Lindsey Graham vows to block Democrats’ supreme court ethics bill

South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, the top ranking Republican on the Senate judiciary committee, said that he will block Democrats’ attempts to pass an ethics bill to rein in the US supreme court.

Graham told NBC News that he “will object” to the bill on Wednesday, meaning it will not move forward on its legislative journey.

Senate judiciary committee chairman Dick Durbin, from Illinois, told reporters that Senate Democrats are working to unanimously move the bill forward, the Hill reported. Durbin co-authored the bill with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

“We’re planning on making a move on the floor this week to move the ethics bill for the supreme court,” Durbin said.

He is about to get a yank on his Trump leash. Those photos of him just might become public.
While speaking at a round table on Capitol Hill in Washington DC on Tuesday, the New York progressive representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the court has been captured and corrupted “by money and extremism”.

A group of anti-democratic billionaires with their own ideological and economic agenda has been working one of the three co-equal branches of government,” she said.

The Democratic congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland, who was also at Tuesday’s round table, said: “The highest court in the land today has the lowest ethical standards.”
South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, the top ranking Republican on the Senate judiciary committee, said that he will block Democrats’ attempts to pass an ethics bill to rein in the US supreme court.

Graham told NBC News that he “will object” to the bill on Wednesday, meaning it will not move forward on its legislative journey.

Senate judiciary committee chairman Dick Durbin, from Illinois, told reporters that Senate Democrats are working to unanimously move the bill forward, the Hill reported. Durbin co-authored the bill with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

“We’re planning on making a move on the floor this week to move the ethics bill for the supreme court,” Durbin said.

three equal branches - someone needs to explain that to the libtards
Of course he does, he surely is good friends with the same sugar daddies that Clarence and Sam are

The Legislative Branch has the power to enact a ethics code on the Judiciary, just like they can impeach a Justice, in fact, the SCOTUS is the only Federal Court that lacks an ethics code initiated via the Legislative Branch
Of course he does, he surely is good friends with the same sugar daddies that Clarence and Sam are

The Legislative Branch has the power to enact a ethics code on the Judiciary, just like they can impeach a Justice, in fact, the SCOTUS is the only Federal Court that lacks an ethics code initiated via the Legislative Branch
Yes, Congress has authority to force ethics codes on Supreme Court. They can be impeached, but not under a GOP House.
South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, the top ranking Republican on the Senate judiciary committee, said that he will block Democrats’ attempts to pass an ethics bill to rein in the US supreme court.

Graham told NBC News that he “will object” to the bill on Wednesday, meaning it will not move forward on its legislative journey.

Senate judiciary committee chairman Dick Durbin, from Illinois, told reporters that Senate Democrats are working to unanimously move the bill forward, the Hill reported. Durbin co-authored the bill with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

“We’re planning on making a move on the floor this week to move the ethics bill for the supreme court,” Durbin said.

The GOP love having SCOTUS being bought and paid for by their special interests.