Limited Edition Trump Coin


This will undoubtedly be worth a lot someday.
A memento to the great victory of Trump over Hillary and the seeming insurmountable corruption of the DNC and the Clinton Machine.

Of course, I would buy 100 if I were you.
The orange, grifter has gotta keep grifting.
Remember to get his Trumpy bear too.

'A memento to the great victory of Trump over Hillary".

Did you read the year? It's 2020 coin.

I'll buy a the engraved 2021 coin, it has Dotard on one side, the prison he will be going to with his inmate number, on the other side.
What's so funny? This is serious.

For a Red Team member you show great promise as a Comedian.
I'm not allowed on Red Team. I've stated many times that I am Pro Death on the abortion issue. I'm for the repeal of the 2nd amendment. I'm an atheist. I just happened to vote for Trump last Nov., 1st republican I voted for president since Bob Dole and I don't consider Trump a republican at all. I realize, however, that the Blue Team members consider me to be on the Red Team only because I'm not on the Blue Team. It's either/or with you guys. "If you're not wit us you're agin us." - GWB
What's so funny? This is serious.

I'm not allowed on Red Team. I've stated many times that I am Pro Death on the abortion issue. I'm for the repeal of the 2nd amendment. I'm an atheist. I just happened to vote for Trump last Nov., 1st republican I voted for president since Bob Dole and I don't consider Trump a republican at all. I realize, however, that the Blue Team members consider me to be on the Red Team only because I'm not on the Blue Team. It's either/or with you guys. "If you're not wit us you're agin us." - GWB

Hmmmm ...
I've noticed others disavow their Membership in Red Team, with some saying they never recognized Trump as a Republican.
(I will put you down as 'Reformed Orthodox', and color you purple)
Hmmmm ...
I've noticed others disavow their Membership in Red Team, with some saying they never recognized Trump as a Republican.
It's true. Trump got elected only because he ran as a republican, much the same way BJ Clinton was re-elected only because he ran as a dim.
Trump knew he'd get all the Red Team vote only by signing up as a repub. All he had to do was get the anti-Hillary vote and rely on voters that didn't show up because of their disgust with both hrc and trump.
He didn't get re-elected due to his overbearing personality.
It's true. Trump got elected only because he ran as a republican, much the same way BJ Clinton was re-elected only because he ran as a dim.
Trump knew he'd get all the Red Team vote only by signing up as a repub. All he had to do was get the anti-Hillary vote and rely on voters that didn't show up because of their disgust with both hrc and trump.
He didn't get re-elected due to his overbearing personality.

Yeah. That, and a lot of people don't endorse Fascism or a Crime Family Organization.
(should Biden declare that he will give his son a Pardon for whatever he does in the next 4 years?)
Awesome. Five for only $99.99. Is this how Trump plans to pay for the $2000 COVID relief?
You are not a savvy investor. Even their website says 10 for $179.99. I recently have $250,000 freed up in cash and will negotiate a much better deal than that .