Looks like Obama will have his work cut out for him...


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Financial Disaster Will Lead to Civil Disorder in 2009 or 2010, Says Secret Citibank Memo

Mike Adams
Natural News
November 29, 2008

An internal memo from a top Citibank analyst reveals what the banks really think about the global financial situation, and the outlook is grim.

"The world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done. When the dust settles this will either work, and the money they have pushed into the system will feed through into an inflation shock," wrote Tom Fitzpatrick, Citibank’s chief technical strategist.

More at link..

Yes the company who couldn't predict the bubble, is magically able to predict the future accurately in this case!

Financial Disaster Will Lead to Civil Disorder in 2009 or 2010, Says Secret Citibank Memo

Mike Adams
Natural News
November 29, 2008

An internal memo from a top Citibank analyst reveals what the banks really think about the global financial situation, and the outlook is grim.

"The world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done. When the dust settles this will either work, and the money they have pushed into the system will feed through into an inflation shock," wrote Tom Fitzpatrick, Citibank’s chief technical strategist.

More at link..

Yes the company who couldn't predict the bubble, is magically able to predict the future accurately in this case!


what link?
Virtually all the finiancial experts and MBA's had their head up their butts until it was upon us.
I think they should all be stripped of degrees and such.
Virtually all the finiancial experts and MBA's had their head up their butts until it was upon us.
I think they should all be stripped of degrees and such.

Oh that's too cruel usc.

What would happen to someone like Top if you stripped him of his mba? The guy can't spell "cat", where's he gonna get a job? Have mercy usc!
Oh that's too cruel usc.

What would happen to someone like Top if you stripped him of his mba? The guy can't spell "cat", where's he gonna get a job? Have mercy usc!

If they failed in their job....

Or is this some kind of capitalistic union thing with job protection ?
And in a directly related move....


It's a beautiful set up. Obama gets to use the equivalent of marshal law against the common citizenry while the democratic party gets to blame Bush for starting it.

Of course, back in reality and out of crankworld, Obama hasn't used marshall law, and:

But the Bush administration and some in Congress have pushed for a heightened homeland military role since the middle of this decade, saying the greatest domestic threat is terrorists exploiting the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

So of course, it is a Bush Administration program.

But in crankworld, where we must blame the democrats, even for things that haven't happened, and they might never do! because we have a seething hatred for them because one of them once told us to shut the fuck up they were tired of hearing us pontificate, and don't let the door hit us on the way out, this all equals - Obama has instituted Marshall law and is blaming the Bush adminstration!"

God, if I had been in the meeting they threw your ass out of, I would have stood up and applauded.
And in a directly related move....


It's a beautiful set up. Obama gets to use the equivalent of marshal law against the common citizenry while the democratic party gets to blame Bush for starting it.

Actually, there was a bill that more directly allowed the president to declare martial law, the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. That bill repealed certain elements of the Insurrection Act. The Democrats reinstituted the Insurrection Act in its original form after taking control of Congress.
Actually, there was a bill that more directly allowed the president to declare martial law, the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. That bill repealed certain elements of the Insurrection Act. The Democrats reinstituted the Insurrection Act in its original form after taking control of Congress.
So why is the 5-sided sphincter still planning on it? This article is dated from yesterday, not a year ago.
Of course, back in reality and out of crankworld, Obama hasn't used marshall law, and:

Toppy told me to tell you it's 'martial' law.

Would Marshall law be laws made up by Eminem?
suuuurrre you were... you got skewered by Trog

That was years ago, how did you find out about...oh, you mean on this thread?

No, I know the correct phrasing and spelling of martial law. But if you needed another excuse to pull on my pigtails SF...