Lord Keller Destroys B.Hussien Obama!!!


I dare you to stop us GL
These quotes are from his liveprayer website.

"NO WE CAN'T! The cult of B. Hussein Obama. Remember I told you there would be a revival in this nation this year. Well, before we see a true spiritual revival that will bring millions to faith in Christ and help lead this nation back to God and Biblical values, there is going to be a "faux revival" led by the latest preacher of false hope, B. Hussein Obama. Obama is running for the Democratic Party's nomination to try and become the next President of the United States. He is preaching a gospel of change and hope. Thousands are flocking to his campaign rallies and becoming emotionally charged as this "political evangelist" preaches about hope and change. The problem is he is a false prophet and no true follower of Christ can follow or support this "false messiah of hope and change!"

May I point out that Lord Keller always says on his TV show that false prophets were killed a long time ago. And that the Old Testament tells us to kill them. Not trying to suggest anything people. Let's continue.

"Want another interesting fact about B. Hussein Obama. As someone who has done live TV every night for 5 yrs, if you watch Obama, he only gives those stirring hope and change speeches when he has a teleprompter so he can READ HIS LINES! This man is a complete fraud! When he is without a teleprompter, he resorts back to his typical stump speech on the issues. This "false messiah" of hope so many are clinging to, isn't even the author of his message of false hope and is incapable of delivering those passionate speeches without a teleprompter!"

Now I know what all of you Keller-haters are thinking. Lord Keller has been saying the exact same things about the exact same issues for 9 years now. He has no room to talk about stump speeches. WRONG! Lord Keller has already discussed every single religious issue. There's nothing else left to discuss. Sure, he uses the exact same wording, but that's only to keep it simple. And I know that you all bring up the fact that Keller talks about how he never asks for money while at the same time, asking for money on his liveprayer website. There is a big difference here. Keller is ONLY talking about not begging for money on his TV show. Even though he never says that, you should all get what he really means. It's not rocket science people...which is THE DEVIL!!! Moving on.

"Before I get any further into this Devotional today, sadly I have to stop and address something I have already been accused of just by announcing I would be dealing with Obama today. Anyone who has ready my Devotionals knows that I am not in any way shape or form a racist. You need to go my Devotional archives on the Liveprayer.com website and search for the Devotionals I have written on racism. The fact is, half of the Board of my Ministry are African-American men. Of the 2.4 million subscribers to the Daily Devotional, there are Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, people of every race in all parts of the world."

Lord Keller is NOT a racist! Even though he has said in the past that EVERY SINGLE word from the Old Testament is the word of God/100% TRUTH!!! And the Keller-haters might bring up passages like this from the OT.

"When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property." (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

Let me state for the record that the passage you read involves NO black slaves whatsoever. End of debate! Back to Lord Keller's message!!!

"What is most troubling to me is that B. Hussein Obama claims to be a Christian. Only God knows his heart, but Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey me," not live in rebellion to me. If B. Hussein Obama is truly a follower of Christ, how can he vote to support the legalized slaughter of babies and the redefining of God's Holy Institution of Marriage? Let me dispel an Internet rumor. Obama is NOT a Muslim. However, he did grow up in Muslim culture. Your life experiences shape who you are, so while not being a Muslim, he is no doubt sympathetic to the issues Muslims face."

Right on Bill! While Obama may not be a muslim, he basically is. And Lord Keller isn't trying to link Osama....I mean Obama to Muslims. He just states facts like pointing out his middle name and hiding his first name. He's not trying to imply anything by calling him B.Hussein Obama over and over again. Get a life people! Obama Bin Laden was raised in a Muslim culture! He's pure evil folks and what I'm about to show you proves it. Let's see what Lord keller brings up next!!!

"Interesting that B. Hussein Obama's first bill as a United States Senator was a world hunger relief bill that they are trying to ramrod through as we speak. This would force the United States to pay apx. $900 billion MORE than we already spend on world hunger. While we have to do our best to feed the hungry, I guess Obama never read where Jesus said, "The poor you will have with you always."

You see!!! Obama wants to help starving people! Is he trying to piss off God? God wants there to be poor people. He made it loud and clear and here comes some sand negro trying to help them out. God said that a friend of the world is his enemy. Lord Keller points that out all the time. So what does Keller really think about muslims. Let's look at some more of his words of wisdom!!!

"Let me be blunt. Islam is a false religion of hate and death, a 1400 year old lie dreamed up by a murdering pedophile named Mohammed. They have a very real goal of destroying this nation and all who live here who refuse to convert to their false religion. While those who seek to make Islam more acceptable and mainstream talk about peace, the fact is, ALL Muslims are guided by the same book of fantasies Mohammed inspired, the Qu'ran. Their book clearly calls for the DEATH of all infidels, and that means all Christians and anyone else who won't convert. They routinely execute Christians in other parts of the world, and would do so here in a heartbeat if they could get away with it. While B. Hussein Obama is NOT a Muslim, due to his life experiences, he is clearly sympathetic to Muslims, the ones who want to see this nation destroyed and all who live here who won't convert to their false religion dead!"

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Lord Keller is a peaceful, loving man. And that reminds me. Lord keller needs your help. He needs you to give him money so he can continute to say these wonderful things. Sure, he was convicted of insider trading in the 80's but he's a changed man. What would Jesus do?

To read the entire story on Obama, go to www.liveprayer.com and look at the daily devotional. DO IT!!!
God wants there to be poor people? And that makes him pretty much a Muslim because he wants to do something about helping the poor? I guess Jesus Christ was joking when he said to give all you have to the poor. I guess according to this Keller person that would make Jesus basically a Muslim. :rolleyes: This whole thing is a pathetic smear attempt. And Obama is trying to rally the troops so to speak so of course he's going to give speeches that do just that. Doy. You can visit his website for his policy plans and he DOES give speeches about his policy plans. Do you listen to every single speech? Of course Obama isn't that different from Clinton policy wise but he is more about how you do things and working together. Find something else to rant about. Oh and how funny the person ignored his first name all together and just does the Ann Coulter smear. :rolleyes:
I asked Lord Keller why he calls him "B.Hussein Obama" and here's what he said.

Know that I am praying for you, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller"
"Yes, and he clearly thinks you're an idiot that he has to pray for."

I bet he does. I made him look bad all the time.
I think President Hussien is better. He didn't want to dethrone Saddam. He was against the war from the very beginning................

I never seen Obama until Osama suddenly disappeared.....Where exactly is Bin Laden? Did he get black, plastic surgery? I'm just saying....
I've gotten all kinds of reactions from Lord Keller.

Tell us the reaction you have gotten. Were they nasty? Doubt it. Also you probably don't realize that it probably wasn't him that emailed you back. He has over 600 retired ministers that help him answer the emails. Oh, and from all kinds of denominations.
Tell us the reaction you have gotten. Were they nasty? Doubt it. Also you probably don't realize that it probably wasn't him that emailed you back. He has over 600 retired ministers that help him answer the emails. Oh, and from all kinds of denominations.

What do you guys do over there that makes KR so obsessed with trolling you?