LOL, the stupidfilter!

The only problem I have with these rep points is that pricks like Dumbo get ideas above their station, personally I couldn't give a shit about points otherwise.

Read the comments to his posts. The good posters have seen him (and by extension the "gurls") for the cretins they are. Fortunately they have each other to keep those rep points going.
Read the comments to his posts. The good posters have seen him (and by extension the "gurls") for the cretins they are. Fortunately they have each other to keep those rep points going.

So EVERYONE that respods to me, in a positive manner, aren't "good posters". :shock:

DAMN!! :cry:

Sorry I ruined you; Damo, Grind, and everyone else that now falls under the description of not being "good posters". :whiteflag:
You really are an unimaginative little turd, it's only a matter of time before everybody on here, apart from a few rednecks, despise you as much as on the erstwhile AOL boards.

YEE HAW; that means that everyone that doesn't despise me, must be a red neck.

You can only hope; because all you have left, is hope.
You hope everyone doesn't find out what a twit you are.
You hope everyone doesn't just ignore you.
You hope that someday you'll be as important, as you think you are.
You hope that your ass and your jowls don't sag at the same rate.
You hope that your leather boy forgives you and returns.


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YEE HAW; that means that everyone that doesn't despise me, must be a red neck.

You can only hope; because all you have left, is hope.
You hope everyone doesn't find out what a twit you are.
You hope everyone doesn't just ignore you.
You hope that someday you'll be as important, as you think you are.
You hope that your ass and your jowls don't sag at the same rate.
You hope that your leather boy forgives you and returns.



Logic isn't really your strong point but for once you are right more or less.

YEE HAW; that means that everyone that doesn't despise me, must be a red neck.
YEE HAW; that means that everyone that doesn't despise me, must be a red neck.

You can only hope; because all you have left, is hope.
You hope everyone doesn't find out what a twit you are.
You hope everyone doesn't just ignore you.
You hope that someday you'll be as important, as you think you are.
You hope that your ass and your jowls don't sag at the same rate.
You hope that your leather boy forgives you and returns.



Tom is an abysmal failure at pretending so hard he cares so little.

Spittin' and sputterin' with impotent fury... :readit:
Logic isn't really your strong point but for once you are right more or less.

YEE HAW; that means that everyone that doesn't despise me, must be a red neck.

You're so stupid, that you don't even realize that you just alienated a large number of posters and outed yourself as a total nitwit.

But; please continue with your rant, seeing as how you've shown that you have no imagination and/or a sense of humor.:cof1:
You're so stupid, that you don't even realize that you just alienated a large number of posters and outed yourself as a total nitwit.

But; please continue with your rant, seeing as how you've shown that you have no imagination and/or a sense of humor.:cof1:

Tom is a pompous British Stuffed-shirt Asshole. He is so steeped in his own bullshit and faux outrage he makes pathetic look like a step up.
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Tom is a pompous British Stuffed-shirt Asshole. He is so steeped in his own bullshit and faux outrage he makes pathetic look like a step up.

I noticed that you edited the post, I wonder what you were originally going to say? As for your opinion, I frankly rarely give a flying fuck what you say about anything as it is all just white noise or possibly more accurately pink noise to me.
I noticed that you edited the post, I wonder what you were originally going to say? As for your opinion, I frankly rarely give a flying fuck what you say about anything as it is all just white noise or possibly more accurately pink noise to me.

So now you're using a swing, in your sexual escapades.

Everyone already knows you're a catcher; are you the swingee, or the swinger??