liberals hate first amendment

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I could care less what you call yourself, toodles. You parrot the exact same convoluted BS that can be found on any ultra-conservative or neocon blog site regarding the subjects we've debated. And when you get defeated in a debate, you turn into a pissy little kid running behind me and throwing rocks. Keep it up.

yeah, thats what I do, moron. what do you think you're doing now, mastermind? I've already proven how dubious your little NRA dupe article/websites contentions now you run behind me like some little noismaker mutt nipping at my heels. Thing is, you really don't understand how pathetic you appear with each post like this.
you remind me of this little british dweeb chick on democraticunderground. She had a very good talent of stating a totally screwed up position or idea and then when called on it and shown how idiotically wrong it was, deflects the issue by throwing out something totally unrelated. You're not nearly as good at it though. I doubt very much you could defeat my stepdaughter who has rocks in her head.

Like anyone gives a flying leap what your opinion is....I've logically demonstrated what a pissy little clown you are when you can't prove your point in an honest, open debate. That you deny it and get dummies like Bravo or Southern or USFree to give you maudlin support is just more to pity you for. So keep it up....unless you lie or have a new avenue on the original subject matter to pursue and or want to have a rational, civil debate, I'll just watch the clown show.:corn:
Like anyone gives a flying leap what your opinion is....I've logically demonstrated what a pissy little clown you are when you can't prove your point in an honest, open debate. That you deny it and get dummies like Bravo or Southern or USFree to give you maudlin support is just more to pity you for. So keep it up....unless you lie or have a new avenue on the original subject matter to pursue and or want to have a rational, civil debate, I'll just watch the clown show.:corn:

in other words, you'll :tantrum: because you know you were trounced. understood.