
Have you read, "Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes? Plato?

There are worse things by far and away than government. While I agree that most humans are social, there are some that are not so. They may be the largest, loudest, or strongest. Unfortunately the negative are rarely the smartest.

I haven't read Leviathan, no. I have read some of Plato but only some of The Laws and The Republic but I have read most of the dialogues. I have to admit to preferring Aristotle, both his ethics and his politics.

There can't be much worse than bad government. I'm not a utopian but I do believe that in the future there will be no government as we've know it. Heck nothing's permanent and anyway, government is only a human invention and it can be done away with then ready.
Don't be a twat. I'm talking about the drought we're suffering here and the long-term climate change that's being observed. I'm sure it's pissing down with rain somewhere in the world, maybe in the Congo, but it's bone fucking dry here and that's all I fucking well care about.

If you are in drought, my sympathies, so is much of my country. On the other hand, some of us are more than saturated. Now how to distribute that? To me that is the question. Then there are are the Israelis, that managed to get potable water from salt. Something to learn there?
If you are in drought, my sympathies, so is much of my country. On the other hand, some of us are more than saturated. Now how to distribute that? To me that is the question. Then there are are the Israelis, that managed to get potable water from salt. Something to learn there?

We're used to drought Kathianne. This is the driest inhabited continent in the world after all (and yet we have some of the wettest places as well in the tropical north, bastards keep it all for themselves though :D).

But the problem for us is that this drought is longer and more severe than it's been in recorded history. Where I live we rely on the River Murray (well the Murray-Darling system) for our water needs and frankly it's not looking too good. But it's worse in some parts of the country. Desal plants are being planned but there is disagreement about siting them and some are dead against them due to the associated salinity problems (I'm not technically minded so I can't go through the arguments).

There's not much we can do about the lack of rain and we're all learning that we're going to have to adapt. Small things like water consciousness are now part and parcel of our way of life. Sadly this can manifest itself badly. In Sydney a man was killed by another man because the first was watering his lawn (legally) and the second man thought he was wasting water so there was an altercation and the first man suffered a fatal heart attack in the fight.

Bloody stupid but that's what's happening.
We're used to drought Kathianne. This is the driest inhabited continent in the world after all (and yet we have some of the wettest places as well in the tropical north, bastards keep it all for themselves though :D).

But the problem for us is that this drought is longer and more severe than it's been in recorded history. Where I live we rely on the River Murray (well the Murray-Darling system) for our water needs and frankly it's not looking too good. But it's worse in some parts of the country. Desal plants are being planned but there is disagreement about siting them and some are dead against them due to the associated salinity problems (I'm not technically minded so I can't go through the arguments).

There's not much we can do about the lack of rain and we're all learning that we're going to have to adapt. Small things like water consciousness are now part and parcel of our way of life. Sadly this can manifest itself badly. In Sydney a man was killed by another man because the first was watering his lawn (legally) and the second man thought he was wasting water so there was an altercation and the first man suffered a fatal heart attack in the fight.

Bloody stupid but that's what's happening.

That is just awful and again, sincerely you have my sympathies. On the other hand, climates do change and to go from 'parched' to 'drought' is not unexpected or unheard of. However, it seems to me, as I implied in the Israel gaff, in modern times we should learn to share?
Yes, we should share. And not to keep harping but that's why we need a new economic paradigm. The market is a useful regulator of a good when there is a good to distribute but when you're getting to having nothing you have to think of another way of ensuring there's sufficient for everyone.

Hah that should be bring the nutters out of their lairs :clink:
Yes, we should share. And not to keep harping but that's why we need a new economic paradigm. The market is a useful regulator of a good when there is a good to distribute but when you're getting to having nothing you have to think of another way of ensuring there's sufficient for everyone.

Hah that should be bring the nutters out of their lairs :clink:

Hey sweetie, my guess is you would do better with the 'conservatives' than liberals for help. Less cutting to the chaff.
the quantity of water is not the issue. You're right, the hydrological cycle is relatively constant.

the issue is the availability and distribution of fresh, potable, unpolluted water that can sustain human populations and the ecosystem.

That has always changed---like I said. What are you going to do to stop it--and should you? You remembet the fake butter ad---"It is not nice to fool mother nature"----BOOOOOOM
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Enjoy the rant? I'll check later and see if there's anything factual worth taking on and demolishing in that stream-of-barely-consciousness.

No, second thoughts, just had a quick look and it's the usual stereotypical, off the back of the cornflakes box rubbish.

You bet it felt great. Just like taking a big crap. The barely consious is you pal---you know more about your personal agenda by far, than you know about the people that live in the country with you. You do that---do some research--and name your sources. How dare you insult theMAJORITY!! How come you libs never---ever share your points of logic. Your insane. You never have anything but emotion pushing your points. You simply can't comprehend between right and wrong--welfare or freedom. Never one ounce of logic---just meth induced, insane fachist ieadlism from a pretty pretty place----forced down everybodies throat.

Thats right---kiss my azz. I will take care of myself and my family. I don't want welfare--there is no honor in that. The libs already take all of our money (to provide more welfare)--all we have is honor--and you want that too? kiss my azz.
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You bet it felt great. Just like taking a big crap. How dare you insult theMAJORITY!! How come you libs never---ever share your points of logic. Your insane. You never have anything but emotion pushing your points. You simply can't comprehend between right and wrong--welfare or freedom. Never one ounce of logic---just meth induced, insane fachist ieadlism from a pretty pretty place----forced down everybodies throat.

Thats right---kiss my azz. I will take care of myself and my family. I don't want welfare--there is no honor in that. The libs already take all of our money (to provide more welfare)--all we have is honor--and you want that too? kiss my azz.

Gotcha! In like the bloody tide. Did you remember to take your pants down before you took that big crap or did you lose the instructions again? :D

Tell you what, this is a bit of light-hearted fun. Try to come up with something worth discussing - discussing, not just repeating talking points from the hugh1!1!11 list at Freeperville - and we'll get into it.


Now remember, next time, pants down first, then crap - see how you go next time you need to empty out your brain because, just like Homer, it fills up and you have to make room for new ideas :D
Hey sweetie, my guess is you would do better with the 'conservatives' than liberals for help. Less cutting to the chaff.

The conservatives have failed us Kathianne, that's why they're in the political wilderness now, they couldn't keep up ;)
I'm feeling ill, but I've always had a queasy tummy, it's the reason I teach older kids that keep bodily fluids to themselves.