Like Adolf, Natanyahu shows his ass to the world and its laws.

So after years of WW II genocide HA MAS ! chooses more genocide for the 21st Turkey's Ergodan goodwill of meeting Allah for Netanyahu.....

We don't know if genocide is happening. Given that Hamas lied at nearly opportunity, it seems unlikely that Israel is committing genocide. What is likely happening is that Hamas is being held accountable for their choices. "Choices" meaning "continuing to terrorize and kill Israelies".
We don't know if genocide is happening. Given that Hamas lied at nearly opportunity, it seems unlikely that Israel is committing genocide. What is likely happening is that Hamas is being held accountable for their choices. "Choices" meaning "continuing to terrorize and kill Israelies".

Or HA MAS ! just continueing WW II Nazi Germany - Islam - Catholic Church business contracts of Jewish deaths for Arab oil to fund Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom more perfect union to Christiananality pedophilia; or two pseudoscience wrongs make a rite.....
It's time to punish the Israeli Jews. They have abused our goodwill for far, far too long.

18,000 murdered Palestinian children condemn Israel as an unacceptable fascist ragime.


Imagine the United Nations telling the Gestapo to quit attacking the Warsaw Ghetto. Well, the Gestapo weren't using our weapons with our approval

Perhaps once the towelhead jihadists are purged,
peace will be possible.

Right now, your beige savage buddies are reaping what they sowed,
Or HA MAS ! just continueing WW II Nazi Germany - Islam - Catholic Church business contracts of Jewish deaths for Arab oil to fund Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom more perfect union to Christiananality pedophilia; or two pseudoscience wrongs make a rite.....

Uh.... that's weird.
Weak- but Europe walks in the shadow of the American Jewish mafia- and the evil of AIPAC- so it's an encouraging sign of life .

Weak- but Europe walks in the shadow of the American Jewish mafia- and the evil of AIPAC- so it's an encouraging sign of life .


While Europe's walk in that "serve the Pope or die" chooses to secure it's not so master race not so master plan of trover & conversion to Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom in that HA MAS ! tradition of attack Israel as Nazi Germany Krystallnacht attack starting on the rest of Europe life eventually....again....
Do u not know Hitler and Muslims were pals with the same goal? u stupid fucking pig cock sucker

"The only religion I respect is Islam. The only prophet I admire is the Prophet Muhammad."
-Adolf Hitler

Seems to still be Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July Bicentennial Christiananality pedophilia national religion more perfect union to Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11 ?" Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom Freudian slip as those thieving National Archives US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists on the steps of SCOTUS from their assassination of JFK.....
Sorry The Jews aren't laying down again, after 75 years of this and 2000 years before

“If we have to have a choice between being dead and pitied, and being alive with a bad image, we’d rather be alive and have the bad image.”

— Golda Meir
Guno צְבִי;5944918 said:
Sorry The Jews aren't laying down again, after 75 years of this and 2000 years before

“If we have to have a choice between being dead and pitied, and being alive with a bad image, we’d rather be alive and have the bad image.”

— Golda Meir
Starving children? Would Golda feel that way if she knew children were being murdered?
Thanks, the racism always puts a clear light on things.

Here's the deal, marty.

I know enough to hate people who wish me harm.
I remember that every time I see the ugly-ass Tower of Freedom where the majestic WTC Twin Towers are supposed to be.

You can shed tears for the Palestinians all that you want,
but they're the ones who set the rules on October 7.

They get zero tears from me.
Starving children? Would Golda feel that way if she knew children were being murdered?

Israel is not targeting children, Hamas is hiding among the population it's war that Hamas has started, want it to stop?, stop sending rockets in and free the hostages

"We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us."
Palestinian orchestra playing for Palestinian radio in Jerusalem, 1940- eight years before there was an ' Israel ' .

The genocidal Jews claimed ' A land without a people for a people without a land '. They lied then, they lie now. For its emulation of Nazism , Israel has forfeited the moral right to exist.

The astonishing thing is that these genocidal Jews think that they're going to get away with it.
That's America's fault.

Here's the deal, marty.

I know enough to hate people who wish me harm.
I remember that every time I see the ugly-ass Tower of Freedom where the majestic WTC Twin Towers are supposed to be.

You can shed tears for the Palestinians all that you want,
but they're the ones who set the rules on October 7.

They get zero tears from me.

There's some distance between not shedding tears and sliming.

Agreed the conduct by both is abysmal.
Despite an ICJ ruling demanding a cessation, despite even a demand for cessation from prosemitic Joe Biden, despite demands for a cessation from all corners of the civilized world the Zionist scum continue to murder on a daily basis.
As has been hammered into the heads of dumbasses for YEARS- Israel, via America's blind support for the pariah state, is undermining the fabric of world peace. It is a terrorist state which attacks both its captives and its neighbors according to its levels of paranoia and genocidal greed for territory.

Biden is sucking his thumb- El Trumpo is waiting to join in with the ' Orgy of Jewish Supremacy and Antidemocratic Euphoria '
Throughout the world, however, the rising tide of Righteous Antisemitism threatens decent Jews everywhere.

Here comes Netanyahu's bare ass again
