bear arms.

now, does the government have an obligation to provide for your safety?
Security guards? Do you have any idea how worthless most security guards are in preventing crimes? Rent-a-cops have so little authority that they are less effective that Neighborhood Watch programs.

They ride around campus in regular patterns in vehicles marked as "Campus Security".

Here is some more info for you from:

20% to 25% of college women are raped during their college career.

Almost all colleges have campus security. And yet between 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 female students will be raped while in college.

Your article shows that alcohol is involved in 75% of these attacks. Colleges need to get a grip on alcohol use by minors, that is, attack the problem at its roots rather than after the assaults have been carried out. Concealed carry on campus is bad enough, even worse would be carrying a gun and shooting while drunk.