Looks like Obama really wasnt the first black Pres

The first black President

Yep, the very idea was a joke or fiction. There was a 2nd rate sitcom based on this called "The First Family" (which debuted during Obama's 2nd term)I remember one of the series in "24" with Keifer Sutherland had an plot involving the first black President (played by Denis Haysbert).

But just reminding some American's that it was a black man who won 2 consecutive terms and pulled the country from a near 2 recession, and they nearly break their jaws grinding their teeth!
I can, and have, on this very board several times with regard to Tim Wise. The guy regularly speaks in academic settings on White Privilege even though he has NO academic credentials. He sounds like one of those old Southern Baptist tent preachers when he speaks. If you go through his 'historic' examples they are rife with errors, fanciful delusions, and the like. You won't find him speaking to an audience that isn't totally onboard with radical Leftist ideas on race either.
You can what? You have what? PLEASE EITHER COPY & PASTE OR GIVE THE POST NUMBER ON THIS THREAD WHERE YOU'VE DONE SUCH. All you do here is just make a lot assertions and claims that have NO OFFERED PROOF beyond your opinion, supposition and conjecture (which are not substitutes for valid, documented facts).

IT IS NOT UP TO ME TO PROVIDE THE VALID SOURCED DOCUMENTATION FOR YOUR MENTAL FLATULENCE. YOU MADE THE CLAIMS, THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON YOU. That's how it works, son. Ask any high school English or Science teacher. If you can't and repeat or elaborate on your tactic above, that just makes you out to be a liar and a fool .... much like all who currently sail with the Orange Oaf. Carry on.
"You bigots?" I used a term that is precise in meaning. Just because those on the Left get their panties in a twist over is, well, a 'Fuck you!' moment for me. Unlike the Left who thinks words mean whatever they want them to, like some six-year-old girl making up a secret language, adults have a set of widely agreed definitions for them. Mulato is one of those precise words.
There are a lot of words that have precise meaning, some of which are insulting and derogatory. Like the ones that are an insult to parts of YOUR ethnic heritage.

Using antiquated words that have bad/insulting meanings to specific members of the population is not necessary .... just a lazy, back handed way for clods like you to justify your bigotry and hate.
US presidents Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Dwight Eisenhower all had black ancestry, according to recent articles published in several US newspapers and on the Internet website DiversityInc.
That's awesome.

Does it bother you?
You can what? You have what? PLEASE EITHER COPY & PASTE OR GIVE THE POST NUMBER ON THIS THREAD WHERE YOU'VE DONE SUCH. All you do here is just make a lot assertions and claims that have NO OFFERED PROOF beyond your opinion, supposition and conjecture (which are not substitutes for valid, documented facts).

IT IS NOT UP TO ME TO PROVIDE THE VALID SOURCED DOCUMENTATION FOR YOUR MENTAL FLATULENCE. YOU MADE THE CLAIMS, THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON YOU. That's how it works, son. Ask any high school English or Science teacher. If you can't and repeat or elaborate on your tactic above, that just makes you out to be a liar and a fool .... much like all who currently sail with the Orange Oaf. Carry on.
Awww. You want me to parse through over 42,000 posts and find that stuff again? Not happening.

But I will deign to give you one example. It's from Wise's book, Between Barack and a Hard Place. Yes, I have some of his writing, because that way I can pillory his stupidity more easily.

This is an unrelated example, as a sort of proof I'm actually quoting and using the book for an example.

On page 66, Wise has been discussing how the response to hurricane Katrina (remember that one?) was "racist." He states, Indeed, as I write this, not a single person who was renting at the time of Katrina--people who are disproportionately of color, and certainly lower income--has received a penny from the $10 billion post-Katrina rebuilding program...

Well, his unattributed and likely wrong assessment about renters aside, why the hell would ANY RENTER receive money for rebuilding? They don't own any property that was damaged. They have nothing to repair!

But this is typical of the lazy, superficial, and cherry-picked nonsense Wise spews regularly. The whole book--and for that matter, everything Wise spews--is rife with such mediocre 'intellectual' drivel. The guy is a poser, but he has that whole act down hard, and for those on the radical Left, they eat his shit up because he says what they want to hear.
There are a lot of words that have precise meaning, some of which are insulting and derogatory. Like the ones that are an insult to parts of YOUR ethnic heritage.

Using antiquated words that have bad/insulting meanings to specific members of the population is not necessary .... just a lazy, back handed way for clods like you to justify your bigotry and hate.
Sure... The Left regularly tries to redefine words and terms they don't like because they are accurate. "Illegal alien" has become "migrant" because the Left finds "Illegal alien" offensive--BECAUSE IT IS ACCURATE!

I don't give a shit about what the Left thinks about some word or another. They and Humpty Dumpty can shove their pearl clutching moral outrage where the sun don't shine.
Awww. You want me to parse through over 42,000 posts and find that stuff again? Not happening.

But I will deign to give you one example. It's from Wise's book, Between Barack and a Hard Place. Yes, I have some of his writing, because that way I can pillory his stupidity more easily.

This is an unrelated example, as a sort of proof I'm actually quoting and using the book for an example.

On page 66, Wise has been discussing how the response to hurricane Katrina (remember that one?) was "racist." He states, Indeed, as I write this, not a single person who was renting at the time of Katrina--people who are disproportionately of color, and certainly lower income--has received a penny from the $10 billion post-Katrina rebuilding program...

Well, his unattributed and likely wrong assessment about renters aside, why the hell would ANY RENTER receive money for rebuilding? They don't own any property that was damaged. They have nothing to repair!

But this is typical of the lazy, superficial, and cherry-picked nonsense Wise spews regularly. The whole book--and for that matter, everything Wise spews--is rife with such mediocre 'intellectual' drivel. The guy is a poser, but he has that whole act down hard, and for those on the radical Left, they eat his shit up because he says what they want to hear.
Awww. You want me to parse through over 42,000 posts and find that stuff again? Not happening.
And right off the bat you do the usual MAGA MOOK SHUFFLE .... YOU LIE ABOUT WHAT OTHERS WRITE.

As the chronology OF THIS THREAD clearly shows YOU made two assertions of "proof" that to my recollection DOES NOT EXIST! With this post, there are only 31 posts on this thread. That's just two "pages" to scroll through. Or you can just enter my screen name in a search on this thread. Either way, a hell of a lot easier that you wasting yours and everyone else's time with your usual BS.

Case in point: you admit that you're not sticking to the request at hand. Instead you give an ALLEGED page number and quote from Wise's book. NO ONE who has engaged you over the years KNOWS NOT TO BELIEVE your version or recollections of things. Then you do your typical thing: YOU insert a supposition and conjecture as if it's logical and fact based. All I and everyone else does is just a quick research to prove you wrong.

Here stupid, for your education: https://www.fema.gov/fact-sheet/you-asked-im-renter-can-i-get-assistance-fema

Now, quit stalling and answer the challenge I gave you in Post #24. No more of your BS....put up or shut up!
Sure... The Left regularly tries to redefine words and terms they don't like because they are accurate. "Illegal alien" has become "migrant" because the Left finds "Illegal alien" offensive--BECAUSE IT IS ACCURATE!

I don't give a shit about what the Left thinks about some word or another. They and Humpty Dumpty can shove their pearl clutching moral outrage where the sun don't shine.
Again, you avoid the fact based response I used to deconstruct the lame propaganda of the MAGA/Right-Alt mooks and then try to change the subject to avoid admitting your error.
The topper "I don't give a shit about what the Left thinks about some word or another" says it all. Moronic MAGA/Alt-Right mooks wail like banshees if a black person calls you "cracka" or such. Poster Guno is reviled and called a "racist" by you and your like minded brethren when he uses such language. But it's OKAY WHEN YOU AND YOUR BUDDIES DO SOMETHING SIMILAR OR WORSE.

Thanks for proving what a BS hypocrite you are, T.A. The chronology of the posts will ALWAYS be your undoing.
Once properly challenged, Voles is like all 3rd rate pointed hooded propagandist .... he just parrots a line and fades away. What a little sheet wearing wussy our Volsrock is.
Awww. You want me to parse through over 42,000 posts and find that stuff again? Not happening.
And right off the bat you do the usual MAGA MOOK SHUFFLE .... YOU LIE ABOUT WHAT OTHERS WRITE.

As the chronology OF THIS THREAD clearly shows YOU made two assertions of "proof" that to my recollection DOES NOT EXIST! With this post, there are only 31 posts on this thread. That's just two "pages" to scroll through. Or you can just enter my screen name in a search on this thread. Either way, a hell of a lot easier that you wasting yours and everyone else's time with your usual BS.

Case in point: you admit that you're not sticking to the request at hand. Instead you give an ALLEGED page number and quote from Wise's book. NO ONE who has engaged you over the years KNOWS NOT TO BELIEVE your version or recollections of things. Then you do your typical thing: YOU insert a supposition and conjecture as if it's logical and fact based. All I and everyone else does is just a quick research to prove you wrong.

Here stupid, for your education: https://www.fema.gov/fact-sheet/you-asked-im-renter-can-i-get-assistance-fema

Now, quit stalling and answer the challenge I gave you in Post #24. No more of your BS....put up or shut up!
That isn't what Wise wrote about. Aside from that, read the FAQ's on that sheet. It discusses coverage beyond renter's insurance, something few low-end renters have. It is also called, Individual assistance not some program for "rebuilding" that Wise mentioned.
Again, you avoid the fact based response I used to deconstruct the lame propaganda of the MAGA/Right-Alt mooks and then try to change the subject to avoid admitting your error.
The topper "I don't give a shit about what the Left thinks about some word or another" says it all. Moronic MAGA/Alt-Right mooks wail like banshees if a black person calls you "cracka" or such. Poster Guno is reviled and called a "racist" by you and your like minded brethren when he uses such language. But it's OKAY WHEN YOU AND YOUR BUDDIES DO SOMETHING SIMILAR OR WORSE.

Thanks for proving what a BS hypocrite you are, T.A. The chronology of the posts will ALWAYS be your undoing.
You can't comprehend the difference between a word that describes someone's ethnic background and one that is specifically intended to be a racial slur. Again, you prove you have no comprehension of the English language.
You can't comprehend the difference between a word that describes someone's ethnic background and one that is specifically intended to be a racial slur. Again, you prove you have no comprehension of the English language.
No pretense needed, you idiot! Antiquated language created in a racist environment by the perpetrators of the congenital bigotry/racism in America is just that. There are millions of words in the American language that are no longer used by rational and honest folk. Again, you blow smoke to avoid this simple truth, yet have a hissy fit if Guno calls you a "cracka".

You're full of it as usual, T.A. So you'll just keep regurgitating the SOS while trying to ignore the accuracy and validity of my responses. You only get agreements from our resident bigots and racists and the fool you see in the mirror. Carry on.
US presidents Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Dwight Eisenhower all had black ancestry, according to recent articles published in several US newspapers and on the Internet website DiversityInc.
There are rumors about them, but nothing was ever proven. In fact, for the most part is was proven false.

Obama and Harris are Black beyond any doubt.