Lindsey Graham vows to block Democrats’ supreme court ethics bill


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South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, the top ranking Republican on the Senate judiciary committee, said that he will block Democrats’ attempts to pass an ethics bill to rein in the US supreme court.

Graham told NBC News that he “will object” to the bill on Wednesday, meaning it will not move forward on its legislative journey.

Senate judiciary committee chairman Dick Durbin, from Illinois, told reporters that Senate Democrats are working to unanimously move the bill forward, the Hill reported. Durbin co-authored the bill with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

“We’re planning on making a move on the floor this week to move the ethics bill for the supreme court,” Durbin said.

three equal branches - someone needs to explain that to the libtards
One branch thinking that it can circumvent the checks and balance system ...and have no accountability.

Explain that to the morons of the MAGA movement. Although first they would have to get past 5th grade...which most would not be able to do.
One branch thinking that it can circumvent the checks and balance system ...and have no accountability.

Explain that to the morons of the MAGA movement. Although first they would have to get past 5th grade...which most would not be able to do.
No one should be a judge in their own cause.

Nemo iudex in causa sua​

Latin for “no one should be a judge in their own cause”. It is one of the cardinal rules of natural justice that no one should act as a judge a case in which they have a personal (vested) interest.
One branch thinking that it can circumvent the checks and balance system ...and have no accountability.

Explain that to the morons of the MAGA movement. Although first they would have to get past 5th grade...which most would not be able to do.
oh - so you care about checks and balances now?

like how we used to have sound money as the greatest check and balance against you shit stains spending what you don't have to spend!
three equal branches - someone needs to explain that to the libtards
Yes 3 equal branches that all have powers of check and balance on the other.

it is solely the Supreme Court asserting they are alone at the top, and no other branch has any right to check or balance them.

They are lawless and drunk on their own perceived power, in defiance of the Constitution and pushing to establish precedent that the Congress must not allow.
Yes 3 equal branches that all have powers of check and balance on the other.

it is solely the Supreme Court asserting they are alone at the top, and no other branch has any right to check or balance them.

They are lawless and drunk on their own perceived power, in defiance of the Constitution and pushing to establish precedent that the Congress must not allow.
Agree. Another government agency Trump corrupted.
oh - so you care about checks and balances now?

like how we used to have sound money as the greatest check and balance against you shit stains spending what you don't have to spend!
Fuck you very much for your contribution.
you shit stains are always the same

the second I point out your hypocrisy, you run
I didn't run. I essentially told you to go fuck yourself.

You really ought to learn how to read with comprehension if you are going to stick around.
I didn't run. I essentially told you to go fuck yourself.

You really ought to learn how to read with comprehension if you are going to stick around.
you ran from any semblance of a debate you shit stain pussy

sound money is a great check and balance for the common man against run away government
One branch thinking that it can circumvent the checks and balance system ...and have no accountability.

This isn't about Joe Biden's dictatorial EO's - comrade.

Explain that to the morons of the MAGA movement. Although first they would have to get past 5th grade...which most would not be able to do.

Should SCOTUS be in charge of ethics for the house? Or the club of 100 crooks?
South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, the top ranking Republican on the Senate judiciary committee, said that he will block Democrats’ attempts to pass an ethics bill to rein in the US supreme court.

Graham told NBC News that he “will object” to the bill on Wednesday, meaning it will not move forward on its legislative journey.

Senate judiciary committee chairman Dick Durbin, from Illinois, told reporters that Senate Democrats are working to unanimously move the bill forward, the Hill reported. Durbin co-authored the bill with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

“We’re planning on making a move on the floor this week to move the ethics bill for the supreme court,” Durbin said.
