Looking forward to November?

From your post in this thread. Are you saying the Democrats cannot take the House and hold the Senate?
cannot or will not?

I think the chances are good that they will not retake the house and that they will continue to hold onto the senate by a slim margin, which, as I have stated before, is almost as bad as not having a margin at all, given the power of the minority with the filibuster. We may still hold the senate, but will be unable to do anything with it.
people who get confused between climate change and season change should probably confine their discussions to the latter.

Oh! That's right! I keep forgetting that ever since the fucking anti-capitalist, environmentalist asshole left found out that the cat got out of the bag and folks found out the globe has actually been "COOLING" for more than a decade now, they changed the Scam's label to "Climate Change." Now whatever the weather extreme is they can claim their fucking racket is being proven righteous. How fucking convenient is that?????
How's that, Counselor?

In recent years voters have gone against a president’s party in large and consistent ways when they disapprove of him: more than 80 percent of disapprovers vote for the opposing party's candidates.

In the last midterms, six in 10 voters said their congressional vote was partly to either express “support for” or “opposition to” Obama.

Today the president’s approval is 46 percent in the most recent CBS News poll.


It appears to me that the Repugs keep fucking up a situation that is set up to be in their favor.

If Huckelberry and Randall Paul could keep their mouths shut about womans issues, I suspect things would be better for the Repugs in general.
The announcement of a "clean" debt ceiling certainly seems to defuse a major Democrat weapon in the coming midterms, doesn't it?
The announcement of a "clean" debt ceiling certainly seems to defuse a major Democrat weapon in the coming midterms, doesn't it?

Well, I think it would have been a lot worse for the Republicans had they forced a default, if that's what you are saying.